[閒聊] Tactical 推特 找工作

看板LoL標題[閒聊] Tactical 推特 找工作作者
時間推噓21 推:22 噓:1 →:5

Officially LFT for 2025

I'd like to thank IMT for the opportunites for the last 2 years and giving mepermission to speak with other teams.

My results the last few splits were very dissapointing and I had really
wanted to show everyone that we could have done better. I still very much
enjoy competing and think I can show alot more of what I can do and provide
to a team.

I would be grateful for a new journey and thanks to all the various
players/staff i met over the years

Please reach out to [email protected]
and thanks for reading :)

我正在為 2025 賽季尋找隊伍

我想感謝 IMT 過去兩年給我的機會及允許我和其他隊伍接觸


靠北 現在還有主要賽區隊伍會想找霸主嗎= =

不過剛查了一下 他才 24 沒想像中老

Sent from BePTT on my Sony XQ-DQ72


※ PTT留言評論
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rainnawind 09/15 21:4324也不年輕了

bear15328 09/15 21:44誰啦 根本沒聽過

howard1997 09/15 21:44美國霸主

JWrld4L 09/15 21:45對他的印象是永遠都在送頭 然後打野生無可戀的臉

lb01833364 09/15 21:45霸主

tvc0101046 09/15 21:45浪漫NA

howard1997 09/15 21:45媽寶搭過最極品的AD

Yoru 09/15 21:45這個內文很不吸引人欸 我打得很爛 拜託花錢養我

DioEraclea 09/15 21:46樹屋還在嗎

Kai877 09/15 21:46最臭的AD

howard1997 09/15 21:47幹對欸 求職文這樣打 是在跟人乞討工作嗎

apoda 09/15 21:47現在好像變很瘦,我是說桃園那一位

Shichimiya 09/15 21:48霸主

ParuruChan 09/15 21:48CFO簽了

cornsoup 09/15 21:48這是討錢文嗎

kukulee 09/15 21:52霸主

jackylin199909/15 21:55算了吧你 不配打職業

yowhatsupsli09/15 22:00霸主乖乖去鏟薯條

WhiteMouse 09/15 22:15台灣霸主 人感覺快沒了 NA霸主 還行ㄇ==

qaz940233 09/15 22:26她真的是maple生涯搭過最爛的AD

amos30627 09/15 22:41corejj把他帶到不屬於他的高度

shin840628 09/15 22:48APAC收

betterbutter09/15 23:58霸主

kanding255 09/16 02:02NA 選手 LUL

JRSmith 09/16 02:11超爛AD 每次都自己往人群衝

ap9xxx 09/16 02:28麥當勞收

st2k8 09/16 03:37戰術性送頭

SKTDoinb 09/16 10:18這咖坑了簡皇多久自己心裡有數