[外絮] LeBron James:與Bronny同隊超乎想像

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LeBron James Gets Honest About Being Teammates With Bronny


圖 LeBron James:與Bronny同隊超乎想像

Lakers star LeBron James spoke about being teammates with his son.

洛杉磯湖人的明星球員 LeBron James 最近談到與兒子成為隊友的經歷。

Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron James famously became the first player in NBA history to ever become teammates with his son (Bronny James).

LeBron 成為 NBA 歷史上首位與自己兒子(Bronny James)同隊的球員,這一壯舉引起了廣泛關注。

In a recent interview with GoJo And Golic, LeBron was asked about the experience.

在最近接受 GoJo And Golic 訪問時,LeBron 被問到這段經歷。

圖 LeBron James:與Bronny同隊超乎想像

LeBron: "It's been everything and more. I couldn't even imagine the opportunityto be able to be there with him on a day-to-day process. Through practices, through film sessions, through plane rides, road trips and things of that nature...From time to time, he does go down to the G League and continue to work on his game... Every moment that he's been around it's still surreal. I go into the locker room... I'm one of the first ones to get there, and then he'll fall in, and I just look over there, like, oh wow, yeah, this is real... It's been everything. It's so rewarding for me to kind of show him... The land of what it means to be a professional and how to approach it every day."

LeBron 說:「這一切超乎我想像。我根本無法預料會有機會和他一起,日復一日地相處。無論是訓練、看片、飛行旅程,還是路途中的各種經歷……有時他會被派去 G League 繼續發展他的技術……每次和他在一起,我仍然感到非常不可思議。我進入更衣室時通常是最早的幾個,然後他進來,我就會看著他,心裡想:哇,這是真的……這一切對我來說是如此美好。能夠向他展示職業球員的世界,並教他如何每天以專業的態度面對,對我來說是非常有意義的。」

Bronny has appeared in nine NBA games (with limited playing time).

Bronny 至今已經參加了九場 NBA 比賽,但上場時間有限。

His current averages in the G League are 13.4 points, 3.4 rebounds, 3.9 assistsand 1.1 steals per contest while shooting 36.6% from the field and 21.2% from the three-point range in seven games.

在 G League 的表現方面,Bronny 目前場均得到 13.4 分、3.4 籃板、3.9 助攻和 1.1 抄截,投籃命中率為 36.6%,三分命中率為 21.2%(這些數據來自七場比賽)。

圖 LeBron James:與Bronny同隊超乎想像

The Lakers are playing the San Antonio Spurs on Monday night (at home).


They entered play with a 20-16 record in 36 games, which has them as the sixth seed in the Western Conference.

目前,湖人隊在 36 場比賽中取得 20 勝 16 負的戰績,位居西區第六。

圖 LeBron James:與Bronny同隊超乎想像

LeBron is in his seventh season playing for the franchise.

LeBron 目前已經在湖人隊效力七個賽季。




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IaKoMu 01/15 12:30就是煮

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EZ78 01/15 12:31Risacher

likeyouuu 01/15 12:32真愛每天報到 lol

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Larry8212 01/15 12:36今天勇湖沒比賽 依舊要解任務

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Kai877 01/15 12:43McCain啊 但報銷了

Kai877 01/15 12:43其他都是雜魚

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RodrigueZ81001/15 12:53確實超乎想像的厚臉皮 逼球隊簽自己兒子

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jay60202 01/15 12:55母獅

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Andrew19999901/15 13:09洗文

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yniori 01/15 13:21這舊的也翻出來,今天禮拜三捏

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Yushinn 01/15 13:50嗯嗯

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Lionvjm95 01/15 14:55再玩下去連季後賽都沒得打了

OneManParade01/15 15:07推ID

Chang0212 01/15 15:12推一下

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DYTwu 01/15 15:21歷史笑話

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ReDive 01/15 15:48怎麼用老詹文來水朗尼文了?

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UriahFan 01/15 16:41你無法預料?誰信?

fatal5566 01/15 16:43爸氣總裁?

mailismine 01/15 16:58shit

jerrylin 01/15 17:03可是邦尼只有垃圾時間上場一分鐘也

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jerrylin 01/15 17:04LBJ妙傳給兒子上籃 多溫馨的畫面哪時才能看到

PKming 01/15 17:47好了啦☺ 沒念過大學真的有差 嘻嘻

megumirei 01/15 18:05無聊

axi 01/15 19:15老羌要等Bryce啊 不然他進不了聯盟耶

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sixis 01/15 20:38無聊

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Vhiilrvp 01/15 21:22

gangrel 01/15 21:51恥力之王,超出想像

gnl1n 01/15 22:07好好笑 終於有清醒湖迷

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OracleMage 01/16 05:30超乎想像的爛..

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