[外電] 2010s 十大交易案 part 5

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2010s 十大交易案第五集,翻譯Mike Petriello的外電。


5) The Cubs solidify their curse-breaking team
July 25, 2016: Yankees trade P Aroldis Chapman to Cubs for IF Gleyber Torres,P Adam Warren, OF Billy McKinney and OF Rashad Crawford

What even?

It's not terribly often that the Yankees find themselves being on
the "selling" side of these things, yet that's what was happening in the
summer of 2016. Five days later, they'd send Andrew Miller to Cleveland,
shaping a 2016 World Series that they wouldn't actually participate in. The
Cubs were 20 games over .500 at this point and were well on their way to the
postseason, but they didn't want to rely on Héctor Rondón and Pedro Strop
in October.

Baseball factors aside, this one had the additional angle of Chapman having
been suspended for the first 30 games of the season for being the first
player to violate baseball's new domestic violence policy, making his
acquisition considerably and understandably unpopular with a broad swath of
Cubs fans.

5. Aroldis Chapman 交易案
小熊拿到:Aroldis Chapman
洋基拿到:Gleyber Torres、Adam Warren、Billy Mckinney、Rashad Crawford

(1) 交易當時背景

攤開洋基的歷史來看,他們很少在季中的交易市場中擔任賣家,但在2016年洋基高層認為以當時的陣容實力,沒辦法在競爭激烈的美聯東區討到甚麼便宜。所以洋基隨後就賣掉了陣中兩大救援王牌Aroldis Chapman跟Andrew Miller,竟然間接促成了當年世界大賽決戰組合。小熊在當年7/25號時有59-39的優異戰績,領先分區第二的紅雀七場勝差,晉級季後賽看起來是勢在必行。但是小熊的牛棚深度不足,只有Rondon跟Strop有穩定的表現。交易來頂尖後援Chapman無疑為球隊打了一記強心針。


Were the takes good or bad?

Complicated. The prospect cost was high for a rental reliever, but it was
impossible to talk about this one without discussing the off-the-field
implications. "Cubs pay a heavy price for Aroldis Chapman, on and off the
field," wrote ESPN, accurately summing up the conversation.

(2) 交易當時評價

Aroldis Chapman,小熊在場上與場下都付出了高昂的代價。」,對這個交易下了最完美的註解。

And then what happened?

Chapman was fantastic down the stretch for the Cubs,
not that it really mattered that much for a team that won the NL Central by
17 1/2 games. He threw 15 2/3 postseason innings, contributing 2 2/3 vital
scoreless innings to save World Series Game 5, but he also allowed runs in
both Gamed 6 and 7, including Rajai Davis' game-tying homer in the eighth
inning of the final game. It's impossible to know if they'd have won or not
without him, but the flag flies over Wrigley Field forever. After the season,he'd return to the Yankees, where he's whiffed 247 in 158 2/3 innings since.
Warren kicked in 117 2/3 solid innings through 2018. McKinney helped return
J.A. Happ from Toronto.

Torres, meanwhile, has immediately become the star he was projected to be.
He's made the AL All-Star team twice in two seasons, smashing 62 homers with
a 125 OPS+, and he'll only be 23 next year.

(3) 交易後續影響

Chapman的投球表現真的太棒了。或許你可以說沒有Chapman的小熊還是可以贏得分區冠軍,但是如果沒有他季後賽合計15.2局的投球,山羊魔咒很有可能還沒被打破。小熊在世界大賽前四戰中只贏得一勝,第五戰的領先也岌岌可危之中。Chapman在G5主投2.2局無失分的表現宛如及時雨,挽救了陷入絕境的小熊,將戰局延長到克里夫蘭。Chapman在G6-G7的表現並不好,連續兩場都有失分,包括Rajai Davis在第七戰的追平兩分砲。但是Chapman還是小熊能一路過關斬將的重要功臣,瑞格里球場的冠軍旗幟將永遠存在小熊球迷心中。
另一方面,Torres在2018-2019年都入選明星賽,兩年合計出賽267場就打出62支全壘打與125 OPS+的優秀成績,23歲的他將會是聯盟的下一代明星。

Would each team do it again?

Yes. The Cubs would have done just about anything to break the curse. The
Yankees got back a star in Torres, plus Warren and McKinney (via trade) were
nice pickups, too.

(4) 如果可以回到過去,交易雙方會反悔嗎?

小熊不管要付出多大的代價,就是要擺脫Murphy山羊的糾纏,他們當然不會後悔;洋基拿到了年輕新星Torres、表現不錯的後援Warren,McKinney也在2018年JA Happ交易包裹中,洋基在這筆交易上展現的操作令人讚賞。

To be continued....

給TRosenthal大:下一集就是你期待的Archer交易案了,其實我更期待Shelby Miller的搶劫案(對蛇迷板友很抱歉)


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bluleaf02/02 23:44先搶首推在看XD

mygoing02/02 23:53這就真的是雙贏了

c87111111602/02 23:53(只有在NYY)表現不錯的Warren


TokyoHard02/02 23:56Shelby Miller搶案是真的更精彩啊XD

※ 編輯: lukemarley ( 臺灣), 02/02/2020 23:59:16

trickart02/02 23:59

TRosenthal02/03 00:02感謝翻譯

ganhua02/03 00:13

phoenix28602/03 00:16這筆洋基根本是搶劫 不過小熊拿到冠也賺

gondou02/03 00:20等拖雷帶隊拿冠軍再來說洋基搶劫吧

siliver02/03 00:44各取所需而已

jim1244102/03 00:53只要拿到冠軍就是賺啦

Dimitre02/03 01:22小熊這代價真的大 要是沒冠軍要被笑不知道幾年

aborwang02/03 01:24Torres 當時還在高階1A,變數還很大,小熊願意放也合理

hgs000sss02/03 01:35

lwifbf02/03 02:26那年沒衝到的話 托天子也要多等兩年才有實際貢獻 還OK拉

fan022602/03 02:53那年我覺得a米也很操也夠猛

fan022602/03 02:53然後就回不去了

Asucks02/03 09:01感謝翻譯

dinos02/03 09:18大家都希望這一筆是NYY搶劫(torres帶隊拿兩冠以上)耶

UKG02/03 09:26Torres只是比預期更好,現實就是不壓上去拚2016後面幾年科科

Roshiel02/03 09:30當時評論真的很兩極,畢竟當時認為小熊最適合拼冠的年份

Roshiel02/03 09:30是17 18 19三年,拿個年輕中線去換半年的CP本來就是虧,

Roshiel02/03 09:30但是事後來看,小熊咒 洋基拿基石,兩邊都算可以了

jet11310202/03 09:57能拿到冠軍,不管多大的代價都值得了

sustainer12302/03 09:58108年一冠 無價

Rayshief02/03 10:09為了那一冠,付出的幾乎只有一個當初1A的仔

Rayshief02/03 10:16就小熊來說,這種代價在當時還不算動搖國本

Rayshief02/03 10:16(雖然這個仔是百大非一即二的超級新人)

youngluke02/03 10:23結論小熊拿了冠就一定不虧啊

ChrisArcher02/03 10:34要是當年沒衝,等 17 18 19 就遇到太空人崛起惹

whhw02/03 10:38有冠軍真爽

troy3040802/03 11:24不 Archer lol

visda02/03 12:14這筆就是問小熊再被肛一次好不好,小熊依然會點頭的交易

mygoing02/03 12:39百年來唯一一冠 怎麼可能不值得 1.百年來付出多少 2.圓了

mygoing02/03 12:39多少小熊迷的心願(無價) 甚至有人一生都看不到

alankira02/03 12:48有冠軍就值得,更別說Chapman那年還是後援主力

alex872502/03 12:52多的是球隊梭哈還什麼都沒有的 再問小熊一次願不願意大

alex872502/03 12:52概還是願意換

arias02/03 13:20這交易明顯是小熊大賺吧~ 光拿到百年來的第一個冠軍就無價

arias02/03 13:20少見的雙方都賺的交易

ichirododo02/03 14:32但是當初如果是紅人跟小熊先做交易 應該也不用出到Tor

第一,2016年季初紅人跟洋基交易Chapman的時候家暴事件還沒調查完成,沒人知道他會被 禁賽多久,讓他的交易價值暴跌。 第二,洋基當時在醜聞剛爆發就逢低買進Chapman,當時輿論罵得更兇,甚至有很多婦女 團揚言永遠不進洋基球場看球,形象傷害得比小熊更嚴重。

※ 編輯: lukemarley ( 臺灣), 02/03/2020 14:36:03 ※ 編輯: lukemarley ( 臺灣), 02/03/2020 14:39:38

Tyrone02/03 15:01為何先第二後第一(重點錯XD)

lukemarley02/03 15:15我用手機發結果沒注意到先後順序XD

c87111111602/03 15:15當時沒家暴是去躲人不是小熊吧

c87111111602/03 15:16阿不過當時揚言不進抵制的不進球場有差嗎 lol

ZMTL02/03 15:44這筆連未來都不用看就已經是100%的雙贏交易,小熊百年一冠、

ZMTL02/03 15:44洋基只出錢的幾乎無本買賣,Torres的成績只差洋基賺大賺小的

ZMTL02/03 15:44差別

※ 編輯: lukemarley ( 臺灣), 02/03/2020 15:48:27

seekforever02/03 16:17紅人就是輪流被Cashman跟Friedman搶

Roshiel02/03 19:33事後(馬後炮)來看小熊絕對還是願意換Chapman啊,畢竟破咒

Roshiel02/03 19:34價值太高。就算回到2016年當下,小熊還是會換Chapman的

Roshiel02/03 19:34因為當時Torres位置完全被卡死,對小熊來說Torres就是個

Roshiel02/03 19:35要賣掉的籌碼,剛好去補上最薄弱的後援防線,100%換

Roshiel02/03 19:35只是對於評論價值來說,中線新秀只換個半年CP是不值的

Roshiel02/03 19:36球迷比較傾向至少拿個中段輪值才算不虧

Roshiel02/03 19:37反正就是當時空背景下,小熊完全有那個本錢去換Chapman

Roshiel02/03 19:38事後諸葛來說,也沒想到Russell會爛得這麼徹底,才會讓

Roshiel02/03 19:38鄉民會認為洋基搶劫

Alexander1302/03 19:46小熊付出不小的代價 也得到最好的結果 值了

feather758902/03 20:20推推

nuggets091602/03 21:10這筆交易經典到

au3rupy302/03 21:12flags fly forever

DavidFoster02/03 21:16這樣買個WS獎盃,不貴吧

Roshiel02/03 22:21事後證明是貴了,因為垃圾桶絕對比較便宜

taxlaw199102/03 22:29真的 買攝影機電視架網路+垃圾桶+板凳雜魚分析出鼓聲

taxlaw199102/03 22:29就可以了

sustainer12302/04 00:16正確玩法就鼓+雜魚打者 錢全部丟投手

Jiunyin02/04 00:44

alex872502/04 01:44我是覺得太鼓人那群不打鼓應該成績也會很優秀啦 但有沒

alex872502/04 01:44有世界大賽冠軍就很問號

Roshiel02/04 07:46作弊就作弊,沒啥好說的,更何況聯盟沒罰則也沒應變措施

Roshiel02/04 07:46,今年成績還是大問號

sunnydragon702/04 08:16很值得啊…不然都在報死忠的高齡小熊迷抱著遺憾過

sunnydragon702/04 08:16

hydreigon02/04 16:07也是不能太雜魚啦 不然餵球給你你扛得出去嗎XD

jeter869502/06 02:25早知道就買垃圾桶就好 最便宜實惠

kevin884703/06 23:47原Po還會更新嗎 想看

mygoing02/03 18:46以現在看洋基大賺 以當下看小熊破魔咒+世冠絕對大賺

Hamazura02/05 08:47雙贏的交易