[外絮] 100T twitter
It all starts with the Head Coach.
Please welcome Cain to the forefront of our 2023 LCS Roster.
Don’t get it twisted, it’s still the year of the duck.
will continue guiding our LCS Roster from the role of Assistant Coach.
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所以中路呢 到現在都沒消息
真假 簽了Quid嗎? 但是Gen二隊春季表現不太好吧
Quid應該確定了吧 整隊都在韓服練習了
[情報] 國王炒掉Luke WaltonThe Sacramento Kings fired coach Luke Walton on Sunday, sources told ESPN. Kings have lost seven of eight games and dropped to 6-11 on season – leaving them 12 th in the Western Conference. 國王隊週日解雇了總教練Luke Walton。國王隊在近8場比賽中輸掉了7場,本賽季戰績跌至6 勝11負——使他們在西區中排名第12。84
[閒聊] PSG FBPSG Talon 2022年教練團陣容 我們歡迎 CorGi 程品倫 加入 PSG Talon 擔任主教練! CorGi 自2014年便踏入電競賽場,有豐富的職業資歷 在2019年加入 LPL 隊伍 EDG 擔任教練 更在2021年與 EDG 一同拿下世界冠軍,並獲得 LPL 最佳教練的提名 (鼓掌)74
[外絮] 100T推特 2023陣容-100TSM來源: Our biggest heist yet. #100T Introducing your 100 Thieves roster for the 2023 LCS season: @Bjergsen @Doublelift137
[花邊] Penny Hardaway留任曼菲斯大學 找來布朗爺Penny Hardaway announces he will remain head coach at Memphis. Hall of Fame coach Larry Brown has agreed to become an assistant coach at Memphis under Penny Hardaway, sources tell me and @GoodmanHoops.36
[情報] 勇士助教Jarron Collins離開Longtime Golden State Warriors assistant coach Jarron Collins and the franchis e have mutually agreed to part ways, according to Marc J. Spears of The Undefe ated. 根據Marc J. Spears of The Undefeated,勇士助教Jarron Collins為了更大的角色與個 人發展,與勇士雙方同意分道揚鑣,結束長達7年的合作關係。23
[情報] Spoelstra擔任美國男籃Select Team總教練USA Basketball says Heat head coach Erik Spoelstra will serve as head coach of the 2021 USA Select Team. Gonzaga coach Mark Few and Mavericks assistant coach Jamahl Mosley will serve as assistant coaches. 熱火隊總教練Erik Spoelstra擔任2021年美國男籃Select Team總教練19
[情報] AF 推特 卡車召喚新總教 Cain前情提要:#1WZvoxT4 We officially announce the new head coach of team, Nu-ri ‘Cain’ Jang. Cain played as a player of Najin, and has been a coach & head coach of Cloud9 and Team Liquid in LCS since 2017. 我們正式宣布我們隊伍新的總教練 Cain。8
[閒聊] 100 Thieves 推特Rounding out our staff, @Nukeduck & @KireiLoL will be joining us as Assistant Coaches in 2023. The rebuild begins right here.5
[情報] 制服組異動David Fatoki 轉任聖克勇GM 經歷: 16-17賽季 聖克勇球員發展統籌教練 17-18賽季 聖克勇籃球營運總管3
[閒聊] G2 推特G2 LOL ROSTER ANNOUNCEMENT 2 Please welcome @DylanFalcoLoL and @rodrigo_rlt as our new Head Coach and Head Analyst! *Pending Riot approval
[閒聊] 統神:再打蹦闆,贏拿100萬請統粉吃飯61
[閒聊] 有比魔甘娜的Q禁錮更久的技能嗎51
[閒聊] Evi推特 早餐吃蚵仔大腸麵線50
[閒聊] Evi 推特 今晚胖老爹20
Re: [情報] 浪D收徒杯 冠軍13
[戰棋] 這版本是史上最平衡嗎