[閒聊] 5/16 ~ 5/22 Weekly Horoscope

看板Leo標題[閒聊] 5/16 ~ 5/22 Weekly Horoscope 作者
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You may wish that you could just jump right into a compatible, easy relationship with someone you have to work with on some level - either literally at work, or in some capacity of your personal life. But this will likely require youto build a rapport slowly. If you rush it, you may cause the other person to actually become alert and possibly become more distant. You have a big, wonderful, warm persona, Leo, but not everyone is comfortable with relating that way. You need to step back and take it slower. This is a great time to reconnect with a family member or a friend that has drifted away. Even if there was no actual conflict, you may have just gone off in different directions, and over time, you saw less of each other. But if this is someone you wish you were closer to, then this may be the time to reach out and make plans. Travel may figure into your week too, although it might be unexpected. This could be an unplanned work-related trip where you will need to take care of business, but there will almost certainly also be some element of enjoyment. Late in the week, be careful not to lose your temper with a cranky friend. Even though they might get on your last nerve, you need to remain calm and deal with it. A conflict could erupt if you don't handle this with kid gloves.






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