[情報] 巨人Zaidi:季末FA我們會很積極

看板MLB標題[情報] 巨人Zaidi:季末FA我們會很積極作者
時間推噓27 推:30 噓:3 →:12

Zaidi teases Giants will be 'aggressive' in free-agent market

Pesident of baseball operations Farhan Zaidi said as much Sunday during an MLB Network Radio interview, where he noted this year’s offseason approach will be much different.

巨人棒球事務部總裁Farhan Zaidi在上個月接受MLB Network Radio的採訪時提到


“We find ourselves in a position this offseason where we want to get more athletic, we want to have a roster that has a better chance at staying healthy, which usually means getting a little bit younger,” Zaidi said. “So everything’s on the table for us, including going out and being aggressive at the top end of the free-agent market.”



Zaidi always knew the 2021 and ‘22 offseasons would be a period of “transition” for the Giants, he explained, with plenty of veteran contracts expiring or about to expire.

But the team didn’t feel the need to change much after their 107-win performance in 2021 and decided to try and repeat that success with some of those vets this year. Injuries have plagued team stalwarts like Brandon Crawford, Evan Longoria, and Brandon Belt this season, however, forcing a reexamination of the team’s upcoming offseason approach.







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es9114ian10/04 19:54不容易傷痛,更年輕的隊伍,那就跟Judge無緣啦w

luckywang10/04 19:54法官+TT

phoenix28610/04 20:01不容易傷痛 是不是直接排除掉法官和Correa

badom10/04 20:05今年少了posey差很多

c87111111610/04 20:05不容易傷痛更年輕 這種FA哪裡找

kingwei52010/04 20:05要來搶捲毛了嗎?

prostitute10/04 20:08有種不要開合約給法官

Golbez10/04 20:09搞不好明年巨人就回來,敢花錢找法官嗎

RodrigueZ81010/04 20:11阿吉又老又痛 請找別人 謝謝

saiulbb10/04 20:14乾脆學遊騎兵好了 Judge+TT+Correa 這畫面太美我不敢想

Mikufans10/04 20:41該出手Correa了吧

AZBTPATONY10/04 20:46法官.Correa.地瓜一起簽下來醫院院長會很難選

bestteam10/04 20:53想當年有隊伍說要開死星出來結果啥都沒

jino0110/04 21:02學綠帽徹底用新人

MapleLeaf15110/04 21:08進擊的巨人

cor1os10/04 21:2133歲的侵略

hoelen10/04 21:26真的是拜託不要簽法官,我不認為他明年會跟今年一樣這麼

hoelen10/04 21:26健康

TrueTears10/04 21:31要找在bronx打擊的辣個人

JJHu10/04 21:33講成這樣不簽TT我都覺得尷尬了,不過確實需要新血加入我巨

JJHu10/04 21:34同時簽Judge跟Correa這個休息室氣氛我就不敢想像了XD

atmmaxing10/04 22:08問就是辣個男人

mirrorlee10/04 22:10Correa傷痛問題比法官少多了吧

RodrigueZ81010/04 22:19並沒有 從阿吉出道年2017開始算

RodrigueZ81010/04 22:20阿吉17-22打了700場 Correa17-22打了635場

RodrigueZ81010/04 22:21平均一年阿吉比Correa多打11場

RodrigueZ81010/04 22:24這6年只有1年Correa出賽數比阿吉多 就2020年縮水年

lingon10/04 22:44'aggressive' 翻成'積極'比較適合...

sampsonlu91910/04 23:09那個男人有沒有可能是目前也在西區打球的Soto呢?

ShockHo22210/04 23:15這次又要請哪個老人去舊金山養老?

beckseaton10/04 23:45Soto的約還有幾年吧

Cueto10/05 00:06>33 = 年輕 法官口瑞亞我全都要

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 10/05/2022 00:07:10

sindarin10/05 00:12去年一群老人同時爆氣 今年初怎麼會期待有辦法複製...

borriss10/05 00:40 35+的老人換成30出頭也是變年輕啊

slyheart10/05 01:06地瓜+阿吉+TT,我想看宇宙巨

ChrisDavis10/05 01:15Crawford去年那個成績怎麼覺得有辦法複製

Mikufans10/05 02:29重點是又老又受傷

dinos10/05 02:5917-22有55個人出賽數比法官多,包含B.Crawford,Odor,麥卡臣

avcddd10/05 06:52明年法官 後年大谷

weighluen10/05 07:40老人本來就容易受傷@@

fengey10/05 08:01感覺少了波西也有差吧

whhw10/05 11:12幹大事

hunder3110/05 12:56不容易傷痛 法官表示:….

lazuritechen10/05 23:28拜託不要法官

ken72033110/06 05:29年紀不夠我不要?