[外電] Posey跳過Zaidi,直接和 Chapman談約的

看板MLB標題[外電] Posey跳過Zaidi,直接和 Chapman談約的作者
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When the Giants announced their six-year extension with third baseman Matt Chapman earlier this month, some observers were quick to connect the dots between the future of president of baseball operations Farhan Zaidi and ownership approving a $151 million commitment to a player.

當巨人隊宣佈和Matt Chapman簽下六年151M大型延長合約後

有些人就想到棒球事務部門總裁Farhan Zaidi和老闆間的關係

Surely the Giants’ embattled chief baseball architect’s job is safe if he is negotiating franchise-altering contracts, right?


According to sources, the Giants’ executive board led by Buster Posey became so frustrated by the lack of immediate progress between Zaidi and agent Scott Boras after talks began in August that the ownership group took action.


由巨人名將Buster Posey帶領的巨人隊董事會

對於Zaidi和Matt Chapman經紀人Boras談判進度感到沮喪(從八月開始談)


Sources said Posey personally dealt with Chapman to hammer out the basic structure of the contract, which includes a full no-trade provision — one of the sticking points that Zaidi had

是由Buster Posey本人親自去和Boras談妥合約結構



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laking09/16 10:51看來冬天要滾蛋了

cor1os09/16 10:55GM如果作事都要老闆下場的話,那的確離滾蛋也不遠了

zehow09/16 10:59Zaidi要是當初好好待在躲人別跳槽 搞不好能做久一

zehow09/16 10:59點 看來冬天真的要滾蛋了

saiulbb09/16 11:02這算是空有名嗎?那大概要走了

eee6010909/16 11:12血統純正

captain0309/16 11:16Zaidi快滾吧

lowl9909/16 11:23連Posey都看不下去,我看Zaidi如果又繼續留又在那邊亂搞

BayAreaUnite09/16 11:53剛看完好幾篇相關報導 Zaidi什麼時候滾

seeyou100209/16 13:42嘻嘻 Zaidi的約到2026喔

laking09/16 15:03合約還沒結束但老早被炒的多的是

hdotistyle09/16 15:38Zaidi早該滾了