[情報] 綠帽:蓋新球場後能使團隊薪資衝到前十

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Kaval says new stadium would allow A’s to spend like never before

剛看到運動家總裁Dave Kaval受採訪時提到

The revenue from a waterfront ballpark at Howard Terminal would allow the traditionally penny-pinching A’s to pay as much as the top 10 teams in baseball, according to team president Dave Kaval.

We can go from having one of the lowest five payrolls in the league to a top-five or 10, depending on the year,” Kaval told this news organization on Tuesday. “It’s going to be such a remarkable change in our business and I think withthe savvy and business acumen of (executive vice president) Billy Beane and (general manager) David Forst, giving them that type of resource is going to be incredible and that’s what we’re striving to do.”



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chinhsi06/12 15:18綠帽有錢了 不玩MoneyBall ?

ChrisDavis06/12 15:44Moneyball現在是有錢人在玩的,你看躲人洋基

dinos06/12 15:59綠帽老闆比躲人洋基都還有錢很多啊,moneyball是窮人玩的

a8671098506/12 16:07快去Vegas吧

MookieBetts06/12 16:38恐怖綠帽要來了

MatCarpenter06/12 16:42樓下Matt Olson表示興奮

ocean1106/12 16:52愛說笑

Sizemore2406/12 17:05一個money ball 各自表述

ThomasHSNU06/12 17:53現在這批人包括Front Office很多人等不到新球場好的

AZBTPATONY06/12 19:16洋基:簽了幾個盤子約可以拿冠軍

catsondbs06/12 19:35馬林魚新球場第二年就大拍賣了

claude306/12 19:42新主場 錢進來 綠帽發大財

sh331203706/12 19:51有錢可以用的綠帽制服組會很可怕

sustainer12306/12 20:08薪資限制解放的綠帽 怕爆 美西十年強權

mtyk1010006/12 21:06主場蓋得了 錢進得來 灣區發大財

Toy1706/12 23:46豆爺表示:

Minihil06/13 00:32放屁吧 不會花的就是不會花

mightymouse06/13 01:17有人相信嗎?

whhw06/13 01:23新聞稿先刷起來

hdotistyle06/13 04:31有錢的綠帽 蒿吐露絲

four506/13 06:37騙砲的你當我剛出社會啊

Sulstan06/13 07:11Jeffrey Loria當年也說過類似的話啊,結果呢?呵呵

Sulstan06/13 07:12然後中外野的裝飾丁特覺得太醜還要花錢移除哩

JamesChen06/13 08:44Money Ball 說的是有效率地使用資金,跟窮還是有錢無

JamesChen06/13 08:44關。

wahaha567806/13 09:32MoneyBall的概念現在也已經不稀奇了

MattOlson06/13 14:36你要確定餒

triff06/13 16:21money all指的是找出在市場上被人低估的價格

Ace10006/13 16:22Money ball 這招一堆球隊都會玩 而且薪資空間比你還大 怎

Ace10006/13 16:22

Ace10006/13 16:23運動家是money ball 人家是money ball加花大錢簽球星

BlitzX06/13 16:28怎拚?綠帽這幾年戰績還是很好啊 看看隔壁狂砸錢的天使

ChrisDavis06/13 17:18Moneyball是找低估的價值 跟有效利用資金還是不太一樣

bestteam06/13 21:11錢多就能用更多儀器測更多面向找出被埋起來的珍珠

Roshiel06/13 22:12還不如買一個垃圾桶+攝影機

tucker06/13 22:28因為需要有效利用資金才要找低估的價值不是嗎?

youngluke06/13 22:47資金多只是彈性更大有更多犯錯空間啊 能省的還是要省

ts01210806/13 23:43還是有影響吧

ts01210806/13 23:43原本是付F咖薪水挖B咖球員

ts01210806/13 23:44以後可能就進化成用C咖薪水挖掘到A咖球員

yaes11106/14 15:02錢丟下去通常都是變爛 看看我基跟落磯 建議綠帽不要

mt048106/14 15:47砸錢買Rosenthal 結果一球都沒投就躺傷兵了 還敢砸錢?