[情報] MLB向工會提議預防偷暗號的方案

看板MLB標題[情報] MLB向工會提議預防偷暗號的方案作者
時間推噓20 推:20 噓:0 →:7


Sources: MLB has recently made several new proposals to the
players association with an emphasis on sign stealing. Here they are: (thread)

MLB proposed prohibiting batters from reviewing scouting cards or
information during an at-bat. (Ex. A hitter could not review a
scouting card placed in his helmet during an at-bat)

MLB proposed that, beginning with the first pitch of the game,
Club Personnel may not print any Scouting Information for the
purposes of providing it to On-Field Club Personnel during the
game. (Ex. No Club employees can print and deliver information
mid-game to the dugout)

MLB proposed permitting Pitchers/Catchers to use the wireless
PitchCom device on a completely voluntary basis.
(Clubs and Players have access to these devices now,
during Spring Training, for testing during bullpens/games).

Again, these are just proposals. It’s unclear right now how
the PA will respond, but there’s an added focus on sign stealing.


1. 禁止打擊區的打者看小卡 (例如放在帽子內的球探資訊卡)

2. 比賽第一球投出後,非場上的球團職員不能再給球員/教練追加任何球探資訊

3. 允許投捕間使用無線裝置 (PitchCom device) 溝通



※ PTT留言評論
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※ 編輯: ccpz ( 臺灣), 03/27/2022 08:23:31

Edison117403/27 08:25第二點 場邊壘側教練用手比暗號也不行?

ccpz03/27 08:31可以,我修正一下翻譯

※ 編輯: ccpz ( 臺灣), 03/27/2022 08:32:09

JohnLackey03/27 08:36培養更多蝴蝶球投手

polanco03/27 09:04以後要背完小卡才能上場了

saiulbb03/27 09:26為什麼不三項都放行 這樣不是更難偷

ewayne03/27 10:163是要怎麼溝通?不講話脫手套打字嗎?

ewayne03/27 10:23看了測試影片,竟然是在投手帽子裡裝播音器...那以後客場

ewayne03/27 10:25投手要投球的時候製造噪音讓他聽不清楚就好啦...

AhCheng03/27 10:42PitchCom Device請聽最新一集的Hito大聯盟

ChrisDavis03/27 13:133哪裡會多難,NFL都玩多久了,進攻開始前就會切訊號但

ChrisDavis03/27 13:13是只有Tom Brady的不會切而已

TokyoHard03/27 13:34投補的快上線,改善時間一定很明顯的

cc9i03/27 14:29光芒正在試用

Anakin03/27 14:57Zack Greinke也試用過了,也是很喜歡

c87111111603/27 15:12只有3可行吧 12感覺會搞到自己不會同意

tn0003716603/27 15:2412沒意義吧 3不錯也能省下打暗號的時間

vgil03/27 15:463可行啊 不用打暗號 隊友也不會看錯案號

GABA03/27 16:13比暗號是比賽一環 比的好可以欺敵

ken72033103/27 16:453不錯阿..暗號都不用比了

adonisXD03/27 17:00還以為要強制馬賽克 還好提案都很正常

jason151503/27 20:17禁止打者看小卡是為啥? 怕被轉播拍到然後被對手偷?

gt1234503/27 20:30防守方可以看小卡打者不能看? 這樣不公平吧

chen551203/27 20:34改善投手聽的裝置不是什麼問題,骨傳導也是一個選項

※ 編輯: ccpz ( 臺灣), 03/27/2022 22:03:34

ccpz03/27 22:04照原文說法,打者小卡可能有破解暗號的資訊吧

leegogo03/28 00:16比賽中的人工偷暗號是棒球的一部分

leegogo03/28 00:16要阻止的是用場外資訊傳遞作弊

grtfor03/29 08:38補手比暗號要走入歷史了嗎