[情報] Hinch 對暗號事件的回應

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Speaking with MLB Network's Tom Verducci in an hour-long special that ran on
Friday, Hinch repeatedly said that as the manager, he was ultimately
responsible for the actions of the team, which included a trash can banging
method of sign-stealing that took place in 2017 and was spelled out in detailin a nine-page report by the Commissioner's Office.

The report, released in January, identified the scheme as primarily
"player-driven," with help from bench coach Alex Cora, but it also indicated
Hinch was at fault for his failure to do anything to stop it. In his
interview with Verducci, Hinch agreed he should have done more.

"I wish I would have," Hinch said. "I really do. I think that's a big
question that I'm going to process over what's now a season-long suspension.
It's something I continued to think about certainly through the
investigation, when you have to openly talk about it. I wish I would have
done more. Right is right and wrong is wrong, and we were wrong."

"It's a fair question," Hinch said. "I think everyone is going to have to
draw their own conclusions [as to whether the championship is tainted]. I
hope over time and the demonstration of the talent of this team and the
players and the careers that are being had -- we have some of the best
players in the entire sport all together on the same team -- I hope over timeit's proven that it wasn't [tainted]. But I understand the question ...
Unfortunately we opened that door as a group, and that question may never be
answered. We may never know.

"We're going to have to live and move forward, and be better in this sport,
but unfortunately no one can really answer that question. I can't really
pinpoint what advantages or what happened or what exactly would have happenedotherwise -- but we did it to ourselves."

When asked about the allegations that Astros players had worn buzzers under
their uniforms as part of the scheme, Hinch did not give a definitive denial,saying only that he trusted the findings of the MLB investigation.

“We got investigated for three months,” Hinch said. “The Commissioner's
Office did as thorough of an investigation as anyone could imagine was
possible. I know you mentioned about the emails and the texts and the
messages, and I believe it.”

The Commissioner's report said that Hinch twice took a bat to monitors that
were used to steal signs, an indication that the manager did not approve of
the players' methods. In hindsight, Hinch said, he should have taken further
measures to stop what was happening.

"I should have had a meeting and addressed it face forward and really ended
it," he said. "Leadership to me is often about what you preach. Leadership's
also about what you tolerate. I tolerated too much.

"I wanted people to know that I didn't like it. I should have done more. I
should have addressed it more directly. It's complicated when you're talking
about a team and all the inner workings of a team. In reality, I just feel
like I could have done more looking back. Especially the leader I feel I was
in 2019, versus what I was in 2017 and where I've grown. It's always easier
to look back and wish you could have done more."

Hinch was terminated by Astros owner Jim Crane on Jan. 13, around 45 minutes
before Crane entered the press conference room at Minute Maid Park to addressthe Commissioner’s report and punishment. Hinch was in the clubhouse at the
ballpark when Crane called him to come upstairs to his office, where Hinch
received the news that he had been dismissed.

"I was able to have a face-to-face with Jim, both of us being emotional that
it had gotten to that point," Hinch said. "Then I had to focus on my family,
get my kids out of school before it hit their phones. I didn't want [the
news] to pop up on my daughters’ phones at school.

"As a leader you go into this frame of mind, this mode of protection. You
want to make sure your coaches know. Make sure your family knows. Make sure
my wife and kids know. Make sure the closest people to me know. I was more
focused on that. I really didn't even think about me."

Hinch said he hopes Astros fans, and the Astros' detractors, accept his
apology as genuine. He also acknowledged that he hopes to manage again

"I want people to know that I care," he said. "That I'm not just blowing it
off and shrugging my shoulders and saying I'm upset because I got caught.
It's bigger than that.

"For Astros fans, baseball fans, the supporters, the detractors, I just want
to be real and be relatable in this situation -- that I made a mistake. I
wish I could do it over again ... and I will work tirelessly to restore the
integrity that's needed in this game, and the integrity that's already in
this game."

沒看影片 從內文稍微抓一點重點





Hinch沒有明確的否認 而是表示相信MLB官方的調查結果



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