[外電] Pujols付天使在多明尼加無薪假工作人員薪水

看板MLB標題[外電] Pujols付天使在多明尼加無薪假工作人員薪水作者
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來源: LA Times

Albert Pujols to pay salaries of furloughed Angels staff in the Dominican
Albert Pujols幫忙出天使在多明尼加被放無薪假的工作人員薪水

The Angels stopped paying their employees in the Dominican Republic this
month. Those employees are being paid again, only not by the club.

First baseman Albert Pujols will cover the salaries of the Angels’
furloughed staff members in the Dominican Republic for roughly five months,
an amount that totals $180,000, said a person familiar with the situation whowas not authorized to publicly comment on Thursday.
星期四一位了解情況但是不能對外表示意見的消息人士說,天使一壘手Albert Pujols會幫忙付這些被放無薪假的工作人員接下來大約五個月的薪水,金額大概會是18萬鎂。

Earlier this month, the Angels made arguably the most severe budget cuts in
Major League Baseball. They furloughed all area scouts in amateur and
international departments, members of their player development staff and
minor league coaches and coordinators. They were planning to furlough
cross-checkers but reversed course this week when MLB lifted a ban on
in-person scouting.

The Angels’ operations in the Dominican Republic were hit hard. Nearly all
staff based at the team’s academy in Boca Chica, which is where most
international prospects begin their professional careers, were temporarily
removed from the payroll. One person who spoke on the condition of anonymity
estimated about 90% of employees were affected.
天使球團在多明尼加的運作受到重大影響,球隊在Boca Chica的棒球學校,也是幾乎大部分國際潛力新秀開始他們職業生涯的地方,幾乎所有工作人員都放了無薪假。一位人士講到說預計有90%的工作人員受到影響。

There is no timeline in place for the resumption of minor league operations,
which means it is impossible to know at what point the Angels will feel
comfortable bringing employees back from furlough. They set up a $1-million
employee assistance fund in the spring to help their affected employees
bridge the gap.

Pujols decided to contribute after asking general manager Billy Eppler how
much it would cost to pay the salaries of the team’s employees in the
Dominican Republic, a person with knowledge of the conversation said.
一個了解狀況的人說,Pujols問了總管Billy Eppler,問他要花多少錢才能付球隊在多明尼加工作人員的薪水後,他決定要幫助他們。

The 40-year-old first baseman earned approximately $285 million in salary by
the end of 2019, according to Baseball Reference. He signed a 10-year,
$240-million contract with the Angels in December 2011 and was scheduled to
earn $29 million in 2020 before the coronavirus pandemic postponed the
baseball schedule.
根據Baseball Reference的資料,到2019年底,40歲的Pujols生涯薪水可以賺進2億8500萬鎂。他在2011年跟天使簽下10年2億4000萬鎂的合約,在武漢肺炎導致賽季暫停前,本來預計他今年可以拿到2900萬鎂的薪水。

Pujols, a native of the Dominican Republic, is not the first baseball star inthe Los Angeles area to fill a financial void. David Price of the Dodgers
pledged $1,000 to each Dodgers minor league player for the month of June
after the team committed to continue paying them a $400 weekly stipend duringthe same period.
Pujols是多明尼加人,他不是第一個在LA地區打球且願意在財務上幫忙的棒球選手。在道奇球團決定要給小聯盟球員每周400鎂的零用金後,David Price則是在六月時幫忙,給道奇小聯盟球員每個人1000鎂。


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sikerkuaitai06/19 12:24推普爺 雖然後期很倫但乾淨

kee3206/19 13:02普神!!!

abc092200106/19 13:19安打型選手,以前真的超強超佩服

Asucks06/19 13:21再度封神!

larusa06/19 13:24名字打對啊 Pujols

whhw06/19 13:55

saidon06/19 14:26為何明明有原文對照 你整篇翻譯的pujols卻都拼錯

polanco06/19 14:42樓下pujos

謝謝大家指正 已修正

※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 06/19/2020 14:44:28

ZaneTrout06/19 15:53給推

ZaneTrout06/19 15:53我不叫他普倫了

Doraemon948706/19 16:15義賊

greengreen4206/19 16:24義賊 普添丁

Sechslee06/19 16:35義賊www

kee3206/19 16:51義賊咧,實在太靠么了

ShianFun06/19 17:07給推

ZaneTrout06/19 17:07義賊滿好笑

frf2pujols1706/19 17:18pujols家族推

madboy06/19 17:30普添丁www

madboy06/19 17:31天才啊 發明新綽號

aborwang06/19 17:41

godswd06/19 17:43原來偷薪水偷這麼久是在鋪這個梗

edhuang06/19 18:01推普神

a215670006/19 18:02義賊 酸酸的

CharlotteX06/19 18:21義賊XDDDD

※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 06/19/2020 19:11:01

mayzn06/19 19:58普添丁好好笑XD

hydreigon06/19 20:22義賊XDDDDDD

proletariat06/19 21:14領這麼多原來是提前部署啊

saiulbb06/19 21:44我不爭氣地笑了 也不知道原因在哪就噗哧一笑XD

EulerFormula06/19 21:45義賊LUL 推我大普神

vgil06/19 22:33普神!!!

mirac1e06/19 22:37義賊很適合啊 他這幾年表現早就對不起薪水了

mirac1e06/19 22:39不過球員幫忙球團付這些員工薪水實在太誇張了

corlos06/19 22:48普丁

Coetzee06/19 23:43打擊時候普攏光

ganhua06/20 00:36普添丁XDD

SuperBMW06/20 00:46普添丁XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 誰這麼有才阿

FRANKYCHang06/20 07:04普神如果今年明年都拿不到錢的話損失會超大

FRANKYCHang06/20 07:04合約變成八年1.81億美金

kenny799806/20 08:07義賊XDD

jimmy78112606/20 08:13好人

STARKUO06/20 09:41XD

phenom4206/20 09:49超前簽約正夯是我普添丁

MindWork06/20 10:27薪水義賊

Griffey16806/20 11:58義賊普添丁.....XDDDDD 真有才!

yuenwwjd06/20 12:35共體時艱

LoveMoose06/21 11:07推普神qq

mistko06/25 18:26義賊笑了XDDD

korn223738607/02 04:06普神一生平安喜樂