[閒聊] 6/11 Daily Horoscope

看板Leo標題[閒聊] 6/11 Daily Horoscope 作者
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Something that is very good in your life right now could be even better. You have a lusty way of living your life, Leo, but there are times when you are simply grateful for what you have, and you may feel guilty for wanting even more. But something that could be even better for you now is something you deserve, and you should not feel bad about wanting it. Get over any feelings of beingundeserving or being greedy - you are guilty of neither of those things.
你現在生活中有一件好事將會變得更棒。 大獅們,你有一種充滿活力的生活方式,但有時你只是對自己擁有的東西心存感激,而你可能會因為想要更多而感到內疚。


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