[情報] 釀酒人光芒大亂鬥 最終懲處結果

看板MLB標題[情報] 釀酒人光芒大亂鬥 最終懲處結果作者
時間推噓 6 推:6 噓:0 →:4

MLB has announced suspensions from the Brewers-Rays bench-clearing incident:

Brewers starting pitcher Freddy Peralta has received a five-game suspension
and an undisclosed fine for intentionally throwing at Jose Siri during the topof the sixth inning.

釀酒人先發 Freddy Peralta 因為在6局上對Jose Siri故意觸身球

Brewers manager Pat Murphy has received a two-game suspension and an
undisclosed fine as a result of Peralta's actions in addition to his
inappropriate conduct towards umpires.

釀酒人總教練 Pat Murphy 因為 Paralta 被驅逐出場,對裁判有不當行為

Brewers reliever Abner Uribe has received a six-game suspension and an
undisclosed fine for his actions causing the benches-clearing incident.

釀酒人後援 Abner Uribe 被認定是造成本次大亂鬥的主因

Rays outfielder Jose Siri has received a three-game suspension and an
undisclosed fine for his actions during the benches-clearing incident.

光芒外野手 Jose Siri 因為大亂鬥中的不當行為

Unless appealed, the suspensions of Peralta, Uribe and Siri are all
scheduled to be effective today, when the Brewers and Rays are
scheduled to conclude their series in Milwaukee.

If any player elects to appeal, then the discipline issued to him will
be held in abeyance until the process is complete.



Murphy will serve his suspension starting with today's game.



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※ 編輯: hanksadder ( 臺灣), 05/02/2024 01:47:28

Mikufans05/02 02:00Freddy Peralta賽後說他不是故意的

Mikufans05/02 02:00賽後採訪

k2201598705/02 02:00為啥罰款金額都不公開?

hanksadder05/02 02:04大聯盟的罰款幾乎都是不公開的

※ 編輯: hanksadder ( 臺灣), 05/02/2024 08:33:17

wakuwaku05/02 08:30先發投手只禁賽5場 也太便宜了

saiulbb05/02 09:07這也沒辦法,出手就會被罰

Skightz05/02 13:19相較Siri只禁兩場,Peralta五場太衰了吧

c87111111605/02 13:23Peralta那個就是被後面的影響到吧 不然應該不是故意的

Wavecloud05/02 16:18先發禁5場其實就是1場而已啊

hanksadder05/02 17:43正確,推遲或跳過一次先發的時間