[外絮] Bronny James 與弟弟Bryce James的比較

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Detailed Comparison of Bryce vs. Bronny James


The basketball world continues to obsess over the development of LeBron James'ssons. With Bronny and Bryce James following different paths in their basketballcareers, recent developments have emphasized the contrasting journeys of these two promising athletes.

籃球界持續關注 LeBron James 兩個兒子的發展。隨著 Bronny 和 Bryce James 在籃球生涯中走上不同的道路,最近的發展更加突顯了這兩位極具潛力的運動員截然不同的成長旅程。

Bronny James, the elder brother, garnered immense attention during his high school career at Sierra Canyon, where he showed steady improvement over his four years. As a senior, he posted impressive numbers, averaging 14.2 points, 5.5 rebounds, 2.4 assists, and 1.8 steals per game, leading to his selection as a McDonald's All-American.

作為哥哥的 Bronny James,在 Sierra Canyon 高中期間引起了廣泛關注,在四年的高中生涯中表現出穩定進步。他在高四時交出亮眼成績,場均 14.2 分、5.5 籃板、2.4 助攻和 1.8 抄截,最終入選麥當勞全明星賽(McDonald's All-American)。

However, Bronny's collegiate career at USC faced an unexpected challenge when he suffered cardiac arrest during a team workout. Despite this setback, he has shown resilience in his professional development. While his NBA statistics with the Los Angeles Lakers remain modest (to be kind), his performance in the G Leaguehas been noteworthy, averaging 14.7 points, 4.4 rebounds, and 4.2 assists through seven games with South Bay.

然而,Bronny 在 USC 的大學籃球生涯因一次心臟驟停事件受到意外挑戰。儘管遭遇這一挫折,他在職業發展上展現了韌性。雖然他在洛杉磯湖人的 NBA 數據表現平平,但在發展聯盟(G League)的表現值得肯定,在為 South Bay 出戰的七場比賽中,他場均得到 14.7分、4.4 籃板和 4.2 助攻。

Meanwhile, Bryce James, standing 6'6", has recently committed to the Universityof Arizona, joining an already impressive 2025 recruiting class. Though his high school statistics may appear less prominent than his brother's, averaging 6.9 points and 2.2 rebounds with a 36.8% three-point shooting percentage, scouts have noted that his athleticism shows room for development.

與此同時,身高 6 呎 6 吋的 Bryce James 最近宣布加盟亞利桑那大學(University of Arizona),成為該校 2025 年招募班的一員。儘管他的高中數據看起來不如哥哥那麼突出,場均僅有 6.9 分和 2.2 籃板,但三分命中率達到 36.8%。球探指出,他的運動能力仍有很大的發展空間。

Although the brothers present very different athletic profiles, Bronny, at 6'2", has demonstrated more polished statistics and proven ability to perform under pressure, though his freshman year at USC saw him average just 4.8 points per game. Bryce, with his height advantage and promising shooting touch, shows raw potential that could translate well to the collegiate level.

儘管這對兄弟展現出截然不同的運動特質,Bronny 身高 6 呎 2 吋,以更成熟的數據和在壓力下的表現能力見長,雖然他在 USC 的大一賽季場均只有 4.8 分。而 Bryce 擁有身高優勢和潛力十足的投射手感,顯示出在大學籃球舞台上發揮的可能性。

LeBron James recently commented on Bronny's development, noting his son's increasing comfort level and mental recovery following his cardiac incident. "He's looking more and more comfortable... mentally he's starting to feel better after the incident. Everything is starting to come back in shape, to come back in form," James observed.

LeBron James 最近在談及 Bronny 的成長時提到,他的兒子在經歷心臟事件後,心態正在逐漸恢復。「他看起來越來越自信……心理上他開始好轉了。一切都在慢慢回到正軌,回到原本的狀態,」LeBron 表示。

As both brothers progress in their careers - Bronny navigating professional basketball and Bryce preparing for his collegiate debut at Arizona - their different approaches to the game continue to evolve. While comparisons are inevitable, each appears positioned to forge his own unique legacy in basketball.

隨著這對兄弟在籃球生涯中的進展——Bronny 探索職業籃球的道路,而 Bryce 準備在亞利桑那大學展開大學首秀——他們對比鮮明的籃球風格也在不斷演化。儘管比較在所難免,但每個人似乎都將建立起自己獨特的籃球傳奇。



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frank666 01/14 15:17ID正確

slluu2 01/14 15:18幫你尖 布萊斯尖

dd1115dd111501/14 15:18百分百進NBA

slluu2 01/14 15:19兩個人首抽都屌打老爸

akko76815 01/14 15:19來了來了 ID正確

pneumo 01/14 15:19每日任務 1/1

c27932589 01/14 15:20有喔 這次不只有幫你煎 還有不來煎

kobegary34 01/14 15:20好的

ccccccccccc 01/14 15:21一生推朗尼哥

Weasley40 01/14 15:21

kingianlin 01/14 15:22布萊斯都叫布朗尼什麼

Larry8212 01/14 15:22朗尼日報終於來啦~

Sessyoin 01/14 15:22電梯向下 怪不得有這篇 :(

rayes 01/14 15:22幫你煎 不來煎 喇叭煎 相煎何太急

cool34 01/14 15:22ID正確

turnpoint 01/14 15:22未來湖人先發:三個姆斯+AD+AR

kingianlin 01/14 15:22現在布萊斯到底是幾星高中生啊

love1500274 01/14 15:23每日 幫你監 督 (1/1)

akko76815 01/14 15:24布萊斯弟弟 布朗尼XX cmonbruh

frank666 01/14 15:24有人不來煎找人幫你煎

jamescle23 01/14 15:27\詹家日報/\詹家日報/\詹家日報/

MDAISUKE18 01/14 15:27解任務

e8e88 01/14 15:27推推推 每日幫你煎!

Dcwei 01/14 15:28外表笑內心煎 煎煎煎他呀

shellback 01/14 15:28朗尼戰報 小鈴鐺響起

kobebrian 01/14 15:29為啥湖人輸球你還要發布朗尼?直接酸湖人就好

chrisplash 01/14 15:30笑死,高中三分36.8趴也能吹成投籃手感

Billbehappy 01/14 15:30什麼叫做真愛 這才是真愛

Billbehappy 01/14 15:30ID 正確

harrychen41301/14 15:35幫你煎 vs 不來煎 都幾?

Y225 01/14 15:38台灣有詹家姐妹美國也有詹家兄弟

jardon 01/14 15:38車神有一部講他的

benen 01/14 15:38Bryce哦...能不能進NBA他心裡有數吧,是覺得小孩子

benen 01/14 15:38在學校開心打球就好了

jardon 01/14 15:38布萊斯比朗尼更弱

gentleman31701/14 15:40老詹的身體素質跟心靈素質剛好各分一個給兩個兒子

gentleman31701/14 15:40真慘

Kidd0502 01/14 15:40姆斯在湖人 湖人有機會選吧

Kidd0502 01/14 15:41詹家三人不就又破記錄

poz93 01/14 15:41哥哥退休了 爸爸都還沒退

benen 01/14 15:46布朗尼高中算強啦,不用靠爸就有流量的那種,他只

benen 01/14 15:46是跟頂端比沒那麼TOP

jardon 01/14 15:48布朗尼高中還可 但也就四星高中生

Andrew19999901/14 15:48拿詹家姐妹那種鞋咖來比也太污辱人了吧

jardon 01/14 15:48但我看布萊斯也被評四星..

limitlesscit01/14 15:55LBJ後年一定是最後一季,湖人吞了吧

gtq 01/14 16:02一定要打到兩個兒子都NBA不然不退休 湖人你犧牲了

k798976869 01/14 16:03數據都不好啦 到底在寫啥

zzz076 01/14 16:08幫你間比我想像中的矮

benen 01/14 16:24靠盃鞋咖害我笑了XD

kevinacc084 01/14 16:25喇叭煎 幫你煎 不來煎 湖人三巨頭

GiantChicken01/14 16:30湖人50收

PTTerzy 01/14 16:30不如哥哥這麼凸出 這句話很不妙

yyyzzz 01/14 16:32湖人就吞了吧,養我詹家一輩子

lagi5487 01/14 16:32一生只督詹家人

pippen2002 01/14 16:35TAT

silentsky55501/14 16:39詹家兄弟滑起來

Goldx5 01/14 16:39一個幫你煎一個不來煎,態度就不一樣了

matsuwu 01/14 16:45布朗尼更有熱情也更好勝。bryce 有更好的體質和天

matsuwu 01/14 16:45份,但卻沒那麼愛籃球。

seguignol 01/14 16:45悟空 悟飯 悟天

a516013 01/14 16:52每日提供朗尼消息 推

jerrylin 01/14 16:55弟弟去念大學應該就不會打NBA了吧

aallrightstw01/14 16:55布朗尼高中可獨當一面 布萊斯只能替補 差距很大

aallrightstw01/14 16:56布朗尼都只能G聯賽了 布萊斯應該是連進NBA都無法

jardon 01/14 16:58布萊斯身體天賦也沒特別好吧

jardon 01/14 16:59車神說他的數據也蠻神秘的 被藏的很隱密

jardon 01/14 16:59而且他在球隊就是替補而已

ReDive 01/14 17:10每日朗尼文 (1/1)

Demia 01/14 17:26有機會組湖人三煎客嗎?

axi 01/14 17:45老羌要撐住啊 不然Bryce怎麼進NBA 讓湖人用二輪選

GymRat 01/14 17:46布朗尼哥哥

K951753 01/14 17:54翻譯:兩個沒有天父連2輪都沒有

wewaJamesla 01/14 17:55ID正確

vltw5v 01/14 17:55幫你煎 vs. 不來煎

NTU5566NTHU 01/14 17:58Bryce 除了比較高之外沒有一點比得上Bronny

hiraymond 01/14 18:20詹家姊妹在職業賽場成績很不錯好嗎? 詹家兄弟有啥

ABSound 01/14 18:22不來煎?

sunnyyoung 01/14 18:25兩個的爸爸是同一個人 結案

Sabo5566 01/14 18:26希望至少打到50歲 孫子出來繼續撐

WoYaoDa 01/14 18:31Bryce感覺對打球沒什麼熱情

Ayanami5566 01/14 18:40司馬師 司馬昭

Toranz 01/14 19:00老爸:來幫煎 一個幫你煎一個不來煎 會比較疼誰很

Toranz 01/14 19:00清楚了

hitomi47 01/14 19:36期待詹家三巨頭 湖人城下一聚

Catalyst 01/14 19:42布朗尼 布萊斯退休戰先發小前鋒 肋布朗

Dogss 01/14 20:16球探主要看的是投籃機制 不是命中率 看命中率的話

Dogss 01/14 20:17 ai就會了不用球探

shishio7 01/14 20:38原po是NBA龍介 真愛無誤 愛之深責之切

fish7333 01/14 20:43期待美國詹家三人同場

Andrew19999901/14 21:50我第一次看到有台灣人幫詹家姐妹說話 厲害了

hiraymond 01/14 22:53不能做到就事論事也很厲害哦

PaulPierce3401/14 23:14湖人三煎客