[閒聊] 5/6 Daily Horoscope

看板Leo標題[閒聊] 5/6 Daily Horoscope 作者
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If you are choosing to move forward with something that you aren't quite certain about, set your concerns aside and jump in with enthusiasm. If you are making the choice to do this, Leo, then do it right. A half-hearted attempt will bring you weaker results. Even if you are basing your decision to go ahead on an educated guess or just a feeling, then you have to support it through your emotions and your actions. You have a good mind, and so it is likely your choice is a wise one. Believe in it.

如果你選擇這樣做,大獅們,那就把事情做好。 三心二意的嘗試只會給你帶來較遭的結果。

不管你的決定是有根據或只是憑感覺,那也必須用你的情緒和行動來支持它。 你是聰明的,所以你的選擇很可能是明智的。



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