Fw: [情報] 落磯老闆不認同教士的建隊方式

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作者: zxc906383 (無無) 看板: Baseball
標題: [情報] 落磯老闆不認同教士的建隊方式
時間: Sun Jan 29 11:52:39 2023

Rockies' Monfort calls out Padres spending, roster construction

Colorado Rockies owner Dick Monfort is skeptical of the way the San Diego Padres have constructed their roster.

落磯老闆Dick Monfort對於同區教士的建隊方式保持懷疑態度

"What the Padres are doing, I don’t 100% agree with, though I know that our fans probably agree with it. We’ll see how it works out," Monfort said Saturday, according to the Denver Post's Patrick Saunders.


Monfort acknowledged the Padres' depth of talent, but believes they are not a complete team and will face some financial questions in the future as they try and keep some of their stars in the fold.


"I look at the Padres and they have a really talented team, but they have some holes, too," Monfort said. "They’ve got three, maybe four starting pitchers, and then they’re sort of like us. They have (Joe) Musgrove, (Blake) Snell and (Yu) Darvish, so I don’t know."


"They have spent a lot of money and they will have to spend a lot more if they want to keep (outfielder) Juan Soto. But it does put a lot of pressure on you. Yes, it does."


The Rockies have had a very quiet offseason thus far. The club signed right-hander Pierce Johnson to a one-year, $5-million contract and made a few trades to improve its depth.

落磯這休賽季用1yr/5M簽下前教士牛棚Pierce Johnson


Despite the lack of splashy moves thus far, Monfort believes the Rockies are capable of surprising teams and putting together a respectable campaign in 2023.

"I think we have a competitive team, and I think we are learning some things that we need to learn to do differently," Monfort said. "I think this is really a year where we can really step it up a little bit."


The Rockies haven't posted a winning season since 2018 and registered their fewest victories in a season (68) since 2015 last year.



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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ※ 轉錄者: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 01/29/2023 11:52:49

smooth092001/29 12:07洛磯這老闆在自X吧= =

a1ibooda01/29 12:07小氣鬼好意思說人家凱子爹

gt1234501/29 12:07賣納豆簽老大的球隊還敢說別人喔XD

lowl9901/29 12:08好了啦,你就跟紅人一樣繼續墊底當坦隊

saiulbb01/29 12:14落磯/紅人/天使的老闆真是很有存在感

ACEric217301/29 12:15其實落磯花得錢沒有很少喔

ACEric217301/29 12:15只是操盤一直很迷高層也不太相信數據

ACEric217301/29 12:16跟紅人運動家這種摳門的還是有差

davidex01/29 12:16關你屁事 你要買他們嗎

davidex01/29 12:16自家球隊那麼爛還敢嘴人

ACEric217301/29 12:18小資球團也有像光芒守護者這種成功的,花大錢的也有

ACEric217301/29 12:18像天使一樣戰績不行的

abc1281201/29 12:19看隊史戰績 落磯跟教士是差不多等級吧

ACEric217301/29 12:20dick monfort 只要還是老闆,落磯應該就還是全聯盟最

abc1281201/29 12:20從2001年算起 兩隊都是進四次季後賽

ACEric217301/29 12:20傳統派的球隊

abc1281201/29 12:20從2011年算起 兩隊都是進兩次季後賽

EZ7801/29 12:26 笑死 超嘴

圖 落磯老闆不認同教士的建隊方式

hcubed01/29 12:41乾你P事 你先把自己球隊搞好再說好不好

YDSK01/29 13:06如果是光芒講還比較有說服力,洛磯...算了吧給人家笑而已XD

MiUh01/29 13:12還蠻好笑的,呵呵

jino0101/29 13:16山上寂寞 刷存在感

bight13501/29 13:27Rockies' superstar is a Cardinal

tyrone092301/29 13:31落磯講真的沒說服力阿,他敢不敢去問落磯球迷,願意

tyrone092301/29 13:31現在這樣建隊,還是像教士這樣買球員

devilsky01/29 13:46關你屁事請問...?

deadknightvi01/29 13:49不認同就拿出可以讓其他球隊認同的建軍方式啊 呵呵

sampsonlu91901/29 13:51Monfort不倒 洛基不會好

faelone01/29 14:02坦隊乖乖低調賺錢就好,還在那邊管別人怎模花

x12398778901/29 14:12XDDDD

es9114ian01/29 14:39最慘的始終是洛磯迷啊,這老闆不滾球隊永遠不會好

laking01/29 14:54不是還有KB他不算球星喔?

Fukudome01/29 15:17完美示範什麼叫得了便宜又賣乖

Fukudome01/29 15:17靠分潤賺錢反過來批評大市場球隊花錢

n6120801/29 15:26KB離開小熊後就不是「球星」了吧

zxc90638301/29 15:28重點是教士是小市場球隊XD

AhCheng01/29 16:24現在落磯老闆講一堆這種話,都讓人沒有感覺

cplusplus42601/29 16:42說真的 教士有說服力多了

whhw01/29 16:46XDD

Affleck01/29 17:15酸葡萄?

Sechslee01/29 18:01笑死

ck2oliver501/29 18:15山上很冷出來靠北取暖

asdfzx01/29 18:38人家教士很帶種啊,你呢?

mose5678901/29 19:33啊是關你O事==

davidex01/29 19:51不過也多虧了這種鳥隊 讓LAD年年可以洗百勝

ShockHo22201/29 20:03語畢,全場哄堂大笑

timchen011101/29 21:16你有資格說別人?

mose5678901/29 21:53補推 真的在開玩笑欸 人家花錢搞好球隊你在幹麻

mightymouse01/30 08:27這種話從洛磯老闆嘴巴講好像怪怪的

mightymouse01/30 08:28而且肯砸錢也比不上不下或擺爛開坦要好

sampsonlu91901/30 08:51亂撒錢的確不好沒錯 但你落花錢方式也沒有很聰明啊

sampsonlu91901/30 08:52XD 就算KB有地緣關係 老闆的開價也太凱了

GenjiEd01/30 13:16語畢哄堂大笑

duo13101/30 14:51傳統派結果把球隊臉交易出去~~笑死

allen6352101/30 16:29教士全隊真的砸錢簽來的大FA就Machado跟XB 其他明星

allen6352101/30 16:29球員幾乎都燒農場換的 還都是那種arb或別人綁好複數年

allen6352101/30 16:29限的

Chtgo01/30 17:35笑死 你戰績比教士好再來說嘴

bdgg01/30 18:28我也不認同你的摳門方式

sunnyyoung01/31 00:55聯盟最爛之一還真有臉講

reborn622901/31 16:55哪像你都不花錢

reborn622901/31 16:56就算花錢也簽一堆爛約

wazabi01/31 21:23說不認同也沒錯啊,相對教士,弱雞確實很省