[外電] 紅襪偷暗號事件 Kinsler:不會發現甚麼的

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Red Sox sign stealing scandal: Ian Kinsler says investigation ‘won’t find
anything substantial,’ Boston just had ‘very good system of relaying from
second base to home plate’
紅襪偷暗號醜聞:Ian Kinsler說調查"不會找到甚麼有意義的東西" 紅襪就是有"一個非常好的從二壘到本壘板的傳遞系統"

Former Red Sox infielder Ian Kinsler is the latest member of the 2018 team topublicly claim Major League Baseball’s investigation into the team’s
sign-stealing practices will turn up empty.
前紅襪內野手Ian Kinsler是最近一位2018紅襪隊裡面公開出來說聯盟要調查紅襪偷暗號事件是不會有結果的球員。

Appearing on 1310 The Ticket in Dallas, Kinsler said the Red Sox legally
stole signs from second base in 2018 but did not do anything like the 2017
Astros, who were found to have use a center field monitor to decode signs
that were relayed to batters in real time.

"I don’t know what (the league) is going to find, but in my opinion, it’s
not anything close to what’s going on (in Houston), Kinsler said. “The Red
Sox were just a very tight-knit group. When I was injected into that team in
the middle of the season, it was a lot like the Rangers clubs I was on, whereit was just a very tight-knit group and their system was flawless. They just
had a very good system of relaying from second base to home plate. That was
it. Honestly. We’ll see what happens with the commissioner’s report.”

Kinsler was traded from the Angels to the Red Sox at the 2018 trade deadline
and played 37 games for Boston in the final two months of the season. The Soxhave been accused of improperly using their video replay room to decode
opponents’ signs in 2018, when they won the World Series.

Kinsler said “most teams” steal signs the old fashioned way, with runners
on second base relaying them to hitters. The now retired second baseman
believes the advent of technology in baseball has created a gray area in how
video is use during games.

“If there’s a video and you’re going to check out your at-bat and while you
’re checking out your at-bat, there’s a runner on second base also, and you
look through your at-bat to see your personal flaws and what you’re trying
to fix for the next time… I’m going to go back again and check out the
signs and see if I can crack them,” he said. “If I can, I can. If I can’t,
I can’t.”

Kinsler said that bad teams, which usually have significant turnover on theirroster throughout the season, rarely change signs to avoid sign-stealing.
Good teams -- especially those that make the playoffs -- put safeguards on
their sign systems so that opponents can’t steal anything.

“You get to the playoffs, all the teams are really good teams,” Kinsler
said. “They all know what’s happening. So they are, on the defensive side
of the ball, aware of what’s happening. They’re constantly changing and
constantly making it very difficult for the other team.

“We got a game into the playoffs with the Red Sox. We couldn’t run our
system,” he added. “It was just too difficult.”

Kinsler, who played for the Padres last year and retired over the winter, didn’t say if he had been interviewed by league investigators. Like former
teammates Andrew Benintendi, Rafael Devers and J.D. Martinez, Kinsler doesn’
t believe the Sox will be hit hard when MLB releases its report later this
Kinsler去年替教士打球,然後退休,他沒有說聯盟調查人員有沒有來問他。而就像其他的幾位前隊友Andrew Benintendi,Rafael Devers跟J.D. Martinez一樣,Kinsler不認為月底聯盟公布調查報告後,這報告會讓紅襪有很嚴重的傷害。

“I’m interested to see what happens with this whole report because I truly
believe they’re not going to find anything that’s substantial,” he said. “
They might throw a small punishment out there because they did a report. I don’t know. I don’t know where they stand on this whole thing. We saw where
they stood on the Astros thing. I just really don’t see any form of
punishment coming to the Red Sox. It was a very good team.”


不管結果如何 聯盟都不可能罰球員的

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forgetta02/20 12:03但他從二壘傳遞到一壘的系統很有問題

usausausa02/20 12:12聯盟調查結果要是打你臉就好笑了

sustainer12302/20 12:14反正頂多500W 有差?

lowl9902/20 12:16可是你的教練是Cora,這要怎麼解釋呢

flexin02/20 12:18反正不會被罰有差嗎? 吃禁藥的不是被河蟹不能打球 要不就

flexin02/20 12:22是進不了聖人堂 反觀作弊仔還能出來講幹話 呵呵

earnformoney02/20 12:34先觀望 聽聽就好

nomo161602/20 12:42反正主席消極處理作弊啊

es9114ian02/20 12:44態度跟某人真像

JackSmith02/20 12:49我猜可能是由二壘跑者看,但"傳的方式"應該會有點爭議

JackSmith02/20 12:50不過就像他說的,作弊仔都不罰了,聯盟能拿紅襪如何?

k38547691602/20 12:55支持一樓

lookers02/20 13:06沒人在意從二壘看啊 二壘看沒防好大家不會說話

lookers02/20 13:07重點是又不是隨時二壘都有人

blackjack31902/20 13:44內文中的turnover應該是球隊名單換人的意思吧

是耶 感謝指正 已修

※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 02/20/2020 13:47:17

MindWork02/20 14:42比太鼓高端多了? 你抓不到嘿嘿

bonjovi093002/20 14:53二壘偷暗號古早就有.太鼓被鞭是直接場外傳暗號給打者

whhw02/20 15:10究竟是沒有還是沒有抓到呢

Aaronko02/20 15:44作弊襪:還好有太鼓人坦

nsx02/20 17:39不止場外傳暗號給打者,還有使用中外野攝影機偷暗號

c87111111602/20 17:52這篇覺得被問的問題跟回答都好怪

c87111111602/20 17:53官方現在在調查的是紅襪從二壘傳遞暗號的事情嗎?

c87111111602/20 17:53如果是的話 為什麼會調查這麼久啊

c87111111602/20 17:54而且如果是從二壘偷沒必要被調查吧

chen551202/20 18:39太空人不但打進季後賽還拿到冠軍,這不就是你說的很好的

chen551202/20 18:39團隊?這邏輯真是特別

nsx02/20 19:24真的是很好的團隊阿,看他們多團結阿,集體作弊隱瞞了這麼久

nsx02/20 19:26,就連好像道德水準比較高所以不參與作弊的在作弊曝光前遇到

mygoing02/20 19:26紅襪單純被Cora掃到 又偏偏第一年就拿冠 不得不被放大檢

nsx02/20 19:26媒體詢問都是用#fakenews替隊友護航耶

mygoing02/20 19:27視 而且現在這時間點 如果紅襪真做了什麼 本可離開的球

mygoing02/20 19:29員根本不會想回歸

sustainer12302/20 19:34Maldonado也是少拿點錢回太鼓啊 回歸也不好說

sustainer12302/20 19:35反正等報告出爐就是了 也還沒像太鼓被抓到bang

EvilCerberus02/20 21:10滅證完了的意思。

asam127702/20 23:13如果是球員本身在2壘偷暗號 那一點問題都沒有

asam127702/20 23:14自己暗號被破解不要怪別人 但從場外就不行

asam127702/20 23:15不是在場的比賽球員用科技方法偷 那就是作弊

lwifbf02/21 00:12紅襪如果都是傳統偷暗號也沒啥好爆料 太鼓那種就不一樣

z8342012302/21 03:07因為我們都銷毀了

kira92502/21 09:00在二壘用眼睛看毫無問題啊

popoliii02/22 16:01重點是有無電子作弊 傳統二壘偷暗號沒差

a956420802/23 08:50問題在能不能當場看影片破解暗號吧?

a956420802/23 08:52二壘正常偷暗號,也要先有人上二壘看完投捕所有暗號