[情報] Adrian Houser to Mets

看板MLB標題[情報] Adrian Houser to Mets作者
時間推噓 8 推:8 噓:0 →:3

David Stearns, Mets president of baseball operations, makes deal with his
former team by acquiring RHP Adrian Houser and outfielder Tyrone Taylor from
the Brewers for minor-league RHP Coleman Crow. The deal saves the Brewers
about $7M. On it, @Ken_Rosenthal and @ByRobertMurray


獲得投手 Adrian Houser 以及外野手 Tyrone Taylor

至於釀酒人隊則是拿到小聯盟投手 Coleman Crow,並且省下大約700萬美金



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a1ibooda12/21 07:50Taylor也不錯

Adam661312/21 08:19跟原本梅子的小聯盟投手不熟 不過補這兩個應該還不錯

HUNGGUM12/21 08:37房東

saiulbb12/21 08:45對大都會來說還不錯 就看能不能補到山本了

elite556612/21 09:59Houser喔Peko

LucasDuda12/21 10:14這小交易是真的還不錯

hayashijun12/21 10:235樓XD

saidon12/21 11:355f笑死peko

uranusjr12/21 13:17Coleman Crow 季末才從天使用 Escobar 換來的

blacklittle12/22 04:53GM真愛Houser 在酒鬼從太空人搞來 現在再搞來梅子

pedro50112/22 07:32梅子要這他幹嘛。