[情報] Babe Ruth球衣今日以2412萬鎂價格售出
In perhaps the most anticipated sports memorabilia auction ever, the jersey worn by baseball legend Babe Ruth when he "called his shot" in Game 3 of the 1932 World Series has sold for $24.12 million with Heritage Auctions, setting an auction record for most expensive sports collectible.
Babe Ruth在1932年世界大賽第三戰穿的球衣
While the identity of the buyer isn't public, Ivy told ESPN there were a dozen people "on our mailing list that would pay between 15 and 20 million dollars" for the Ruth jersey.
※ PTT留言評論
[分享] 法官跟Soto都覺得對方是現今最強打者ou leave a pitch in the zone, he'll do damage." Juan Soto on Aaron Judge: "I call him the greatest hitter in the world. Look at his numbers. He's just unbelievable. He makes my job easier." 今天賽後受訪時兩人對誰才是當今最強打者有不一樣的答案60
Re: [炸裂] Aaron Judge NO621961年美聯Roger Maris突破Babe Ruth障礙,61年後,Aaron Judge美聯第161場比賽突破Ro ger Maris障 礙 60轟以上打者,只有Babe Ruth的dWAR是大於等於0 上一位美聯突破OPS+200的打者,是第一位指打名人堂,白襪的Frank Thomas42
[分享] 2021世界大賽MVP:Jorge Soler2021的世界大賽mvp, 頒給來自古巴的Jorge Soler, Soler系列賽轟出三發超前比數的全壘打, 和Babe Ruth等名將並列世界大賽最多, 恭喜Soler!恭喜勇士!28
[分享] Judge成為洋基隊史五月最多長打球員Aaron Judge surpasses Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig for the most May extra-base hits in @Yankees history! 法官在五月已經打出25支長打(13轟+12二安),超越Babe Ruth跟Lou Gehrig成為洋基隊史28
[分享] 大聯盟打者生涯單月長打率排名推特看到的 大聯盟生涯單月最高長打率排名如下(至少500打席) Highest MLB career slugging percentage in a month (500+ plate appearances): Shohei Ohtani in June, .75726
Re: [分享] 今日大谷翔平Shohei Ohtani has become the 5th player IN HISTORY with a 2.0 WAR or better as both a hitter AND a pitcher in 1 season IT’S ONLY JUNE16
Re: [討論] MLB好像比較少在戰山羊?其實棒球數據派肥宅聖經baseball between the numbers 這本書裡面倒是有討論誰是史上最強打者這話題 結論是 如果依照聯盟強度去校正數據 Babe Ruth拿到現在大概等於Tino Martinez等級 Ted Williams大概等於A-Rod, Pujols等級9
[問卦] 有沒有Babe Ruth真的強到很誇張很多人都因為大谷翔平知道Babe Ruth是大聯盟二刀流始祖 也知道Babe Ruth生涯打出很多支全壘打 而且是不含禁藥的全壘打 714隻 但是很少被提到的是 他的22年大聯盟生涯平均打擊率是 0.342 真是嚇死人的高 真的有點不可思議 職棒選手一季要打到三成以上就不容易了9
Re: [分享] 今日Albert Pujols打點數,Albert Pujols 2189,離第二名Babe Ruth的2214,M25 全壘打692,離700,M8 生涯WAR值100.2,雙響砲4安打,估計到100.5,生涯WAR保住100 普神今年可挑戰Babe Ruth的生涯打點。