[情報] 太空人不想給Bregman超過6年的長約
Jeff Passon mentioned that the Astros don't want to spend over 6 years for
Alex Bregman, which is not a surprise.
This doesn't mean the 156/6 is the last offer, Houston could still bump up
the full amount but they aren't going over 6 years
Passon提到太空人不想給 Alex Bregman超過6年的合約,但這並不代表6Y156M是最後的合約,太空人依然可以繼續提高總額但不會超過6年
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※ 編輯: jclee0000 ( 臺灣), 12/20/2024 03:44:40
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[情報] 太空人報價給 Alex Bregman 6Y/156M太空人報價給Alex Bregman 6Y/156M 以他情況來說這合約真的很多錢 Alex Bregman 打擊成績太空人主場限定才能最大化加上還會退化 如果他不想留去別隊能拿那麼多錢嗎 太空人對Alex Bregman誠意滿滿,不知道太空人能不能留住Kyle TuckerX
[情報] Alex Bregman 、Jose Altuve也道歉了Alex Bregman: “I am really sorry about the choices that were made by me team, by the organization and by me. I’ve learned from this and I hope to regain t he trust of baseball fans.” 是”my” team吧 好像筆誤了11
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[情報] 太空人GM: Altuve、Bregman該終身太空人Astros GM wants new deals for Jose Altuve, Alex Bregman New general manager Dana Brown hopes some of Cristian Javier's teammates follow the pitcher's example and agree to long-term contracts, saying stars Jose Altuve and Alex Bregman should be Houston Astros "for life." "We're in the keeping business,'' Brown said Thursday while discussing Javier's11
[情報] 太空人將和Kyle Tucker談延長合約In an appearance on MLB Network Radio today, Brown told hosts Jim Bowden and Jim Duquette that the club plans to discuss a long-term extension with outfielder K yle Tucker in addition to Bregman. 太空人總管Dana Brown表示,它們將和Kyle Tucker談一份長約1X
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[炸裂] Alex Bregman華盛頓國民vs休士頓太空人 三局下 Alex Bregman面對Daniel Hudson敲出全壘打 春訓首安首轟 是一發陽春砲 國民5:3太空人 Bregman頂住壓力 無視現場噓聲- 作者: zxc906383 (無無) 看板: Baseball 標題: [情報] 太空人GM: Altuve、Bregman該終身太空人 時間: Fri Feb 17 20:51:04 2023 Astros GM wants new deals for Jose Altuve, Alex Bregman New general manager Dana Brown hopes some of Cristian Javier's teammates follow