[外絮] 黃蜂隊欺騙小孩假裝贈送PS5
昨天黃蜂在主場對陣76人的比賽活動 一件事情今天造成熱議
You guys want to see a cheap sports organization?
In this video my best friend&his nephew get called onto court for a special
segment where they gift the kid a PS5 publicly… w/cameras off they TOOK IT
AWAY and gave him a jersey.
Take a bow @hornets… crushed the kid
在這個影片裡 我一個好朋友與他的姪子一起被叫上了場並參與了特殊活動 黃蜂公開贈送給小朋友PS5...然而在鏡頭轉走之後他們將PS5拿走了並只給他一件球衣
另外 他朋友是季票擁有者 聯絡賣季票的業務之後第一時間也沒獲得球隊方的回應
想當然耳也許多人指控這個人是騙子 他也就不斷貼出他朋友有出場的一些證據
Statement from #Hornets on last night’s promotion.
They’re giving the kid a PS5 and VIP experience for future game.
During last night’s game there was an on-court skit that missed the mark.
The skit included bad decision making and poor communication. Simply put, we
turned the ball over and we apologize. We have reached out to the family and
are committed to not only making it right but to exceeding expectations. We
will be providing the fan with the PS5 that he should have taken home last
night along with a VIP experience to a future game. Our goal is and will
remain to elevate the guest experience for every person that enters Spectrum
Center, and to show our fans how much we appreciate their relentless support.
新聞標題(換成中文的話):影/夏洛特黃蜂隊「殘酷公關操作」摧毀孩子聖誕夢 網友怒轟吝嗇球隊
不知道有沒有像 :P
[討論] 和O2認識的女網友分享自己買到PS5會怪嗎前幾天欣喜若狂接收了朋友多搶的一台PS5,還原價賣我,不免我拍照想 跟大家炫一波,於是我傳給了一個最近在那邊認識的一個女生,雖然沒 有聊得很熱絡,但多少會聊一下,而且感覺是正常人,雖然她也滿常過 很久才回的... 昨天想說找個話題傳照片跟她說我買到PS5了,結果她竟然嗆我說,「你難爆
[花邊] 從未進過總決賽球隊:黃蜂 快艇 灰狼The only teams to never reach the NBA Finals: Hornets Clippers Timberwolves Grizzlies97
[花邊] 黃蜂球迷聽到選擇Brandon Miller一陣哀嚎Barstool Sports @barstoolsports Hornets fans don’t want Brandon Miller 媒體曝黃蜂球迷在聽到黃蜂隊選秀選擇Brandon Miller時 從歡呼轉成哀嚎72
[外絮] Biyombo:7、8年前MJ還能單挑擊敗黃蜂球員Biyombo:7、8年前MJ單挑黃蜂球員時還能100%擊敗他們 The Hornets were the last team Biyombo was on before he signed as a free agent w ith the Suns on New Year's Day 2022, but Biyombo still has fond memories of his interactions with Charlotte owner and NBA legend Michael Jordan, who didn't hesi tate taking on Hornets' players even in his 50s.50
[情報] 灰狼黃蜂賽L2M報告:10個誤判The NBA's Last 2 Minute Report says there were 10 — Yes, 10 — missed calls fro m the final 2 minutes of last night's Timberwolves-Hornets game. 7 disadvantaged the Timberwolves while 3 disadvantaged the Hornets. Charlotte wo n 128-125. 昨晚的灰狼黃蜂比賽的L2M報告說有10個誤判65
[問題] 求推薦PS5的火力展示用GAME入手PS5三個多月了 都在玩單機動作game 對馬、FF7re、死擱、蜘蛛人邁爾斯~ 最近有朋友想來家裡聞聞PS5的香味 他算有在玩pc game63
[情報] LiAngelo Ball預計與黃蜂隊簽約消息來源:運動畫刊記者Roderick Boone 內容: Sources: LiAngelo Ball is expected to sign with the #Hornets, reuniting him with LaMelo, and be on team’s summer league roster. LiAngelo Ball預計會和夏洛特黃蜂簽約,並為該隊出戰夏季聯賽。39
Re: [花邊] 球隊勝率進退步圖推文不少人在討論CP3的帶隊影響力,多是用去年雷霆跟今年太陽舉例 不過其實稍微老一點點的球迷應該都記得,真正展現CP3的影響力差距的,應該是2011年 2011年CP3從蜂王變成船長的那場交易,也就是在聯盟以「籃球因素」否決CP3去湖人之後的交易,這才真正展現CP3的價值所在 簡單說,直接看戰績表最快 2010-11的西區戰績:42
[情報] 黃蜂隊正式宣布簽下選秀探花 LaMelo Ball消息來源: LaMelo Ball signs rookie contract with Hornets 夏洛特黃蜂隊在今天正式簽下選秀探花 LaMelo Ball 而他也將會穿上黃蜂隊的二號球衣33
[花邊] Miles Bridges 道歉聲明消息來源: 剛與黃蜂隊簽下一年資質報價合約的 Miles Bridges,本日和總管Mitch Kupchak 一起出 席球隊記者會。在會上,他就去年在洛杉磯發生的家暴事件,發表了道歉聲明: (影片)
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