Re: [情報] 烏克蘭開始拉空軍去當步兵絞肉

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首先,根據《軍事平衡》(The Military Balance)最新版本中國際戰略研究所(IISS)的評估,俄羅斯戰略導彈部隊共有5萬名人員。這支龐大的部隊分為12個導彈師,下轄38個導彈團。每個團擁有多達9個移動發射系統,配備「亞爾斯」或「白楊」洲際彈道導彈(ICBM)。或者,每個團運行6到10個地下ICBM發射井和一個指揮中心。

然而,問題的關鍵在於,除了負責發射核武器和維護導彈的核心人員外,還有所謂的反破壞分隊(counter-saboteur units)。但這些分隊的具體人數在上述報告中並未提及。




Kremlin Sends Strategic Forces Troops in Battle as Infantry: is russia Desperately Short of Manpower?

No. Turns out, it's not out of ordinary for russia to dispatch some soldiers from the 50,000-strong hotchpotch strategic missile forces to Ukraine
Military command of russia has created or is currently creating infantry units made up of personnel from the Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN), a branch responsible for nuclear weapons. This follows from a message by russian activists calling for donations to help equip the newly-formed motor rifle regiment of the RVSN,operating in the Kursk Region.

The news resonated through Ukrainian media: against the background of recent reports of russia seeking to involve North Korean soldiers in its war against Ukraine, one might misinterpret this situation as another indication of Moscow lacking human resources to sustain the war effort. Therefore, allegedly, they send highly qualified operators of nuclear missile systems to fight as regular assault troops.
However, this case is more nuanced, just like that time we talked about russian sailors pulled off the decrepit Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier and sent to battle in Ukraine.

To begin with, the russian Strategic Missile Forces count 50,000 personnel, according to the latest edition of The Military Balance assessment form IISS. This massive force is divided into 12 missile divisions, subdivided into 38 missile regiments. Each has up to nine mobile launch systems with either Yars or Topol intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM). Alternatively, a regiment runs betweensix and ten underground ICBM silos and a command center.

But the said nuance is, besides the personnel responsible for pushing the red button and maintaining the missiles, there are so-called counter-saboteur units. However, the exact number of servicemen belonging to those is not specified in the study.

The existence of these counter-saboteur units has been confirmed by russian official media, they even mentioned some details regarding the equipment of these troops. For example, they have Taifun-M (Typhoon-M) armored anti-sabotage vehicles on the BTR-82A chassis.

Furthermore, the first reports about the practice of sending RVSN units to fight in Ukraine date back to the fall of 2022. In conclusion, this means that another instance of russian missile troops dispatched to the Kursk Region showcases situational staffing problems rather than marks a critical personnel shortage overall.




這支部隊最近因一起事件而引起外界注意:來自「庫茲涅佐夫號」的水手奧列格·索塞多夫(Oleg Sosedov)在2023年7月於哈爾科夫地區參與一項俄羅斯軍事行動期間失蹤。據報導,索塞多夫隸屬於該機械化營,最後一次被看到是在攻擊Sotnytskii Kozachok前沿村莊時。

此外,有報導稱,俄羅斯也正在從航空航天部隊(Aerospace Forces)的成員中組建步兵單位,這些新成立的部隊目前參與了庫爾斯克地區的戰鬥。



UK Defence Journal
Home Sea Russian aircraft carrier crew sent to frontline in Ukraine

In a surprising development, Russia has seemingly formed a mechanised battalionfrom the crew of its only aircraft carrier, the Admiral Kuznetsov.
This new unit is reportedly involved in ground operations in Ukraine, accordingto open-source intelligence researcher Moklasen on X (formerly Twitter).

Initially stationed in the Kharkiv region, the battalion has since been redeployed to the Pokrovsk sector, according to the Ukrainian military. The formation of the battalion came to light after a message was shared on Russian social mediaplatform Vkontakte, requesting help in locating personnel from military unit 78987.

This unit recently gained attention following the disappearance of Oleg Sosedov, a sailor from the Admiral Kuznetsov, who went missing during a Russian operation in the Kharkiv region in July. Sosedov, also linked to the battalion, was last seen during an assault on the frontier village of Sotnytskii Kozachok.
Additionally, reports indicate that Russia is also forming infantry units from members of its Aerospace Forces, with these new units playing a role in battles around Kursk.

The Admiral Kuznetsov has faced numerous setbacks since being withdrawn from service for repairs in 2017. Originally planned for modernisation to extend its service life by 25 years, the ship’s overhaul has been continuously delayed by accidents and technical challenges.

※ 引述《kouhenry (科科)》之銘言
: 烏克蘭民族主義者塞爾希· 斯特爾年科(Serhii Sternenko)在其Telegram頻道上的發言
: 「烏克蘭空軍的確面臨將人員轉入步兵的危機情況,這可能導致我們失去航空力
: 量這一組成部分。同樣的問題也出現在專業狹隘的航空專家身上,例如雷達操作員,他們: 的培訓需要很長時間。根據我的消息來源,空軍將不得不撤回數十架戰鬥機,因為將無人: 能夠維修這些飛機,使其無法投入戰鬥。由於防空專家的被迫調動,對導彈和無人機的探: 測能力將顯著下降。高級軍事指揮部做出這些決定的原因在於前線(LBZ)步兵的嚴重短: 缺。但我們幾乎有一半的損失是由軍隊管理危機造成的,比如:指揮官對過多損失不負責: 任;旅級部隊被分散;訓練不足的新兵被投入戰鬥;老部隊無法獲得增援,只能將新兵投: 放到已具備戰鬥經驗的環境中。這進一步證實了烏克蘭正將能轉換的人員都改為步兵——: 順帶一提,過去許多人曾否認這種情況。」
: 心得:
: 烏前線區缺兵到要空軍專業上前線當砲灰步兵
: 然後基輔備好90萬後備在那裡等西方裝備
: 不過不急 俄推得這麼慢 先讓空軍上去蹲坑絞肉
: 奇幻故事莫過於此

Sent from BePTT on my Samsung SM-A1560


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saccharomyce01/15 08:16好像是派飛彈的警衛部隊到前線 而非操作人員

defendor007 01/15 08:24好了啦 自己爛還拖別人爛 人家俄軍早在100年前就是

defendor007 01/15 08:24這樣作戰啦

jobli 01/15 08:28原來是烏克蘭抄俄國

aragorn747 01/15 08:38鵝沒人的論述準備連續邁入第四年

aragorn747 01/15 08:38信者恆信 反正我只負責看笑話

andyken 01/15 08:41之前空天軍就有組步兵團去防衛庫斯克,與其說人不

andyken 01/15 08:41夠我比較偏向是俄軍閒閒沒事幹的人太多才會被這樣

andyken 01/15 08:41

sas1942 01/15 08:55某007還真急啊XDD

utn875 01/15 09:19任何角度看,兩國都已經打到兵疲馬困,該和談停戰

utn875 01/15 09:19

kobebrian 01/15 09:33俄羅斯不可能沒人 但裝備已經減少了 還能維持多久

kobebrian 01/15 09:33攻勢?

dfgh5566 01/15 10:25急了wwwww

justinjuly 01/15 12:28看來俄羅斯慘了

washwall 01/15 12:54007滾回八卦板

jth634 01/15 22:24警衛部隊被調去前線玩COD的阻力就減少