[花邊] Jalen Green的女友帶大兒子到場觀賽

看板NBA標題[花邊] Jalen Green的女友帶大兒子到場觀賽作者
(What a lovely day)
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火箭隊後衛Jalen Green現年22歲 有一位39歲的女友Draya Michele

Draya Michele是位服裝設計師 模特兒 也演過電視劇

上周末她帶22歲大的兒子到場觀看支持Jalen Green的球賽

Draya在17歲時就生下大兒子Kniko Howard 所以Jalen Green跟女友的大兒子年紀一樣!


Jalen Green與Draya Michele去年五月已生下兩人的第一個孩子

Draya Michele And Her 22-Year-Old Son Pop Out To Support Jalen Green

Draya Michele and her 22-year-old, Kniko Howard, recently attended a Houston
Rockets game to support her man, Jalen Green— who’s also 22—reigniting
their controversial age-gap relationship.

Photos and video of the mother-son moment surfaced on Sunday (Jan. 5) while
attending the Lakers vs. Rockets game in Houston.

Criticism set social media ablaze. One user tweeted, “This is just sick..
Taking advantage of that young man.. You couldn’t secure a retired athlete
or a coach? Jalen is the same age as your son.”

Another commented, “I’d be so embarrassed to have her as a mom.”

There were some who defended the mother of three. “Lol I mean I dated a
woman who’s son was my age, it be like that,” the person tweeted, adding, “
Bro a grown man, he fine. His mom’s grown, her dude grown lol. I was hype
grabbing a milf at the time too and I ain’t have M’s.”

Draya, being 17 years older than Jalen, has already spoken up amid backlash
from their relationship.

“We try to stay off the internet and really listen to that kind of stuff,”
said the reality TV star to TMZ back in June. Green chimed in, stating, “We
also don’t care.”

She added, “We block it out and we mind our business. I don’t know what
people’s problem is. Two adults being in love, I don’t know why that would
rub people the wrong way. It’s kind of weird. Love is love at the end of the

The two welcomed their daughter, whose name has not been shared, last May.


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LoMing1021 01/08 00:44同學的媽媽

david884050501/08 00:45Bro what? 我要叫你爸爸

onepiecefan 01/08 00:46他女兒的媽也是他高中同學的媽

Qorqios 01/08 00:46@@ 瓦力!

ejijo761115 01/08 00:48少年不知阿姨好 錯把少女當成寶

ejijo761115 01/08 00:48看來杰倫長大了

Winston1384001/08 00:49X你娘…

vvvv0o0vvvv 01/08 00:50不是說說而已

QOO9142 01/08 00:52Roberto Petagine表示:嫩,我兒子比我大一歲

Eos 01/08 00:53他女友IG追蹤數是他的四倍

sunnyyoung 01/08 00:55長得好像金星

zxcv40604 01/08 01:05美國人真會玩..

chinhan1216 01/08 01:09黑人完全沒在管的

akko76815 01/08 01:11:你們兩兄弟感情真好 :哦 他是我兒子

cross980115 01/08 01:12這年紀大了一輪 可以當媽欸

JKjohnwick 01/08 01:16吃真好

conqueror50701/08 01:17真-干你娘...

Siika 01/08 01:21真的是x你娘

cor1os 01/08 01:32瓦綠連小孩都生了 -.-

sseeaann 01/08 01:46原來x你娘不是髒話是真的!

pricek 01/08 01:50貴圈真亂

ymes9112 01/08 02:01我來看同歲的爸爸打球

sodastream 01/08 02:43馬路上很像兒子跟著媽媽走...

allyourshit 01/08 03:12黑人真的愛大屁股 那個屁股說沒整過我不信

clkdtm32 01/08 04:03少女才是真的好

cool8418 01/08 04:19真正的曹軍厲害了

taristocrat 01/08 05:3417

LeGGoRay 01/08 06:08杰倫 ‧ 格林 ‧ 曹

MotleyCrue 01/08 06:13曹家軍集結!

MacBookAir1201/08 07:43不知道原因覺得中文翻譯解釋關係很複雜XD

DLoJCIG 01/08 07:56難怪最近跟鬼一樣

ken720331 01/08 08:09老牛吃嫩草?

kamourj77 01/08 08:14痾…啊

sttyuio5083 01/08 08:16美國嘔嘔

sezna 01/08 08:18朋友的母親

Royalweger 01/08 08:29原來是杰倫.孟德.格林

yugowolf 01/08 08:49喬丹兒子跟皮朋叔叔的前妻也曾在一起 這個在國外真

yugowolf 01/08 08:49的沒什麼 台灣現在也有不少女生大男生10歲以上的

Griffey168 01/08 08:59中國人500年前就有了!朱見深!

uno7758 01/08 09:04台灣有句俚語就是在形容這狀況阿 "干你娘"

tobbaco 01/08 09:06蛤?

pippen2002 01/08 09:1039歲有個22的兒子??17歲剛滿就生下?可以生?

zjeff1 01/08 09:21MILF

FredVanVleet01/08 09:32紅明顯 網址失效囉

yamatai 01/08 10:04女生大男生10歲以上的 結果還是男生很有錢 XD

JimmyBlue 01/08 10:23女生也超有錢的吧

killuaz 01/08 10:36曹杰倫

Vincent233 01/08 11:1517歲為什麼不能生?健康教育是不是要重讀

rondo0417 01/08 11:52看ig好辣

gginin007 01/08 12:49曹家軍