[閒聊] 5/12 Daily Horoscope

看板Leo標題[閒聊] 5/12 Daily Horoscope 作者
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You have always done certain things for someone in your life. As a protectiveLeo, you are there for the people you care about in whatever capacity is necessary. This might involve helping out, providing, reassuring, inspiring, teaching, and so on. And although you don't do what you do for recognition or accolades, it is certainly nice to be appreciated. However, one particular person might have gotten to the point of taking you for granted, where they no longer realize the sacrifices you make. It's time to pull back a bit until they get the picture.


但是,某個特定的人可能已經將你的付出視為理所當然,他們不再意識到您所做的犧牲。 是時候退後一點,直到他們發現。



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budda 05/12 00:33說得好啊,做自己愛自己,不要再被軟土深掘了,大

budda 05/12 00:34