[情報] 響尾蛇隊釋出 Madison Bumgarner

看板MLB標題[情報] 響尾蛇隊釋出 Madison Bumgarner作者
時間推噓20 推:20 噓:0 →:10

Madison Bumgarner: Officially released Wednesday

Bumgarner was released by the Diamondbacks on Wednesday, Zach Buchanan of TheAthletic reports.

Arizona designated Bumgarner for assignment last Thursday and he is now
officially a free agent. He's still owed nearly $36 million guaranteed from
the Diamondbacks, but the next team that wants to sign the veteran
left-hander can get him for the major-league minimum of $720,000. Over the
course of his 69 total starts with Arizona, Bumgarner registered a 5.23 ERA
in 363.1 innings. He had a 10.26 ERA through 16.2 frames here in 2023.

上個星期遭到響尾蛇隊DFA的Madison Bumgarner



Bumgarner 今年球季目前已經先發出賽四場,戰績為零勝三敗 防禦率 10.26




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lowl9904/27 07:36不意外沒人要,火爆脾氣還會有球隊要簽嗎

hdotistyle04/27 07:54可以回鄉下騎馬了

rockyao04/27 08:35我基要了

wuuman04/27 08:41洋基不缺發球機吧… 沒速度沒控球軟左 別鬧了

yoysky04/27 09:08只剩脾氣贏人,球技退的太快

lightmei04/27 10:37去WWE吧

UgoKuo04/27 11:13他不是放肆火,打的了WWE嗎

ZaneTrout04/27 11:27富邦收瘋邦

Adam661304/27 11:42舒服 直接退休吧 誰簽誰盤

haloducks04/27 11:44改練打擊吧

ashilol04/27 12:04排毒成功

blacklittle04/27 12:07光是要他剃鬍子就不可能了 怎麼可能去基基

brella04/27 12:37來中職吧

whhw04/27 12:53有人要修嗎

Sechslee04/27 13:04回家騎馬了

austin703704/27 13:32回巨人吧

shangguan12504/27 14:03皇家 國民 洛磯 運動家 紅雀可以簽了

Dimitre04/27 14:58好爽 躺著賺3600萬鎂

sustainer12304/27 15:04笑死 不能爆氣了

ashilol04/27 16:28他回巨人的話 會全場鼓掌嗎

Alexander1304/27 16:37巨人3A收

CRonaldo556604/27 17:15轉打擊,記得打擊還行不是嗎?

CrazyStone04/27 18:37不能防守轉打擊有什麼用

CrazyStone04/27 18:38打擊還行也是跟投手比起來而已

O10lOl01O04/27 21:42來邦邦虐中職應該也是涼涼吧

yypan9904/27 22:01來紅襪跟Kluber組個哼哈二人發球機、跟拍賣哥組個爆打旋

yypan9904/27 22:01風也行

Androi04/28 10:00來邦邦不怕他會開嗆邱瓜嗎?

jay6020204/29 02:03終於

aoecc04/29 06:37來運動家一起送幸福