[情報] Buster Posey的替補可能缺席2020賽季

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時間推噓19 推:27 噓:8 →:7

Posey's likely backup injured, could miss 2020

SAN FRANCISCO -- Three days before pitchers and catchers are scheduled to
report to Spring Training, the Giants on Saturday delivered bad news on
catcher Aramís García, who appeared to be in line to serve as Buster Posey’
s backup this year.

在春訓投捕報到日三天前 巨人宣布Posey可能的替補--Aramis Garcia的壞消息

Garcia, 27, injured his right hip while playing winter ball in the Dominican
Republic in December and underwent arthroscopic surgery to repair the labrum
this week. He is expected to miss six to eight months, which could sideline
him for the entire 2020 season.


Garcia appeared in 37 games for the Giants over the last two seasons, batting.229 over 111 plate appearances in the Majors, but he was poised to take on abigger role with the club following the departure of Stephen Vogt, who signedwith the D-backs in November.


The Giants could seek more catching depth in the wake of Garcia’s injury,
though three non-roster invitees -- Tyler Heineman, Rob Brantly and Chadwick
Tromp -- remain in the backup mix.




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ss0104070402/09 10:59還真的被Posey標題騙進來

nynn111102/09 11:00靠么以為是波西要缺席

benrun02/09 11:10不能直接講這個人的名字嗎==?

Valter02/09 11:15直接講名字--他誰?重要嗎 說是波西替補--天哪還滿重要的

Roshiel02/09 11:18噓標題

msh5566202/09 11:21有當記者的實力

lowl9902/09 11:22什麼爛標題

lens8280102/09 11:22其實原PO只是直翻官網的標題而已 @@

sustainer12302/09 11:26官網就這樣寫啊

EEERRIICC02/09 11:35真慘...比小聯盟guy好一點

vakaTNT02/09 11:37爛標題,差點嚇死

Marsch02/09 12:07讓Bart直接衝了啦

rickyred02/09 12:39我想說看一看往下滑奇怪不是說波西嗎

yi584902/09 13:14官網也缺點閱了嗎

waylouvre02/09 13:33標題殺人

yrt316802/09 13:37可憐娜 連名字都不被官網打出來 只能當替補仔

cenwandino02/09 13:47官網也懂如何吸引點擊

whhw02/09 13:53四樓XD

hjfreaks02/09 14:14把肥貓拉上來蹲啊XDDD

TrRosenthal02/09 14:36官網搞農場標很久了

TrRosenthal02/09 14:37這幾年也常出什麼"這些""這是"之類的XD

loveandy5802/09 14:40巴特直接拉上來啦

hhc102202/09 15:26什麼標題,莫名其妙

nuggets091602/09 15:39

kenkenken3102/09 16:03這標題很爛,尊重一下很難?

ylrafale02/09 16:19欸我說各位,友善提醒一下這是官網的鍋XD人家只是照翻XD

zirca02/09 16:21替補重要嗎?

verame02/09 17:25用英文去抗議大聯盟官網啊 加油 在這邊噓他們看的到?

shimazu02/09 17:33什麼爛標題

slugprince02/09 18:03Posey的替補XD

JackFlaherty02/09 18:37誰叫讀者喜歡看這種標題的文章 對發文方來說這樣下

JackFlaherty02/09 18:37標也算是趨勢了吧

atonlexus02/09 19:09台灣記者也要領先全球了嗎

Sechslee02/09 19:37==

a215670002/09 19:56有夠奇葩的標題

Drzowy02/10 00:14Bart怒衝一波!

DanielHudson02/10 01:15想起以前標題的 王建民前隊友、王建民前東家

andy880036s02/10 02:30官網只是"投其所好"而已 什麼樣的閱聽者養出怎樣的媒

andy880036s02/10 02:30體/下標者

andy880036s02/10 02:31雖然有時候會有點無奈(尤其想當清流的理想主義者)

andy880036s02/10 02:31但不得不承認這個是活生生血淋淋的事實與趨勢走向

cool3402/10 12:50DanielHudson是建仔前隊友哈波的前隊友