[外電] 聯盟跟球員討論在今年添加社會公平元素

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來源: BleacherReport

Report: MLB, Players Discussing Adding Social Justice Elements to 2020 Season聯盟跟球員在討論本球季要增加一些社會公平元素

Major League Baseball and its players are reportedly discussing how they can
incorporate social justice elements into the sport for the shortened 2020

Buster Olney of ESPN reported the news, noting "it's unclear what form the
elements will take, whether it be some kind of logo placed on uniforms or
something shared and fronted by players."
ESPN記者Buster Olney報導說,「目前還不確定會用哪種形式來展現,或許會是在制服上的一個標誌,或者在其他東西上面。」

Olney also pointed out "baseball has rarely tackled issues of racial
inequality with industry-wide uniformity," highlighting the fact that the
Boston Red Sox became the last team to sign a Black player 12 years after
Jackie Robinson broke into the league.

What's more, Robinson called for the hiring of the league's first Black
manager in 1972. That didn't happen until 1975 when the Cleveland Indians
hired Frank Robinson.
Frank Robinson。

The killing of George Floyd after former Minneapolis police officer Derek
Chauvin knelt on his neck while he was pleading for his life and saying he
could not breathe sparked worldwide protests against police brutality and
systemic racism. Soccer players in international leagues and MLS have taken aknee and worn messages such as Black Lives Matter on their jerseys in supportof the movement.
前明尼拿波里警察Derek Chauvin用膝蓋壓著George Floyd,即使他懇求饒他一命以及說他不能呼吸的情況下死亡後,掀起了全球抗議聲浪,抵制警察暴力以及種族歧視。國際上的足球員以及美國足球聯盟都做了單膝下跪以及穿著有關Black Lives Matter標誌的球衣以表示支持。

Some NBA players will have similar messages on the backs of their jerseys
when play resumes near Orlando, Florida.

On June 3, Major League Baseball issued a statement saying "our game has zerotolerance for racism and racial injustice" while adding "the reality that theBlack community lives in fear or anxiety over racial discrimination,
prejudice or violence is unacceptable."


Jelisa Castrodale of Vice pointed out MLB was the last major sports league torespond to Floyd's death, and James Wagner of the New York Times wrote a
column titled "MLB Took 9 Days to Address George Floyd. Was It Too Late?"
that included criticism from players such as New York Mets pitcher Marcus
Vice雜誌Jelisa Castrodale指出聯盟是最後一個職業運動對於Floyd死亡做出回應的,紐時專欄作家James Wagner寫了專欄標題是"MLB花了9天才對於George Floyd表示意見,會不會太慢?",裡面也提及梅子投手Marcus Stroman對聯盟的批評:

Marcus Stroman推特:

圖 聯盟跟球員討論在今年添加社會公平元素
"Took long enough...BLACK LIVES MATTER! "

Castrodale cited MLB's senior director of communications and youth engagementSteven Arocho, who knew the amount of time it took the league to respond
"didn't go unnoticed."
Castrodale則是引述聯盟資深主管Steven Arocho的話,說他知道聯盟花這樣的時間才做出的回應,「不會不被注意到的。」

However, Arocho said, "We didn't just want to be a brand putting our voice
out there. We wanted to develop what the next action was, so putting
something out without considerable thought and being thorough, for us, fell alittle short. We wanted there to be something intentional behind it."

It appears as if the league and its players are planning the next steps.


#1RelwrS2 (MLB)
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Roshiel07/20 16:23黃猴子呢? 叭~叭~

c87111111607/20 16:36先再多增加一點健康元素比較實際

Sulstan07/20 16:39政治正確大於一切。疫情只是Biden支持者創造出來的!!

Sulstan07/20 16:39"The virus will just disappear"Trump proclamation!

sikerkuaitai07/20 16:42連戴口罩都擺不平的國家

polanco07/20 16:44女性保障名額要來了嗎

terminator307/20 16:50都白人的MLB這樣搞會讓原本的觀眾反感吧

classskipper07/20 16:57SJW真夠噁心的

Sechslee07/20 17:18噁心

bierut07/20 17:54噁心的是根本不懂SJW脈絡然後跟風喊噁心的人吧哈哈

ChrisDavis07/20 18:36可以free honk Kong 嗎

mrlucas889107/20 18:43不知道為啥現在看到這種新聞已經從反感變無感了

cthjk07/20 18:54連戴口罩都擺不平的國家 +1

jackwula921107/20 20:25我們需要短髮平胸肌肉同性戀黑人女性

sustainer12307/20 22:14MLB應該可吧 反正支那人又不看棒球

earnformoney07/21 02:11說好的政治歸政治 棒球歸棒球呢

tswperfect07/21 04:32簡單啊 每一隊各國家人種都至少一個

crazypeo4507/21 04:59SJW ruins everything

Sechslee07/21 10:32SJW脈絡哈哈哈哈

Yukirin07/21 11:28黑人打者上來一壞球開局

heureux30707/21 15:06SJW有什麼脈絡?整天哭鬧,自行發明名詞定義社會、全

heureux30707/21 15:06世界都要注重我的「感覺」的脈絡嗎?

Ives2013007/21 19:48全黑人才公平 懂?

rahim07/21 20:49黑人打者上來直接一壞球,黑人投手直接一好球

PlayStation307/21 21:26好了啦SJW 棒球這麼父權的運動別看了

ricklay122507/21 22:54為什麼MLB只有男生能打 歧視女性?

saidon07/22 00:13巨人隊今年聘了女性一壘指 算是大突破了

saidon07/22 00:14說到巨人 他們今天賽前唱國歌時還跪地抗議的樣子

saidon07/22 00:15然後大概又要有人要7pu抵制mlb惹

saidon07/22 00:16'尼悶不尊重國歌94不尊重國旗94不愛國!'之類的

TohnoMinagi07/22 00:17女性球員一壞球開場,非裔兩壞球,非裔女性三壞球

ApAzusa12607/22 03:43全聯盟退休42號,然後還是覺得不夠

saidon07/22 04:00有一部分的人主張21號(clemente)也該要全聯盟退休

SatoTakuma07/22 09:02NBA的球員薪資歧視一般受薪階級...

saidon07/22 09:54樓上這個wnba抗議過了