[情報] 光芒簽下Danny Jansen 1y/8.5M

看板MLB標題[情報] 光芒簽下Danny Jansen 1y/8.5M作者
時間推噓 3 推:3 噓:0 →:1

Catcher Danny Jansen and the Tampa Bay Rays are in agreement on a one-year,
$8.5 million contract that includes a mutual option for a second season,
sources tell ESPN. Jansen, who has played in Toronto and Boston, remains in
the AL East. On it: @ByRobertMurray and @TBTimes_Rays.

Danny Jansen和光芒達成1年850萬的協議,另外有一個第二年的共同選擇權


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※ 編輯: jack34031 ( 臺灣), 12/07/2024 02:22:00

zonzonzon12/07 02:31祝福

Nemophila12/07 09:40沒想到他會選擇落腳坦帕

captain0312/07 10:11美東已經收集三隊了

YummyGasol12/08 09:53光芒開心就好