[情報] Torii Hunter 擔任天使隊總經理特助
Tossing tonight's Honorary First Pitch: @toriihunter48!
Torii also joins the Angels as a Special Assistant to the General Manager.
Torii Hunter 今天賽前擔任老東家天使隊的開球嘉賓
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反而Conger去雙城 有點好笑
01 年開始與一朗壟斷外野 GG 使三個名額剩一個讓其他人競爭
[分享] 天使GM:大谷自己決定要不要出來投Angels GM Perry Minasian when asked if Ohtani will pitch tonight: “His call.” Updated column on the biggest sub-plot in the WBC final: 丟CHATGPT的翻譯爆
Re: [花邊] LBJ:最討厭在波士頓打球 球迷都種族歧視蠻訝異波士頓=美國歧視大本營這一點在這一版是新聞 這個問題隔壁棚是已經討論到爛掉了,推文也有提到,這邊幫大家整理一下 #1Usp9TjI (MLB) 九次金手套得主 Torii Hunter 提到「他在每一份合約都加註了不可交易條款 以避免被送往波士頓,因為芬威球場的球迷會用種族歧視的言論詆毀他。」53
[情報] 天使隊獲得Hunter RenfroeOFFICIAL: The Angels today acquired OF Hunter Renfroe from the Milwaukee Brewers in exchange for RHP Janson Junk, RHP Elvis Peguero and minor league LHP Adam Se minaris. 用三個投手跟釀酒人換來平民版鱒魚Hunter Renfroe39
[情報] Torii Hunter與不可交易條款消息來源: Torii Hunter played 19 major-league seasons between the Minnesota Twins, Los Angeles Angels, and Detroit Tigers. One team he made a point never to play for was the Boston Red Sox. Torii Hunter在明尼蘇達雙城隊、洛杉磯天使隊和底特律老虎隊間共經歷了19個賽季。32
Re: [情報] 大谷翔平可在老闆或總裁換人後逃脫合約This could also be a result of how things went down during Ohtani's tenure wit h the Los Angeles Angels where former general manager Billy Eppler was fired a few seasons into his deal. Ohtani and Eppler shared a strong connection, whic h was one of the reasons he picked the Angels in the first place.ꀊ20
[討論] Torii Hunter時代天使怎比較強torii hunter時代,天使打進去好幾次季後賽 以2009來跟洋基打美冠那年,先發也只有 john lacky santana kazmir16
[分享] 同隊六年連一次五成勝率都沒達到?天使隊同隊六年連一次五成勝率都沒達到?天使隊是怎麼揮霍了 Mike Trout 和大谷翔平 作者:運動視界編輯 天使隊是被詛咒了嗎? 總教練 Phil Nevin 在美國時間九月七號,當他們終止了八月後三次六連敗之一、獲得難得 的勝利後拋出了這個問題。因為這一勝的代價可不小,他們最火燙的打者 Luis Rengifo 在6
Re: [情報] Torii Hunter與不可交易條款The Boston Red Sox have responded to recent comments by Torii Hunter regarding racial abuse at Fenway Park. "Torii Hunter's experience is real. If you doubt him because you've never heard it yourself, take it from us, it happens," the club said in a5
[情報] Tony Reagins出任WBC美國隊總管美國棒協剛剛宣佈 將由Tony Reagins擔任WBC美國隊的總管 Allow us to introduce our @WBCBaseball General Manager: MLB's Chief Baseball Development Officer has been tasked to lead Team3
[情報] 沙胖將擔任主席Rob Manfred的特助MLB names CC Sabathia special assistant to commissioner Rob Manfred 大聯盟於今日宣布 沙胖C.C Sabathia將擔任主席Rob Manfred的特別助理