[情報] 白襪對Salvador Perez 、Merrifield有興趣

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Sources: White Sox are eyeing pursuits of Salvador Perez, Whit Merrifield this offseason

So what will that mean? It might start by making an offer for veteran Royals catcher Salvador Perez on the trade market and with a pursuit of second baseman/outfielder Whit Merrifield in free agency. The White Sox have discussed both of those possibilities at length, sources said.

白襪目前有在討論和皇家隊談他們的神主牌捕手Salvador Perez

以及在FA市場追求Whit Merrifield的可能性

The Royals are willing to part ways with Perez in a trade, sources said. Perez is set to make $20 million in 2024 and $22 million in 2025. His contract includes a $13.5-million team option in 2026.

據情報指出,皇家是願意把Salvador Perez透過交易送走的


2024 $20M
2025 $22M
2026 $13.5M(team option)

Merrifield, 34, hit .272 with 11 homers, 67 RBIs and a .700 OPS in 145 games for the Blue Jays in 2023, when he earned All-Star honors for the third time in his career. Merrifield’s contract features an $18-million mutual option for 2024,meaning he’s likely to enter free agency.

Whit Merrifield和藍鳥明年有$18M的雙方選擇



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bestteam10/12 22:02Merrifield跳出去拿不到更好的吧

zxc90638310/12 22:03應該說藍鳥也不會撿那$18M吧

captain0310/12 22:03隊魂也要賣了嗎

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 10/12/2023 22:04:22

hdotistyle10/12 22:14神主牌賣了會暴動吧

zxc90638310/12 22:28皇家老闆現在忙著搞新球場(周邊開發$$$$)

zxc90638310/12 22:28把神主牌賣掉 球迷感覺會炸鍋

JustinIdiot10/12 22:42比較訝異的是白襪還有要拚

hornets122110/12 22:47皇家一直不賣也很怪

lowl9910/12 22:48皇家今年選秀有選米丘,可能未來捕手要給他,但神主牌賣掉

lowl9910/12 22:48真的會暴動

perry42910/12 22:51神主牌當DH也好啊賣掉就真的誇張了

holypiggy10/12 22:51小市場球迷就認了吧 看看當年龍哥

edhuang10/12 22:55還是希望在皇家終老

eee6010910/12 23:02皇家能打的不多吧

c87111111610/12 23:44Perez約也才到2026 今年選那時接班也差不多吧

hayashijun10/13 00:18神主牌耶…

tyrone092310/13 00:19問題是白襪買這個神主牌要幹嗎?年紀也不小了

Mikufans10/13 00:24可是他明年34歲了白襪要他幹嘛

bestteam10/13 01:35每次說賣XX會暴動 但也就網路上罵兩下 時間到還是進場

JustinIdiot10/13 05:58Mitchell才高中畢業 說給Melendez機率還高一些...

ateng10/13 07:17Salvy今年八月本來要放棄他的不可交易權,但是他是想去佛羅

ateng10/13 07:17里達,離家近

marty797610/13 09:15Perez這價錢是他被球團搶劫了吧,還要被賣我一生黑皇

marty797610/13 09:15

a1ibooda10/13 11:02因為有Fermin吧 可能看到接班希望

a1ibooda10/13 11:02趁現在還有價值賣 跟金鶯一樣快速重建

sunnyyoung10/13 11:37皇家瘋了才交易神主牌

ateng10/13 12:10我皇都拿Nicky Lopez換一個免洗牛了....

arthur929210/13 22:28真的要賣當家的嗎