[情報] Fernando Rodney 盼能重返大聯盟

看板MLB標題[情報] Fernando Rodney 盼能重返大聯盟作者
時間推噓20 推:20 噓:0 →:6

Fernando Rodney: Not ruling out return to MLB

Rodney has not given up hope of pitching in the major leagues again, Sam Blumof The Athletic reports.

Rodney will turn 47 in March and hasn't seen any action in the majors since
2019, so it would be the longest of long shots. The three-time All-Star has
been pitching in the Mexican League and Dominican Winter League the last few
years and says he wants to continue playing until he's 50.

即將在今年三月份滿47歲的Fernando Rodney


Rodney 前一次在大聯盟投球則是在2019年球季


本季目前在多明尼加冬盟出賽18場,戰績為零勝一敗,拿下兩次救援成功 防禦率 4.24





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ybw01/21 18:06不來旅台一下嗎

earnformoney01/21 18:09他幾歲了...

kayuzzo1513501/21 18:15第一行不久有寫了 看一下內文很難嗎

EEERRIICC01/21 18:26我以為他是拿冠軍後退休捏

GIGAADSL01/21 18:31還會看到軟泥的新聞真是神奇

ocean1101/21 18:3447歲...

dd1115dd111501/21 18:38他受訪說覺得自己可以投到50歲

dd1115dd111501/21 18:38好厲害喔

dd1115dd111501/21 18:38他差一年可以拼到1000出場可惜了

ForeverChop01/21 18:5047賣鬧 先來中職探探路吧

cloud24101/21 18:53中華職棒大聯盟的劃有機會

TrueTears01/21 19:08軟泥!

saiulbb01/21 19:24軟泥有這個企圖很好 拿過戒 也可以認真退休了吧

n6120801/21 19:26二樓不是問句吧他意思是:他「都」幾歲了

Fitzwilliam01/21 19:41MLB要簽他大概只有辦引退賽賣商品的用途(?)

davidex01/21 19:57CPBL也不缺後援牛吧

polanco01/21 20:35台鋼缺吧 只怕跟紅中起衝突

xoxo801/21 21:07紅襪表示問來開看看

eee6010901/21 21:35均速剩多少

ashilol01/21 22:55均速有85嗎==

Basket020501/21 23:21B.Colon投到45的樣子

ray4170501/22 03:55推三樓

mygoing01/22 07:54紅襪便宜收

dd1115dd111501/22 09:56他自己說可以投到92 93

kamihio01/23 11:12當教練嗎?

earnformoney01/24 00:57三樓不知道在兇啥 我的語意很難懂嗎?