[情報] Soto乳摸:藍鳥將會是開價最高的?

看板MLB標題[情報] Soto乳摸:藍鳥將會是開價最高的?作者
時間推噓38 推:39 噓:1 →:19

來源:大都會轉播單位SportsNet New York記者Andy Martino

It’s no secret that the Yanks and Mets are "all in" on Soto, as one league source reiterates, and that there is a widespread belief among bidders that Torontowill come in with the highest offer.


There is also widespread skepticism that Soto would go to the Blue Jays — but a source pushed back on that, saying that if a team is involved in the final bidding, Soto is willing to play there.





來源:大聯盟電視網廣播Jim Duquette

“I've heard from many people who think Toronto will be the highest bidder [forJuan Soto].”

That sound you hear is a Brinks truck. It's backing up


來源:洋基轉播單位YES Network記者Jack Curry

The Yankees have had several productive conversations & have exchange multiple offers. They have been very comfortable with the process & presentation they’ve had with Soto. They’ve made it a priority & sent him the message they want him back



Jack Curry, as many as said, he believes this gets resolved within the next 7-10 days.

"Talking to people involved, this is creeping to a finish line." Jack Curry


來源:NJ.com的Randy Miller(上次講洋基開550M的)

The Red Sox have emerged as a favorite — maybe THE favorite — to land Yankeesfree agent Juan Soto, two people with knowledge of the contract negotiations told NJ Advance Media.


One person with knowledge of the discussions believes the Red Sox, Mets and Blue Jays all have made offers upwards of $600 million while the Yankees are in the$550 million range.



Soto prefers a deal with no deferred money, one of the people told NJ Advance Media.



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destinyx212/03 08:18藍鳥竟然開的比大都會高

MapleLeaf15112/03 08:25群魔亂舞

polanco12/03 08:26Randy Miller感覺就是小丑

Minihil12/03 08:28其實風聲放成這樣我在想該不會其實沒有隊伍出到600M

es9114ian12/03 08:33除了Jack Curry以外的其他人都是惡名昭彰的唬爛咖

dd1115dd111512/03 08:35不延遲我們宇宙道奇可是不要的

anomic2412/03 08:37去年搶大谷的藍鳥:

slipknot66612/03 09:02Soto有坐上飛往多倫多的飛機嗎?

mayzn12/03 09:10王電火砸錢輸人我是不信的

ccpz12/03 09:12Christian 説 Jack Curry 透露洋基願意給 Soto 超越大谷的

saiulbb12/03 09:12我是不太相信,感覺是亂放消息爭取曝光度而已

ccpz12/03 09:12合約 (但可能是在節目中說,本人X沒消息)

ccpz12/03 09:13

JacqueJones12/03 09:23藍鳥會不會又開最高價,被跟然後就被攔胡?

cplusplus42612/03 09:23洋基要8了!?

LA2412/03 09:50大都會有錢不花...

c87111111612/03 10:16好奇這幾年看Rumor 為什麼藍鳥常常砸錢砸輸人感覺

polanco12/03 10:30地理因素?

JohnLackey12/03 10:37太冷了

MapleLeaf15112/03 10:39藍鳥每年都說要拼 但是自家核心又不先續起來

ashilol12/03 10:42税有比較兇嗎

ceckyo12/03 10:53這五隊一定都開超過600M啦,要唬爛也瞎掰好一點

z52031412/03 11:1714-15y 600N只是起跳價碼

z52031412/03 11:18600M

jackyu081012/03 11:29Show me the money

jshuang12/03 11:45不要最後簽出來601耶?

sdiaa12/03 12:0115年600M算通膨比法官年均還少 不太可能

mygoing12/03 12:12說不定道奇前面一直延遲 就是為了出這一擊

hsustan12/03 12:18道奇:不延遲阿 那不要惹

cchhuu12/03 12:46藍鳥還是把地緣O’Neill 簽過去吧

aj4612/03 12:58大谷事件part2?

cplusplus42612/03 13:03藍鳥如果贏 明年可以拼冠了吧

dknymaster12/03 13:16大谷2.0

ray02050712/03 13:20我鳥現在洞一大堆 奪冠還早 打線貧打 牛棚更慘

ray02050712/03 13:21牛棚長這樣子只要不補強永遠不用拿冠軍

cchhuu12/03 13:32Herjavec這次要不要再搭一次飛機去多倫多

ksaon12/03 13:37比錢的話 應該沒人相信王電火會輸

BMW740Li12/03 14:20這經紀人最擅長的不就是找記者放消息抬價嗎

johnnyvcxz4012/03 14:25放話啦 雖然藍鳥老闆身價是第二有錢僅次於Cohen

NorMingz12/03 15:31說藍鳥開最高 結果內文寫紅襪領跑

Zoomyoyo12/03 15:48洋基就算不是開價最高 在紐約打球 業外收入算進去 也屌

Zoomyoyo12/03 15:49打其他隊 開出來的超額合約 沒腦就跟藍鳥簽吧

zerg122812/03 16:12樓上這麼氣噗噗幹嘛XD別忘了藍鳥市場是整個加拿大呢

johnnyvcxz4012/03 16:46好氣好氣哈哈哈

Yjizz12/03 17:03每年fa乳摸都很有趣啊 幹嘛氣7777

Rentch12/03 17:08而且去年傳出藍鳥烏龍事件後,真的簽約就出來了XD

a06927523512/03 18:42生氣的時候可以先閉上眼睛 深呼吸… 吸~ 吐~ 吸~ 吐~

jshuang12/03 19:03假如你生氣 假如你生氣 仰望耶穌 仰望耶穌

kayuzzo1513512/03 21:07加拿大最受歡迎的運動又不是棒球 是有多大市場 笑

kayuzzo1513512/03 21:07

GP03D12/03 22:25多倫多在加拿大,稅制法律都不太一樣,加上很冷。

LucasDuda12/03 23:11藍鳥當初Gausman搶贏梅子啊,梅子還出比較多

david761412/04 00:25紐約最棒棒啦 某噓不要那麼兇了好不好

slyheart12/04 01:35這齣我怎麼好像去年看過了

derek021212/04 05:42Soto也要上飛機了嗎

a1234c12/04 08:40多倫多冷其實倒是其次,跟其他美國被變城市比起來其實差不

a1234c12/04 08:40多,主要是稅制不同吧... 所以變成藍鳥要買球員都要溢價才

a1234c12/04 08:40有機會

saidon12/05 05:53多倫多也沒冷到太誇張 靠湖+緯度相對低