[軟體] 請問哪步錯了?

看板MAC標題[軟體] 請問哪步錯了?作者
時間推噓 推:0 噓:0 →:0


on findLastTargetIndex(targetItem, itemList)
set lastIndex to 0
repeat with i from (count of itemList) to 1 by -1
if item i of itemList is targetItem then
set lastIndex to i
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
return lastIndex
end findLastTargetIndex

beep 1
beep 1
tell application "System Settings"
delay 1
tell application "System Events"
tell process "System Settings"
click menu item "顯示器" of menu "顯示" of menu bar item "顯示" of menu bar 1
delay 0.3
tell group 1 of group 2 of splitter group 1 of group 1 of window "顯示器"
click pop up button "添加"
delay 0.3
-- 获取所有菜单项的名称
set menuItems to name of menu items of menu "添加" of pop up button "添加"
-- 通过名字查找要准确一些,这里去找最后一个名字的索引,因为如果 ipadpro 有
set targetIndex to (my findLastTargetIndex("XXX‘s iPad", menuItems))

-- 点击目标菜单项
click menu item targetIndex of menu "添加" of pop up button "添加"
on error
delay 0.5
end try
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
delay 1
beep 1
tell application "System Settings" to quit


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