Fw: [新聞] 軍火商推出可連接Apple Watch的霰彈槍

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作者: GETpoint (擲雷爆卦) 看板: Gossiping
標題: [新聞] 軍火商推出可連接Apple Watch的霰彈槍
時間: Tue Oct 5 22:28:43 2021

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外媒 Russia Beyond





Kalashnikov unveils a shotgun that can be integrated with your Apple Watch

卡拉什尼科夫推出可與 Apple Watch 連接的霰彈槍


Kalashnikov unveils a shotgun that can be integrated with your Apple Watch

It records every action you take with the gun and sends it right to Tim Cook.Kalashnikov Concern recentlyunveiled the M-155 ‘Ultima’ shotgun that can be
integrated with an Apple Watch. The novelty was presented during an arms expoin Moscow in late September 2021.

最近關注卡拉什尼科夫推出了可與 Apple Watch 集成的 M-155“Ultima”霰彈槍。這種
新穎性是在 2021 年 9 月下旬在莫斯科舉行的武器博覽會上展示的。



The state-of-the-art shotgun has a bunch of hi-tech gadgets that you would
never expect to see on a firearm. For example, a built-in computer with an
external display, Wi-Fi router, Bluetooth, battery and other electronics.

And all of this is hidden inside of its buttstock.

The main feature of the weapon is video recording. It has a pre-installed
camera under the barrel that projects all your actions right onto your iPhoneor Apple Watch. The camera works the same as a GoPro camera that athletes
install on their helmets - it shows all the action from a POV angle.

This camera also has a display on the buttstock showing the user everything
that is happening directly in front of the weapon. However, the LCD display
reflects badly in the light and barely anything can be seen under a blazing

最先進的霰彈槍有一堆你永遠不會想到在槍支上看到的高科技小工具。例如,帶有外接顯示器的內置計算機、Wi-Fi 路由器、藍牙、電池和其他電子設備。


該武器的主要特點是攝影。它在槍管下預裝了一個攝影機,可以將你的所有動作投射到你的 iPhone 或 Apple Watch 上。該相機的工作原理與運動員安裝在頭盔上的 GoPro 相機相同 - 它從 POV 角度顯示所有動作。


Nevertheless, this video recording feature will help a user to master their
shooting skills and process all their actions once they return home.

The computer inside the buttstock also has a built-in timer that records the
number of shots and hits, the time and rate of fire and the number of targetshit. So every action of yours will be recorded and can be analysed

Besides that, the M-155 ‘Ultima’ has a pre-installed compass and a GPS
module showing the location of the weapon if you somehow lose it (we hope youdon’t).

You can also download videos via Bluetooth or via the USB connector on the
side, if the battery runs low.



除此之外,M-155 'Ultima' 有一個預裝的指南針和一個 GPS 模塊,如果你不知何故丟失了它,它會顯示武器的位置(我們希望你沒有)。

如果電池電量不足,您還可以通過藍牙或側面的 USB 連接器下載影片。


Expert’s review

“The reason for such an unexpected addition to the weapon was simple - to
attract new users into the gun world with a fancy and stylish ‘toy’. In
real life, these ads would only harden the life of a shooter, but if you go
on a ranch or into a forest to shoot some stuff for fun - then it definitely
would work,” says Yuri Sinichkin, a former sniper and an engineer at Lobaev
Arms corporation.

According to him, the weapon is also pretty expensive and a professional
shooter or hunter would most likely buy themselves something else.

“It costs as much as a ‘Benelli’, which costs a lot, as it’s created in
Italy, reliable and used by the American SWAT. And ‘Ultima’ costs a lot
because it’s fancy,” the expert mentions.



此成本很高。'Ultima' 成本很高,因為它很花哨,”專家提到。


Weapon’s features & cost

The standard variant of a M-155 shotgun has a retail price of around $500.
The newly created ‘Ultima’, however, costs around $2,000 in 2021.

The M-155 is a well-known weapon created decades ago for hunting and
practical shooting. M-155 ‘Ultima’ is the weapon’s rebirth into a new
attractable form for customers.

The weapon is smoothbore and has a classic 12/76 caliber. Its 71-cm-long
barrel allows a person to effectively hit targets up to 100 meters away.

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M-155 霰彈槍的標準型號零售價約為 500 美元。然而,新創建的“Ultima”在 2021 年
的成本約為 2,000 美元。

M-155 是幾十年前為狩獵和實際射擊而製造的著名武器。M-155 'Ultima' 是該武器的重生,成為對顧客有吸引力的新形式。

該武器為滑膛武器,具有經典的 12/76 口徑。它的 71 厘米長的槍管可以讓一個人有效地擊中 100 公尺外的目標。


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※ 編輯: GETpoint ( 臺灣), 10/05/2021 22:29:55

chengcti: 要點選 Apple watch reload223.140.234.100 10/05 22:29
joumay: ....以後拿著槍打手槍的畫面........ 10/05 22:29
bye2007: 有連接Apple Watch的麻醉槍嗎? 10/05 22:29
kcclasaki: 是時候入手欸破襪區ㄖㄜ 10/05 22:30
AZBTPATONY: 台中C300要標配散彈槍吧 10/05 22:31
Roooz: 俄羅斯都在幹這個嗎114.137.142.185 10/05 22:31
zxcz1471: 能聯網的話 那反其道可以買追蹤外掛 就118.169.185.117 10/05 22:32
HIPHOPPIG: 想到絕命毒師結尾 屌118.169.243.105 10/05 22:33
zxcz1471: 可以標定持有該武器人的位置118.169.185.117 10/05 22:33

※ PTT留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ※ 轉錄者: GETpoint ( 臺灣), 10/05/2021 22:33:51

GETpoint 10/05 22:38順便補一下50字心得,看來俄國的軍火商還是很看重

GETpoint 10/05 22:39美國市場,不過這個價位應該只能當訓練用的槍,

GETpoint 10/05 22:40無法大量配發,不過對於改善單兵射擊姿勢技巧幫助

mmmimi11tw 10/05 22:40就是娛樂用槍而已

GETpoint 10/05 22:40應該不小 不過續航力看來有點謎就是

mmmimi11tw 10/05 22:43再聰明一點就可以自己寫惹(′▽‵)ノ

mmmimi11tw 10/05 22:43*寫字

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lordcolus 10/05 22:43抗議 然後App被下架

defenser 10/05 22:46建議比照TOYOTA把蘋果列為恐怖份子愛用品牌

T50 10/05 22:48我覺得ipad的Lidar 擴展功能,可以幫助校正歸零

ja23072008 10/05 23:02拿來校正40榴的彈道落點應該很有用,還可以發展對

ja23072008 10/05 23:02空用途。

ssarc 10/05 23:07科技始終來自於人性

Electroche 10/05 23:34Hey Siri, where is my Mark19 40mm machine gun?

kkttaipeityy10/05 23:39之前就有不知道哪裡的民兵用iPad來輔助迫砲瞄準

whitefox 10/06 02:48前幾年美國有人把槍連到家裡防盜器,結果自己被射死

whitefox 10/06 02:50ipad那個是用來量炮管的水平的,因為沒瞄準鏡了

whitefox 10/06 02:51炮管的瞄準鏡上有二顆像裝潢用的量水平的汽泡

maniac0630 10/06 03:50只有我在意有沒有來電顯示嗎?(被拖走

cokecolatw 10/06 08:17想到某個恐怖攻擊直播...

fuhrershih 10/06 09:31Siri 會不會在打靶時莫名其妙蹦出來......

mmmimi11tw 10/06 10:12hey siri shoot that guy

JosephChen 10/06 10:18所以講老半天,還是看不出到底與蘋果關連何在

JosephChen 10/06 10:19除了支援藍芽,但是手表藍芽能幹嘛?用散彈槍打電話?

whitefox 10/06 10:30類似抬頭顯示器,看螢幕來打目標,不用一直看著敵人

elvis30901 10/06 17:49三小啊

cym1011709 10/07 09:57說不定可以給警察用,然後當執法現場的存證之類的

JosephChen 10/08 16:41可是這把槍本身就自帶一個比智慧表大得多的螢幕了

JosephChen 10/08 16:43唯一想到用途大概就CQB或掩體後開槍時 不用探頭