[外電] Tommy Larsoda dies at 93

看板MLB標題[外電] Tommy Larsoda dies at 93作者
時間推噓32 推:32 噓:0 →:6
We mourn the passing of Hall of Fame manager Tommy Lasorda. He was 93.

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daueing01/09 00:54rip

sampsonlu91901/09 00:54RIP 也感謝他對棒球的貢獻 順帶也為LaSorda家節哀

DanielHudson01/09 00:56咦?前天不是才說出院嗎...... RIP

saiulbb01/09 00:58R.I.P.

charlie0101/09 01:0393真的天壽了 從開始知道MLB他似乎就是個老人家了

charlie0101/09 01:04R.I.P.

steak756201/09 01:07rip

JLai171601/09 01:17r.i.p

edhuang01/09 01:18R.I.P.

chiahunl01/09 01:38RIP

awihcinok01/09 02:30RIP

leekc641328001/09 03:02R.I.P

wahaha567801/09 03:06一代傳奇 R.I.P.

whhw01/09 03:17rip

Burtgang01/09 03:281993年來過台灣,道奇隊vs.中職聯軍,一路好走辛苦了

LazyCool01/09 03:45一路好走,永遠會記得您對棒球的那股熱情的!

mjfang01/09 05:25R.I.P.

GaryMatthews01/09 08:00不曉得他這麼老了 rip

skmonkey01/09 08:13R.I.P

Toy1701/09 11:15R.I.P.

pathfinder01/09 11:56R.I.P. 也是高壽了

gn107831101/09 13:07R.I.P

sikerkuaitai01/09 13:27r.i.p.

oadas01/09 13:53永遠熱情的棒球人 R. I. P

CanoNYY01/09 14:17R.I.P.

fireguard11901/09 15:47活到90以上都已經不簡單了

ganhua01/09 16:28R.I.P.

edwardcwd01/09 17:41RIP

mose5678901/09 18:53R.I.P.

momochii01/09 21:13R.I.P.

jzbobby01/09 21:40R.I.P

willywasd01/09 21:46RIP

zephry01/10 02:05R.I.P

aborwang01/10 11:40R.I.P.

vakaTNT01/10 14:01R.I.P.

JeremyKSKGA01/11 10:59R.I.P.

global01/13 12:12R.I.P.

Matthew1024401/20 09:40R.I.P. 永遠熱情、摯愛棒球的老教頭