[外電] Brett Gardner Hopes To Play In 2021

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Brett Gardner Hopes To Play In 2021

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By Connor Byrne | September 18, 2020 at 6:44pm CDT

Yankees outfielder Brett Gardner debuted in the majors in 2008, but it’s
possible this will be the 37-year-old’s final season in the bigs. If it’s
up to Gardner, though, that won’t be the case. He said Friday (via Bryan
Hoch of that he would “love to” play in 2021.

The Yankees, with whom Gardner has spent his entire career and racked up 37.3fWAR, have a $10MM option over him for 2021, but it’s quite possible they’
ll decline it in favor of a $2.5MM buyout. The club re-signed Gardner for a
guaranteed $12.5MM after last season, in which he slashed .251/.325/.503 witha career-high 28 home runs and 10 stolen bases across 550 plate appearances,
but he has since posted a .198/.333/.387 line with five homers and three
steals over 135 PA.

While Gardner has started more games in left than any other Yankee this year,they’ll continue to have Mike Tauchman and Clint Frazier in the fold as
corner choices in a year. Either of those two or Giancarlo Stanton could be
their No. 1 option at the position next season if Aaron Judge is able to man
right on a regular basis. So, although he’s the longest-tenured Yankee, one
of their heart-and-soul players and someone who has been rather productive
throughout his career, Gardner could end up on the outs in the wake of a downseason. However, even if the Yankees decline Gardner’s option, they could
choose to bring him back on a more team-friendly deal.

4. 新聞連結:

5. 備註:

(1) 洋基隊外野手Brett Gardner在2008年初登板,但今年有可能是他生涯的最後一年,不過Gardner週五表示希望能再戰明年。

(2) 他生涯在洋基隊貢獻37.3 fWAR,在去年550個打席中繳出生涯新高的28轟、

(3) 下季洋基隊如果Aaron Judge站穩右外野,角落外野有Mike Tauchman、Clint Frazier跟Giancarlo Stanton作為人選。所以即便Gardner是洋基目前陣中穿條紋衣最久的洋基人、終身為洋基做出不少貢獻,他仍可能會因為今年表現不佳離開球隊。不過,即便洋基隊買斷Gardner的合約,也可能再以較低價的合約簽回他。

(4) 洋基隊各野手位置人選如下:
A. C:Gary Sanchez、Kyle Higashioka、Erik Kratz*。
B. 1B:Luke Voit、Mike Ford。
C. 2B:DJ LeMahieu*。
D. 3B:Gio Urshela。
E. SS:Gleyber Torres。
F. UT:Miguel Andujar、Tyler Wade、Thairo Estrada。
G. RF:Aaron Judge、Clint Frazier。
H. CF:Aaron Hicks。
I. LF:Brett Gardner**。
J. OF:Mike Tauchman、Estevan Florial。
K. DH:Giancarlo Stanton。

(5) Brett Gardner今年在洋基隊的成績表現(今年37歲;今年原計薪水:$10MM):


42 22 5 14 32 22 .198 .333 .387 .721 98


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giancarloye09/19 14:06差不多了,還好我有14簽名

LaoDa581556609/19 14:13底薪當休息室領袖啊

jetergood09/19 14:17明年5MM看能不能留下來.他當4號OF還是堪用.至少有手套

tree74859609/19 14:26爭取的R

deeping77409/19 14:31洋基外野至少要準備七個才夠 兩個固定傷兵兩個替補

arashicool09/19 14:39打到背號有資格退休為止

mirrorlee09/19 14:53洋基外野現在有點滿 尤其今年紅髮又打這麼好 今年退然

mirrorlee09/19 14:53後轉教練組比較有意義

hydreigon09/19 15:22打到其他29隊的客隊休息室天花板都被戳爆再退

kenkuo168809/19 16:11差不多啊 留下來當精神領袖

kenkuo168809/19 16:12洋基近年來傷兵頻率這麼高 買個保險跟氣氛

AHEAD09909/19 16:29Tauchman差不多也可以丟了

duo13109/19 17:04兩個玻璃人....難說

AZBTPATONY09/19 17:31搞不好明年他出賽場數 比兩個風扇合起來還高

tomsawyer09/19 17:36hicks簽長約之後就越來越玻璃

dinos09/19 17:41Tauchman就底薪人,丟了還是得找個替補CF,不然Hicks....

b39370009/19 20:03感謝AZB大提點

o0kk0ogreen09/19 21:17留着吧,傷兵一堆

page556609/19 21:47AZB這次說的算中肯

j0724205409/19 22:42低一點的價格簽回來當4 或5號OF 也算OK吧 有防守有速度

sonesnsdsosi09/19 22:48Tauchman防守還是不錯

sonesnsdsosi09/19 22:52但是還是想要園丁留下來

mecheers09/20 08:30雙99這麼玻璃,Hicks也常傷

mecheers09/20 08:30希望可以佛心約留下來

youngluke09/20 08:33Tauchman尷尬 去年7月開始超燙 結果逃不過傷兵詛咒

youngluke09/20 08:33今年又變得鳥鳥的

LaoDa581556609/20 09:17tauchman還可以期待找回狀態吧

charlie0109/20 10:02沒 他的打擊原型就這樣而已

riddick952709/20 11:18捨不得園丁退,底薪簽回對雙方都好

gs20048383109/20 12:12洋基最後的老將

AHEAD09909/20 19:02Gardner應該是現在洋基所有外野手中最健康的

ts01210809/20 19:34誰說洋基外野很擠的= =

ahuahala09/21 20:42Gardner超級健康啊,球棒斷了他還會在的

Pederson3109/21 22:07DJL應該優先續約回來