[外電] G.Woods收到響尾蛇老闆威脅信後被開除
根據 The Athletic 記者 Zach Buchanan 報導,
前亞利桑那州檢察長, 最近在 G&K 律師事務所任職的 Grant Woods
在 twitter 批評響尾蛇戰績爛爆,老闆應該將球隊賣給其他人:
So the AZ @Dbacks today set the record for most consecutive
road losses in the history of baseball. In Spring Training,
we said this team is non competitive and an insult to fans.
KK needs to sell the team to someone who cares.
Or don’t expect us to care. @mlb
響尾蛇老闆用私人 email 寄了一封威脅信,要他先小心自己的工作:
之後 Grant Woods 就被開除了,
都當過檢察長了 找工作不成問題吧
怎這這樣 幫QQ
Truly toxic combination很適合這個版 呵呵呵
不算超級大 但當過AG要找下一份不難的
當過檢察長那或多或少有人脈 要找下一份不難拉
[情報] MLB無限期停止所有活動Passan reports MLB suspending operations indefinitely. 剛剛Passan報導,MLB目前無限期停止所有活動 After a conference call among owners this afternoon, Major League Baseball is59
[情報] Corbin Carroll與響尾蛇簽下延長合約Sources: The @Dbacks and outfielder Corbin Carroll have agreed to an 8-year contract extension worth a guaranteed $111 million. A club option for 2031 would bring the total to $134 million. The team has not announced or commented on the deal. 響尾蛇與超級新人Corbin Carroll aka 卡仔簽下一張8年1億1100萬鎂的延長合約,並附帶第九年的球隊選擇權,合約總值最高可達1億3400萬鎂 --29
[情報] 天使/響尾蛇/紅人/老虎反對提高豪華稅限Sources: Angels, Diamondbacks, Reds and Tigers owners opposed MLB luxury tax inc rease to $220 million. MLB also proposed including player meal money in calculat ion of luxury tax, which irked players. 有消息指出有四位老闆反對豪華稅限提升到220M8
[問題] MLB狀元籤疑問目前MLB兩支戰績最差的球隊 巴爾的摩金鶯 52勝109敗 亞利桑那響尾蛇 51勝110敗 如果明天響尾蛇不小心贏球 金鳥輸球那戰績將會相同 印象選秀順位如遇戰績相同 將比較前一年的戰績7
[情報] 天使/響尾蛇/紅人/老虎反對提高豪華稅限Sources: Angels, Diamondbacks, Reds and Tigers owners opposed MLB luxury tax inc rease to $220 million. MLB also proposed including player meal money in calculat ion of luxury tax, which irked players. 有消息指出有四位老闆反對豪華稅限提升到220M2
[情報] Archie Bradley to RedsReds get Archie Bradley, source tells The Athletic. The #Dbacks are receiving Josh Van Meter and Stuart Fairchild from the #Reds in the Archie Bradley trade.