[外絮] Levi:希望Riot繼續扶植VCS賽區

看板LoL標題[外絮] Levi:希望Riot繼續扶植VCS賽區作者
時間推噓60 推:65 噓:5 →:56


GAM Esports has been representing their region on international stages
consistently since the 2022 League of Legends World Championship, and it was
no different for the 2024 Mid-Season Invitational. But regional issues have
hindered the performance of the team more than once, and now their historic
jungler calls for Riot’s support to see VCS grow bigger and better.

Ahead of their last match at MSI, GAM’s jungler,Levi,opened up about the teams challenges at MSI, the consequences of the 2024 match-fixing investigationsin VCS, and the absence of a LAN event in the region.

Levi shared how Emo revealed to the team that his mindset had been “heavily
affected” by the live audience, something the jungler could relate to, as
the team had been playing the whole season without any audience at all.
Expressing his personal disappointment, Levi shared how sad he felt not to
have an audience for VCS, the league for which he has a deep love.

“I would love to see [VCS] grow bigger and better,” continued Levi. “I
really hope, with Riot’s support, that day won’t be so far away.”

Levi then acknowledged the challenging times the VCS region is going through,including the 2024 match-fixing investigations that have also affected his
team. “It’s a very tough time for VCS, and I really, really appreciate any
help from all the fans all over the world,”
Levi added, showcasing gratitude
for the support during these difficult circumstances.

GAM’s regional dominance never translated on the international stage as well
as it did during this year’s MSI, where they made their opponents sweat for
a win and even succeeded in clutching an upset win against the Brazilian
LOUD. However, the VCS representatives met their end at the hands of LEC’s
second seed, Fnatic, in the last chance to qualify for the Bracket Stage of
the event. But did so amongst the applause of fans on-site and at home
following the team’s impressive performance against Fnatic.

Fans can expect to see GAM and Levi again at Worlds later this year, where
they’ll surely bring their best performance on the international stage once


Levi 直接在最近的賽後訪問中提到,希望 Riot 的支持能繼續讓 VCS 賽區茁壯、成長,並且變得更好,「我希望在 Riot 的支持下,那一天不會太遠。」

此外,Levi 也在訪談中提到,現在對 VCS 賽區來說真的是很艱難的時刻。「所以我很感謝世界各地粉絲們的任何幫助與支持。」



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tomlee1130 05/06 18:26越南彭政閔

zero9613719 05/06 18:26這次兵長真的盡力

nadleeh 05/06 18:26超過一半被抓走怎麼扶

aikun 05/06 18:26簽賭真的很傷阿...想想以前的台棒也是

sheep531531 05/06 18:27VCS重建路很漫長啊

howard1997 05/06 18:27到時候救起來又變組頭扶植賽區

howard1997 05/06 18:27你選手工資不漲就是等著被滲透

AbukumaKai 05/06 18:28不好巴

uglyfinger 05/06 18:29辛苦了...唉

chy19890517 05/06 18:29我覺得併入PCS吧…留下來這幾位有實力不差,跟我們

chy19890517 05/06 18:29一起煉蠱說不定更好?

tfoxboy123 05/06 18:29人的影響比較多

chy19890517 05/06 18:30當初職棒黑金事件,到現在還有人耿耿於懷,簽賭對職

chy19890517 05/06 18:30業影響遠比選手想得大很多。

relax1129 05/06 18:31誰理你啊越南也是盛行擦玻璃

Dnight 05/06 18:31賽區一堆打假賽怎麼扶…

jakcycoco 05/06 18:31這簽賭規模這麼大 實在看不好越南怎麼防範

KEITTLY 05/06 18:31傻了才收VCS的人,有沒有毒又不知道,PCS擔得起嗎?

ilovptt 05/06 18:31其實我覺得不錯欸,LJL, PCS, VCS,組成太平洋聯軍

uglyfinger 05/06 18:31對...老一輩的人其實當初看到簽賭很傷心...

uglyfinger 05/06 18:31*職棒簽賭

jakcycoco 05/06 18:31縮小規模併入PCS可能比較好

gcobs008781 05/06 18:32到現在還是會有人說棒球都打假的有啥好看 就知道VC

gcobs008781 05/06 18:32S難度有多高了

ro40186 05/06 18:33不如PCS3或4個名額然後合併

chy19890517 05/06 18:33我們有個別買太多,越南這批濾過的怎麼說也比我們乾

chy19890517 05/06 18:33淨= =

ilove640 05/06 18:33這規模真的太誇張 太傷了

Y1999 05/06 18:33你要確定只會有這批捏

chou3321 05/06 18:34認真打的選手真的很衰QQ

peggy0410 05/06 18:34根本還是選手薪資 打打假賽隨便都是薪水幾倍

Y1999 05/06 18:34薪水繼續低,賭盤繼續開, 永遠會有下一批,中職一

sowulo 05/06 18:34併進來吧 還可以住漢來吃胖老爹

Y1999 05/06 18:34堆答案可以慢慢抄

peggy0410 05/06 18:35薪資環境不改 假賽永遠存在 濾了一批你怎麼不知道

peggy0410 05/06 18:35沒有下一批

Yukimare 05/06 18:35別買太多還是別來蹭假賽賽區

Healine 05/06 18:35假賽區 還想要扶植喔

tindy 05/06 18:35你們自己國內先硬起來才有可能吧 起碼前4隊要乾淨

howard1997 05/06 18:36先確定濾過的之後會不會上車欸 搞不好第一波沒跟到

howard1997 05/06 18:36我不太信每個都是像兵長一樣啦

slm52303025 05/06 18:36這麼愛賭

peggy0410 05/06 18:36薪水夠高 才會讓選手沒有誘因去打假賽

a3221715 05/06 18:37電競周思齊

nadleeh 05/06 18:37篩一下超過一半被抓走,別反串吧

john5601 05/06 18:38鳥賽區連正賽都打不進

maple2378 05/06 18:39不提高選手待遇要怎麼根治?問題LOL泡沫都破了,其

maple2378 05/06 18:39他賽區也在降薪了

maple2378 05/06 18:39VCS也只是看得人多而已 一點變現的能力都沒有

nadleeh 05/06 18:40兵長不是最後一年了嗎

algebraic 05/06 18:40薪水先給高一點吧 不然那些髒手很容易進場

nadleeh 05/06 18:41這簍子捅出來這季玩直接倒也有機會

jeff235711 05/06 18:41典藏

obeytherules05/06 18:43薪水低小比賽不打假賽怎麼活

fezexp9987 05/06 18:44兵長就運氣好 有去NA和中國撈到錢

rbki3 05/06 18:44假賽後 我看是很難

Iukak 05/06 18:44PCS真的暫時先別亂收假賽賽區的人 等個3、5年再看看

seazure2016 05/06 18:48QQ 我覺得很難

rp20031219 05/06 18:53假賽區

kkoejeo 05/06 18:53假賽的太多了……

kevin50263 05/06 18:56想太多 現在拳頭的目標就是把LCK和LPL的剩餘價值榨

whangkiahao 05/06 18:56心靈支持但實際太難了

kevin50263 05/06 18:56乾完就收工 誰李小賽區

whangkiahao 05/06 18:57LMS打假的就算不是本土選手 都能被推翻了

annawat 05/06 18:57好的不學學台棒

GAOTT 05/06 18:57甲賽

whangkiahao 05/06 18:57VCS這一掀跟蟑螂窩沒兩樣 去蕪存菁入PCS應該不遠了

ccsu1234 05/06 19:02兵長來就好 嘻嘻

superRKO 05/06 19:051 2 3! PCS!

singernall 05/06 19:05難 這次抓一串這麼多表示整個環境都有問題

touurtn 05/06 19:07LPL假賽那麼多 成績夠好還不是會有死忠的

A00610lol 05/06 19:07越南彭政閔

A00610lol 05/06 19:08:希望拳頭再給我們一次機會

AdmiralAdudu05/06 19:12他太苦了

Windows11 05/06 19:15爆出這麼大的風波真的很傷

kevin50263 05/06 19:16現在就是其他賽區一起幫LPL收拾他們搞出來的薪資泡

kevin50263 05/06 19:17

h75311418 05/06 19:17有事件發生更不可能了….

yuanmi1283 05/06 19:19愛打假賽 乖乖滾蛋

sioprr 05/06 19:19南海算太平洋的一部分嗎?我地理不好

s91026 05/06 19:20假賽那麼多更不說獨立賽區除了KR跟CN有啥卵用

s91026 05/06 19:21重點是越南前幾年也沒啥名次

s91026 05/06 19:21更不說 疫情少打兩次世界賽,合併賽區最少還能打PCS

MonDaNai 05/06 19:23低薪繼續被滲透 高薪VCS玩不起 死局

s91026 05/06 19:23有外國隊伍+競爭壓力也比較難假賽

s91026 05/06 19:24日本跟台灣合併 越南前3來打PCS算了

myvoice 05/06 19:25這麼大規模簽賭,重建之路漫漫

xxlaws 05/06 19:27合併比較好

a524528 05/06 19:29加入我們吧

a524528 05/06 19:29簽賭就像當初的中職一樣,觀眾根本找不到支持隊伍的

a524528 05/06 19:30意義,誰知道妳們的強弱是真的假的

sawaman 05/06 19:31工資真的太少了,職業選手一個月不到台幣一萬= =

rewisyoung 05/06 19:31提高薪水才能降低打假賽意願 但問題是就沒產值不賺

rewisyoung 05/06 19:32錢要怎麼提高薪水zzz

nadleeh 05/06 19:35Rito現在連親兒子na都不太想扶了

bnm89164 05/06 19:42組頭感覺就是中國帶過去的

s920223 05/06 19:46兵長不如來PCS吧 這賽區老李也只有卡薩能打

AhCheng 05/06 19:46這簽賭很大呢,有第一次就肯定會有第二次吧 就看要

AhCheng 05/06 19:47怎麼防而已

xihuanna 05/06 19:49兵長來pcs的話應該還能打個2年

Mydadisgay 05/06 20:00高薪從那邊來?

NTUKarbe 05/06 20:02越南彭政閔

icestormz 05/06 20:02要考慮來pcs嗎

s5689 05/06 20:04

taeyeon09 05/06 20:08一定會扶植假賽賽區的

ben108472 05/06 20:29賭成這樣還繼續扶植,有可能?

wcp59478 05/06 20:33簽賭嚴不嚴重問嘉義人最清楚了 嘻嘻

bluejark 05/06 20:37你這標題用的怪怪的吧= =是故意的嗎

lucifiel161805/06 20:39宰相有權能割地,孤臣無力可回天,哭啊

bluejark 05/06 20:43原本意思是希望拳頭幫助vcs渡過艱難時刻吧

your025 05/06 20:43兵長你可以考慮扁那ad

bluejark 05/06 20:48levi的講法明明蠻低姿態的 上面被扶植兩字帶歪了

chaosmouse 05/06 21:23這次規模真的沒捨救... 兵長QQ

kakutomi 05/06 21:31越南恰恰

longkiss061805/06 21:34兵長 你們調查兵團 內鬼太多了

z23568903 05/06 21:52越南周思齊

zxcasd328 05/06 22:29整個聯賽只有兵長一個打野是乾淨的 真的有夠慘

barry841120 05/06 22:37越南恰哥QQ

Haruna1998 05/06 23:04心疼兵長= =

NocturneBoy 05/07 01:15假賽賽區 解散啦超級噁心

huangkua 05/07 03:46果然選手自己也有要被合併的感覺 電競周思齊加油

samhou6 05/07 04:28QAQ

UCML 05/07 08:47直接想到恰恰2010拍的緯來廣告

littlefish1 05/07 09:03想知道vcs選手薪水,一個會來低薪鬼島當外勞的國家

littlefish1 05/07 09:03,是不是選手養家都有問題,才會搞這些。

runacat 05/07 11:08levi是真的慘