[情報] Lillard會參加訓練營無論在哪隊

看板NBA標題[情報] Lillard會參加訓練營無論在哪隊作者
時間推噓43 推:47 噓:4 →:15


Damian Lillard Will Report To Camp For Whatever Team He's On

Damian Lillard wants to be traded to the Miami Heat. That desire won't
change, even if the Portland Trail Blazers trade Lillard elsewhere. However,
Lillard will show up to training camp for whatever team he's on, despite his
desire to play in Miami.

After a report surfaced that said Lillard would only report to camp for
either Portland or Miami, there's new reporting that says that's false. WhileLillard will still push for a trade to the Heat if traded to another team, hewill report to that team and take part in whatever activities the team wants.

That stance includes if Lillard is still a member of the Trail Blazers when
camp opens on October 3. Lillard will report to Portland's camp, but it will
be up to the Blazers as to how they choose to handle his participation this








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jzsc5566 09/12 23:51反觀乞丐鬍

LukaDoncic7709/12 23:54算是皆大歡喜的結果

ginopun1047709/12 23:55不急

NightElf 09/12 23:55跪了QQ

tim3045 09/12 23:55歹戲拖棚…

jasonbass 09/12 23:58聯盟不是早就警告過了

NiuBi5566 09/13 00:02留在阿拓訓練營只有尷尬二字

ClownT 09/13 00:04可以學大聖啊

Sessyoin 09/13 00:06#不急 #忠誠

Chanlin01 09/13 00:08鬧那麼大 去阿拓訓練營跟隊友一定很尬

jason61206 09/13 00:11反觀一樓只能在這酸

magamanzero 09/13 00:15保安 保安 話可以這樣一直放 一直放的嗎

sustainer12309/13 00:20縮了 怕罰錢 符合死要錢人設

meson 09/13 00:26闢謠了

therealntu 09/13 00:41#死要錢

PKming 09/13 00:47急了 ^^b (貓咪比讚)

wahaha303 09/13 00:54這齣戲還要多久…

a1216543 09/13 00:56老臣晚年不得善終 摳連

SlamKai 09/13 01:27阿銀:會怕喔

justin0621 09/13 01:29怎麼不硬下去

beastlcc12 09/13 02:20好了啦

aegis80728 09/13 02:39

圖 Lillard會參加訓練營無論在哪隊

seemoon2000 09/13 03:00這傢伙到底是三小

MK47 09/13 03:12忠誠二象限 在原隊開季 忠誠拓荒者 去別隊開季 忠於

MK47 09/13 03:13自我 反正你觀測到的都是滿滿的忠誠 現在還沒決定

MK47 09/13 03:13就暫定個如忠吧 如李忠誠般忠誠 #忠誠

babyalley 09/13 03:19縮了 呵呵 笑死

stiooe 09/13 03:41富邦勇士隊

cpujerry 09/13 04:11妥協?

asxcvb 09/13 04:25至少領錢就做事啊 比那些不參加的人好多了

ken720331 09/13 05:56人設破壞

qoomilk 09/13 06:00?????不硬????

AtDe 09/13 06:04會怕罰錢就好XD

CHUNGHUA 09/13 06:56這個記者現在是完全偏小李了,他在推特上是完全站

CHUNGHUA 09/13 06:56在小李那邊去批評拓荒者球團的狀況

yellow528 09/13 07:11好奇他想去熱火的原因是什麼啊

qq0526 09/13 07:13富邦勇士

yellow528 09/13 07:13感覺熱火要拆了一堆球員還不一定換的到

kkoejeo 09/13 07:36太快了吧

b9606022 09/13 07:38有人在偷黑小李,小李不是那麼不敬業的人

pongbao 09/13 07:40就是在阿拓了啦,不然還有哪隊 #急

showchen 09/13 07:53@fbtm @jzsc5566

skygray2 09/13 07:54忠誠人設一直在變耶,厲害了我的李

haru0508 09/13 08:05笑死

baller0allen09/13 08:08軟了

yinaser 09/13 08:13等著被交易不然他又能幹嘛

h75311418 09/13 08:20不是有指定嗎怎麼縮了

a11011788 09/13 08:27又改了 笑死

n10617 09/13 08:29急了

leon82guy 09/13 08:35憑忠誠入選的75大可以換了吧

s66449 09/13 08:50笑死

PekoKiara 09/13 08:51急了

Recoverism 09/13 08:56這咖本來就不值得75大

ymsc30102 09/13 09:10忠誠獸真慘

GoodGoodEat 09/13 09:12不是本人出來闢謠?

winnerdinner09/13 09:47放軟惹

sexycute 09/13 09:49去氣氛的?

anboy47 09/13 10:26忠臣李!

k798976869 09/13 10:54急了

fffyyy50 09/13 11:57之前聽信傳聞翻車的好笑吧

whhw 09/13 11:58不急

ABA0525 09/13 13:02刷子

pony95159 09/13 13:26急了

AHEAD099 09/13 14:00就忠誠人設崩塌而已 身為球員的職業道德還是要有

lancelot902 09/13 15:13以他在拓荒的地位訓練營才不會尷尬

timgjh 09/13 22:14其實這篇也是傳言阿XD