[情報] Justin Verlander 將在本週五投復健賽
Buck Showalter says the plan is for Justin Verlander to throw 3-4 innings in
his rehab start on Friday, with him planning to rejoin the Mets after that
Justin Verlander 去年12月與大都會隊簽下兩年8666萬合約
※ PTT留言評論
[分享] Verlander和Kate Upton度假去Justin Verlander and his supermodel wife, Kate Upton, are making another splash following his free-agency signing with the Mets. Days after Verlander agreed to a two-year, $86.6 million deal with the Mets foll owing five-and-a-half seasons with the Astros, this year’s AL Cy Young Award wi50
[情報] Justin Verlander 逃脫合約成為自由球員News: Justin Verlander has officially opted out of his contract with the Astros, as expected. He’s a free agent. @MLBNetwork 一如預期的逃脫與太空人隊的合約(1年25M),進入自由球員市場 40歲的賽揚獎投手,下一張合約能拿多少?30
[情報] Justin Verlander取得明年25M球員選擇權Astros' Justin Verlander earns conditional $25 million player option by clearing 130-inning threshold Justin Verlander在上一場先發後,本季投球局數來到130局 而根據他季前和太空人簽下的1yr/25M合約26
[情報] Justin Verlander進15天傷兵名單The Astros have made the following roster moves: - Justin Verlander has been placed on the 15-day IL - Jake Meyers has been optioned to AAA + Brandon Bielak has been recalled from AAA + J.J. Matijevic has been recalled from AAA13
[情報] 大都會隊已與Justin Verlander進行談判NEWS: According to @Ken_Rosenthal, the #Mets have spoken with Justin Verlander. "The Mets, dealing with several holes in their rotation, including the possible loss of ace right-hander Jacob deGrom, spoke with Verlander by Zoom last week, a ccording to major-league sources." #LGM10
Re: [討論] 大都會選V老不選地瓜的邏輯?Jacob deGrom 5yr/185M Justin Verlander 2yr/88.66M 我先說結論我是地瓜迷 相信任何棒球迷看他投球 都會認定他是地表最強投手6
[分享] Ben Verlander:完全比賽啦Ben Verlander:完全比賽啦 Sooo I just threw a Perfect Game with my brother in MLB The Show on the hardest level to get to the highest rating I ever have (1007) This was cool. Thanks @JustinVerlander4
[分享] 強投合約大不同,大聯盟球探和高層如何強投合約大不同,大聯盟球探和高層如何評估Jacob deGrom和Justin Verlander? 運動視界編輯 2022/12/07 來源: MLB自由市場中最頂級的兩位投手:Jacob deGrom和Justin Verlander,近期先後完成簽約 ,前者與遊騎兵簽下5年1億8500萬的合約,後者則跟deGrom的老東家大都會,簽下2年8666