[情報] Walker Buehler尋求有逃脫條款的多年約
Walker Buehler is one of the most established free-agent pitchers still on the board following his strong showing in October, and per sources, his reps lookingfor multi-year deal with opt-outs. Yankees had talked about him before Fried signed. Red Sox, Tigers, Giants, among others.
Walker Buehler是目前自由球員市場上最具實力的先發投手之一,他在10月份的出色表現進一步提升了自身價值。據消息人士透露,Buehler的經紀人正在尋求一份包含逃脫條款的多年合約。
在和Max Fried簽約之前,洋基隊曾與Buehler有過接觸。而目前對他感興趣的球隊還包括紅襪隊、老虎隊和巨人隊等等。
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[分享] 今日Walker Buehler今日道奇先發投手 Walker Buehler IP:5.0 H:2 HR:0 R:064
[情報] 道奇宣布G6先發為Walker BuehlerWalker Buehler will start Game 6 tonight. 道奇剛剛在推特上宣布 在退無可退的國聯冠軍戰G6將派出少主Walker Buehler先發 躲人能否成功拉長戰線到G7呢?35
[情報] Walker Buehler 接受第二次Tommy John手術Los Angeles Dodgers star right-hander Walker Buehler underwent Tommy John surgery today, he said on Instagram. He'll miss the rest of the year and almost certainly all of the 2023 season, too. This will be his second Tommy John surgery, and recovery typically takes31
[情報] Walker Buehler進傷兵名單The Dodgers are putting Walker Buehler on the injured list, Dave Roberts said That will be the corresponding move for Bobby Miller’s activation tonight 蘿蔔說Walker Buehler進傷兵名單 空缺由今天出傷兵的Bobby Miller遞補28
[情報] Walker Buehler被搶劫Dodgers pitcher Walker Buehler is robbed of his watch after he and his wife are accosted by a mob at Santa Anita Park, Eyewitness News has learned. The watch is believed to be valued over $100,000. The search for multiple suspects - Tonight at 11 from ABC725
[情報] 道奇隊G3先發:Walker BuehlerWalker Buehler will start Game 3 from Yankee Stadium, which means the Dodgers wi ll schedule a bullpen day (night?) in Game 4. This allows Buehler to come back for a potential Game 7. Buehler將擔任道奇隊G3的先發投手24
[情報] Walker Buehler下周重返大聯盟#Dodgers Walker Buehler will start on Monday, making his return to big leagues since June 2022. 道奇隊宣布Walker Buehler將在下周一先發 這是他自2022年六月以來重返大聯盟22
[情報] 洋基與Walker Buehler互相有興趣There is a 'mutual interest' between Walker Buehler and the Yankees, per @jonmor osi 來源是官網記者Jon Morosi 他說洋基跟Walker Buehler間存在相互的興趣19
[分享] 今日Walker Buehler洛杉磯道奇 先發投手 Walker Buehler IP:7.1 NP:99(65S) H:5 R:19
[分享] 今日 Walker Buehler 六局七次三振無失分今日 Walker Buehler : 道奇隊先發投手 IP : 6.0 H : 3 R : 0