Re: [花邊] LeBron: OMG KYRIE!!!!!!!! 這真的太狂了
![圖 LeBron: OMG KYRIE!!!!!!!! 這真的太狂了](
※ 引述《usnavyseal (usmarine2008)》之銘言:
![圖 LeBron: OMG KYRIE!!!!!!!! 這真的太狂了](
: OMG KYRIE!!!!!!!! That’s was INSANE
: 天啊,KYRIE!!!!!!!!真的太狂了!
: 應該是這球:
![圖 LeBron: OMG KYRIE!!!!!!!! 這真的太狂了](
![圖 LeBron: OMG KYRIE!!!!!!!! 這真的太狂了](
![圖 LeBron: OMG KYRIE!!!!!!!! 這真的太狂了](
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![圖 LeBron: OMG KYRIE!!!!!!!! 這真的太狂了](
![圖 LeBron: OMG KYRIE!!!!!!!! 這真的太狂了](
![圖 LeBron: OMG KYRIE!!!!!!!! 這真的太狂了](
: LeBron trying to join the squad LeBron試圖加入這支隊伍
: 備註
![圖 LeBron: OMG KYRIE!!!!!!!! 這真的太狂了](
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[外絮] KI證實:LBJ確實就是LeGMKI證實:LBJ確實就是LeGM Kyrie Irving and LeBron James started their relationship the best way in Clevela nd. The King took the young point guard under his wing, trying to teach him one thing or two about winning in the NBA. They made it to three consecutive NBA Fin als from 2015 through 2017, winning one championship in 2016.爆
[花邊] LBJ比任何人都想要KI來湖人LeBron James reportedly wants the Lakers to add Kyrie Irving ‘more than anyon e’ It stems from repeated rumbles in circulation that LeBron James is rooting har d for Irving’s addition to the roster.爆
[外絮] 記者:籃網同意讓KI像LBJ一樣管理球隊記者:籃網同意讓KI像LBJ一樣管理球隊 An anonymous source that is close to the situation recently told Steve Bulpett o f that Irving wanted to be the LeBron of the Nets. That is, he wanted the same level of influence James has with the Los Angeles Lakers in terms of ro ster decisions:爆
[外絮] KI談跟LBJ單挑結果:不能說的秘密KI談跟LBJ單挑結果:不能說的秘密 There’s no denying that during their time together with the Cavs, Kyrie Irving and LeBron James formed one of the most formidable duos in the entire NBA. Recen tly, the Brooklyn Nets superstar talked about his time playing alongside LeBron, which apparently, also included an epic 1-on-1 game between these two former te爆
[花邊] KI和LBJ最近有接觸,討論湖人重聚的可能There are credible rumblings that Kyrie Irving has recently been in contact wi th LeBron James to presumably discuss a reunion on the Lakers, per @TheSteinLi ne. 根據Marc Stein的報導,有可信的流言指出,KI最近和LBJ有所接觸,討論兩人在湖人重爆
[情報] LBJ技犯罰球沒進 KI:這是你們最好的罰球手嗎?來源: Bleacher Report 網址: "That's your best free throw shooter?" 「這是你們隊上最好的罰球手嗎?」 Kyrie after LeBron missed the free throw爆
[情報] KI以80%命中率砍下30分+10助攻KI以80%命中率砍下30分+10助攻 Kyrie tonight: 34 PTS 12 AST 12-15 FG70
[情報] 小牛曾經準備交易LBJB/R Sources: Kyrie Irving desires for Mavericks to explore acquiring Lakers st ar LeBron James to form a Big 3 with Luka Doncic: KI希望小牛可以交易來LBJ讓他們跟Doncic組成三巨頭 詳細內容61
[情報] TT力挺LBJ:不同意KI的說法,他的言論越界消息來源: 虎撲 內容: Thompson力挺LBJ:我不同意Irving的說法,他的言論越界了12
[花邊] 湖記:LBJ仍認為湖人需改善陣容交易來KIKyrie signed a 3-year, $120 million deal this summer to remain with the Dallas Mavericks. And LeBron won’t become a free agent until 2025. But on the Augus t 4 episode of “The Athletic NBA Show” insiders Jovan Buha and Sam Amick sai d that a reunion between the two superstars may still be in the cards. KI今夏和獨行俠續簽3年120M,LBJ在2025前不會變成自由球員,但記者Sam Amick和湖人
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