Re: 飛安通報

看板Military標題Re: 飛安通報作者
時間推噓 4 推:4 噓:0 →:4

PARIS, July 20 (Reuters) - A French Mirage 2000 jet fighter crashed in
northern Mali on Tuesday due to a technical problem, the French military said.

The two pilots involved were safe, armed forces spokesman Colonel Pascal
Ianni said. The crash occurred in Hombori region.

The military will open an investigation into the reasons for the crash but
militant groups were not behind the incident, he said.

"Terrorist groups are not the cause of the problem", Ianni said.





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rtwodtwo 07/21 20:23馬利恐怖分子應該沒有可以把M2000幹下來的武器吧

cwjchris 07/21 21:37due to a technical problem 技術問題,不是被擊落

JosephChen 07/21 22:50為何要一直強調絕對不是恐怖份子害的呢...

EvilPrada 07/21 22:57會造成恐慌 所以能排除就會第一時間否認

kuma660224 07/21 23:52也很明顯無關阿 那邊恐怖份子沒啥防空

kuma660224 07/21 23:54他們最近還綁架了幾個當地中國人

mmmimi11tw 07/22 00:02因為恐怖分子的機率很低

qsgjnmvb 07/22 09:16DCS會開幻想2000不代表你摸的到戰機