[閒聊] FlyQuest 推特
FlyQuest strives for competitive excellence in every esports title we
participate in — and through hard work and dedication, FlyQuest players and
teams across multiple titles have earned the right to compete at the 2024
Esports World Cup.
We understand that the EWC is a unique proposition, and as such, we will
encourage each one of our players, coaches and staff members to decide for
themselves whether they want to participate.
We will support all members of FlyQuest, regardless of whether they choose toparticipate in the EWC or not.
簡單來說就是 FlyQuest 會鼓勵每個選手 教練和工作人員自行決定要不要打電競世界盃
PSG:那個 不參加的話名額可以讓給我們嗎
Sent from BePTT on my Sony XQ-DQ72
鼓勵自行決定 聽起來有夠詭異==
這種東西應該是管理層要決定的吧 怎麼會給員工定
可以放棄嗎 好想看PSG打TL喔==
這個給選手選也合理吧 畢竟正常來說不會有這個盃賽
工作人員也可以決定 不會太雜嗎
去墊底的可能去的意願就不高吧 我猜
奇怪 為何不想打
也沒什麼錢吧 上次看到獎金池大部分都分給擦玻璃
這種就公關話術用的 不能明著講沙烏地錢太香 要弄得
自己有原則有堅持的 尤其是下個月就pride month 各
種拼命營造自己支持lgbt支持人權形象來賺錢 但又同
時想擁抱沙烏地 就會出現這種明眼人都懂的彆腳聲明
樓上正解 caedrel之前吐槽過打完可能來一波你們怎
麼支持沙烏地的清算 然後各大俱樂部再發表支持或和
對一般的觀眾和選手而言 就單純是有錢賺的熱鬧賽事
因為過去這些隊伍/電競人士搞挺人權 撻伐中東危害人
權 對形象提升太好賺了 但現在就灑給錢 看你是不是
真那麼有原則 結果就是這類聲明會越來越多
乾脆給二隊參加吧 這種比賽根本沒差
Sportswashing 在歐美爭議很大 公司得給個說法應付
na eu 這樣不會很意外啊,管g2老闆支持Andrew Tate
13樓 太專業了 厲害
說實在撇除$的因素 psg參加也沒什麼好處吧
[外絮] 電競世界盃LOL項目:邀四大賽區春季前二Last January, Jacob Wolf reported that, according to an internal email, two team s from each major region will be able to participate in the Esports World Cup. T his means there should be two teams from the following leagues: LoL EMEA Champio nship (LEC), LoL Champions Korea (LCK), North America's League Championship Seri90
[情報] Faker真的認真考慮過加盟TLAccording to sources close to the LoL leagues globally, Faker reportedly receive d considerable interest from the following teams: LNG Esports, Weibo Gaming, T1 , Team Liquid and FlyQuest. 根據情報指出,Faker在這個休賽季75
[電競] LCS 2021 Lock In◢/ ◢ / ◢ / ◢ ◢ 2021 ★ Lock In ◢ / / ◢/54
[情報] FLY夏季賽將棄用JensenMid laner Nicolaj "Jensen" Jensen will be benched from FlyQuest ahead of the LCS 2024 Summer Season, sources have told Sheep Esports on Wednesday. Instead, FlyQ uest Challengers mid laner Song "Quad" Su-hyeong will be promoted to the LCS ros ter.54
[情報] BLG領先8275被逆轉,MSI歷史第六今天第二把是本屆MSI目前差距最多的逆轉 同時也是歷史第六 Biggest gold comebacks at #MSI2024 NEW PSG Talon v Bilibili 827530
[電競] 2021 LCS Lock In Finals◢/ ◢ / ◢ / ◢ ◢ 2021 ★ Lock In ◢ / / ◢/27
Re: [問題] 為什麼沒隊伍把Faker挖去中國?上次續約期有兩支LPL(LNG、WBG)報價 然後兩支LCS(FLY、TL) 其中FLY年薪開$3M-$5M、TL開更高 最後T1給的合約總額和TL差不多 然後在LPL實施工資帽前20
[情報] FlyQuest推特:Prince離隊FlyQuest官方推特 It's a terrible day for rain... It's with heavy hearts, we part ways with @FLYprince0405. A force of nature with the brightest future ahead of him. We wish him nothing but the best on his next3
[外絮] Josedeodo 加入 FLYQuest來源 WorldQuest @FlyQuest The Man. The Myth. The Legend. Flag of Argentina We're excited to announce @Josedeodo for our 2021 roster! Bienvenido al equipo!1
[閒聊] FlyQuest推特 & C9推特FlyQuest @FlyQuest Official If the US can beat England in the World Cup, NA can win Worlds. 5:30 AM · Nov 26, 2022·Twitter Web App 如果美國能在世界盃擊敗英格蘭,那NA也能贏下世界冠軍