[閒聊] Upset 推特
Why do na teams pay their players so much?
Because airport food is so expensive
為什麼 NA 要付選手那麼多薪水?因為機場的食物很貴。
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NA aka Near Airport
首PoAfter taking time to reflect on the situation, I’ve collected my thoughts and wanted to share them here 在花了些時間思考情況後,我整理了思緒,並想要在這邊跟大家分享34
看完原文,基本上這逃賽馬子狗就是瘋狂重複 幾段話: 我只相信HYLI(輔助)Yamato(教練之類的)其他人老子不相信-》Adams,你們 這些人可能都是廖北阿,我有權利保有個人隱私,你們居然不相信我! 而且他不只講一次,這種屁話在整篇超級長的文章出現無數次,我花完時間看完只覺的更 火大。38
首Po雖然上一篇有人在推文提到了 但我想說多發一篇討論度應該能更高 還能騙 P 幣 文章一樣很長 一樣用重點摘要翻譯法 ‧Upset 不想跟大眾分享私人的事情是有原因的,因為他的個人生活可能會被散布出去。 ‧Upset 只跟 Hyli 和 YamatoCannon 分享,因為他信任他們。
Re: [外電] Info - Rajon RondoFrank Vogel on why he kept faith in Rondo despite him returning from so much time off. "I do know that he worked extremely hard... So hard that he hurt his back a little bit," Vogel said. "You know what kind of gamer he is this time of year, and he's been spectacular." 我哥解釋為什麼 Rondo 歸隊花了那麼久的時間, 他卻依舊對其充滿信心 "因為我知道他為了歸隊練的有多麼的拼,67
[閒聊] G2老闆 Ocelote 推特NA “Near Airport” is known as the fastest region to arrive at the Airport. Since they gave up on the LoL Worlds Championship, they are investing in Speedruns. In particular they are current worldrecord holders in Airport Any % and Airport no wins.57
[外絮] Rogue 推特Can’t wait to see all the NA teams at the airport. 等不及在機場見到所有 NA 隊伍了 #Worlds2020 歐洲代表 Rogue 在昨天的 B 組賽事輸給 PSG54
[閒聊] Riot 歐洲區英雄聯盟主管 MAXtheX 推特Dear #LEC Teams, When I said “I want you to beat NA at #Worlds2021” I did not mean their airport speedrun record. Apologies for any confusion.37
[閒聊] C9 推特NA “Near Airport” is known as the fastest region to arrive at the Airport. #C9LoL fall to @teamDFMin Day 2 of #MSI2021. #GGWP NA,又名「靠近機場」(Near Airport),是一個以最快抵達機場而聞名的賽區。24
[閒聊] LS 推特:NA隊伍拒絕與二隊團練The amount of things plaguing NA from the foundation up is alarming. Horror stories that exist behind the scenes like players refusing to scrim academy because itll make the academy players better and risk their job security have to go. Lack of care about so much, legit insanity24
[外絮] KMT(CFO教練)推特As a Japanese it was always hard for me to understand American, What was weird to me is they like bragging about freedom because I didn't think that I have any less freedom than them. I always thought What is the difference? I finally understand it. NA is just so fucking free11
[閒聊] G2 & 歐美 推特 多則賽前 Alright let's get it @TeamLiquidLoL1X
[閒聊] PSG推特 SORRY PSG FAM poor performancePSG TALON #MSI2022 SORRY PSG FAM poor performance Hurts so much to say this but its true ... NA > PCS :(
[閒聊] T1官方開放週邊退款爆
[閒聊] Tom傳出可能會去韓華 薪資10億韓元爆
[閒聊] 多藍接到T1電話後 猶豫了多久才答應?爆
[閒聊] HLE這陣容明年要走到哪才算及格爆
[閒聊] 不能好聚好散是T1還是宙斯的問題爆
[閒聊] Ambition談Zeus離隊爆
[外絮] KT IG (Welcom deokdam )爆
[閒聊] Chovy:多藍超愛Faker 多藍:不是這樣的爆
[閒聊] T1其他三個會後悔沒逃走嗎爆
[閒聊] Doran IG發文爆
[閒聊] Gumayusi評論Zeus貼文:明年等著挨揍吧爆
[外絮] Faker 外交部演講74
[電競] LGC 傳奇杯/老頭杯 Day.647
[閒聊] 宙斯知道他離開T1的後果嗎60
[閒聊] 如果宙斯之後回T1 粉絲會原諒他嗎45
[閒聊] 為啥T1可以這麼快官宣Doran37
[閒聊] 放棄高薪拿到lol三連冠有什麼意義嗎?78
[閒聊] 為什麼宙斯離開要這麼崩潰38
Re: [閒聊] 不能好聚好散是T1還是宙斯的問題39
[閒聊] 其實非可粉應該蠻期待的吧31
[閒聊] T1對談約的官方說法還沒出來怎就定調了38
Re: [閒聊] T1官方開放週邊退款27
[閒聊] T1三小 OGK是不是最大受害者89
[閒聊] HLE今年沒奪冠還能怎麼補強?34
[問題] 這次轉會奧批奧怎麼沒什麼大約消息?23
[閒聊] T1瑕疵的地方是沒有給Kiin報價嗎?28
Re: [閒聊] T1瑕疵的地方是沒有給Kiin報價嗎?37
[閒聊] Doran去T1可能世界賽突然不軟手嗎?22
[閒聊] zeka那破爛角色池真的有人期待?27
Re: [閒聊] DCG總監:我會從PCS一路殺回LCP