[外絮] Moody與Kuminga 一樣,對定位感到挫折

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Warriors' Moses Moody joins Jonathan Kuminga in role frustration
Things are not good right now in The Bay.

By Tim Crean2024年1月5日 at 下午8:09 GMT+13 min read

There’s trouble with the Golden State Warriors as the team slipped to 16-18 on the season and 11th place in the Western Conference with a loss Thursday night to the Denver Nuggets. And now, amid bombshell news that Jonathan Kuminga has “lost faith” in Steve Kerr, there is also a report that Moses Moody is also unhappy with his role in The Bay.

“Source: Warriors GM, Mike Dunleavy Jr. has been directly asked about the organization’s plan for Moses Moody with the intention of finding him a more consistent role,” Warriors sideline reporter Jason Dumas reported on Thursday, “The third year wing has fallen out of the rotation and has two straight DNP-CDs.”

After this information surfaced, Dumas joined Willard & Dibbs on 95.7 The Game to explain his tweet further.

Host Mark Williard pondered whether the Moody leaks were coming from the player's camp or if other teams interested in trading for the 21-year-old wing were the ones behind it. Dumas didn’t answer directly, but his response made it pretty clear at least what direction his source was coming from.

“I did try to be discreet intentionally, Dumas admitted. “But I can say, in fact, that the people around Moses, they’re frustrated with the lack of a role and consistency … For the lack of a better term it feels like he almost seems like the sacrificial lamb. Whenever there's a logjam, he's the guy that falls out.”

The sideline reporter did add that Moody loves living in the Bay Area and playing for the Warriors, but it is “understandable” that Moody would be “frustrated and would want a clear path to playing time, whether it be here or somewhere else.”

The Warriors are at a crossroads

Steve Kerr and the Warriors are at an inflection point in their dynastic run in the 2023-24 season. It is clear that the roster, as currently constituted and implemented, is not a championship-level or maybe even a playoff-caliber roster.

So, Mike Dunleavy Jr. now must make the biggest decision of his burgeoning GM career.

Will he offload young talent like Moses Moody and Jonathan Kuminga to bring in more veterans to try and beef up the experience around the core Big 3 of Stephen Curry, Draymond Green, and Klay Thompson one more time? Or, will he jettison veterans like Green, Thompson, and Chris Paul to get more young pieces and hope Curry can lead them and Moody and Kuminga in larger roles to greater heights?

We’ll find out in just over a month, as the 2024 NBA trade deadline is looming on Thursday, Feb. 8.

勇士隊的摩西·穆迪(Moses Moody)繼喬納森·庫明加(Jonathan Kuminga)後,也對於角色定位感到挫折,現在灣區的情況並不樂觀。

在星期四晚上輸給丹佛金塊後,金州勇士隊的戰績降至16勝18負,位於西區第11名。現在,除了爆炸性消息指出喬納森·庫明加對於史蒂夫·克爾(Steve Kerr)失去信心外,還有報導稱摩西·穆迪對他在灣區的角色感到不滿。

"消息來源:勇士隊總經理邁克·鄧利維(Mike Dunleavy Jr.)已直接詢問有關摩西·穆迪的未來球隊角色計劃,目的是找到給他一個更一致的角色," 勇士隊場邊記者傑森·杜馬斯(Jason Dumas)在星期四報導說,"這位三年級的小前鋒已經退出了輪換陣容,連續兩場比賽都是沒有出場時間(DNP-CD)。"

在這一信息曝光後,杜馬斯加入了95.7 The Game的Willard&Dibbs節目,進一步解釋了他的推文。

主持人馬克·威拉德(Mark Willard)猜測穆迪的消息是否來自球員陣營,或者是其他想交易這位21歲小前鋒來的球隊放出的假消息。杜馬斯沒有直接回答,但他的回答至少清楚地表明了他的消息來源來自哪個方向。

"我確實試圖保持謹慎," 杜馬斯承認說,"但我可以肯定,摩西周圍的人對他缺少出場時間、球隊缺少一致性感到沮喪,有時他能進入到輪換當中,有時又無緣無故地跌出輪換。 他感覺自己就像「犧牲的羔羊」。 每當球隊遇到困難時,他就是那個無法出場、被換下的人。"




因此,邁克·鄧利維(Mike Dunleavy Jr.)現在必須在他總經理生涯中做出最重要的決定。

他會放棄像摩西·穆迪和喬納森·庫明加這樣的年輕才俊,引進更多的老將,試圖加強圍繞史蒂芬·柯瑞(Stephen Curry)、德雷蒙德·格林(Draymond Green)和克萊·湯普森(Klay Thompson)這個核心三巨頭的經驗?

還是,他會放棄像格林、湯普森和克里斯·保羅(Chris Paul)這樣的老將,獲得更多的年輕球員,希望柯瑞能帶領他們和穆迪、庫明加在更大的角色中取得更大的成就?


Sent from JPTT on my Samsung SM-S918B.


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leevarchu 01/06 04:20怎麼最近勇士的新聞這麼多 484有更衣室風暴啊

nk10803 01/06 04:23搭配嘴綠要回來的新聞 拳頭在癢了

ooxxman 01/06 04:25嘴綠在休息室很重要,不在柯學家壓不住小醬紛紛氣氛

sam123343 01/06 04:31綠師傅打的也很差 回來一定更亂

sam123343 01/06 04:32老的表現沒好到讓年輕的閉嘴 正常

sam123343 01/06 04:32戰績那麼差 又一直擺老人陣

sam123343 01/06 04:32應該說..戰績差 根本教練調度搞的

LukaDoncic7701/06 04:42現在感覺休息室有狀況的就戰績差的勇湖啊,一個C10

LukaDoncic7701/06 04:42一個C11

XXXaBg 01/06 04:42我勇這季比跨年煙火炸的更燦爛:)

maycefe 01/06 04:50回來一拳一個小將更衣室就安靜了

breed 01/06 04:52嘴綠回來就會安靜了

SCARHSCARL 01/06 04:52難怪綠師傅那麼快就能復出、四哥也那麼想他

therealntu 01/06 05:11#勇士選人 #勇士養成

henryhao 01/06 05:18集體出怪聲

hsienhao 01/06 05:19在你們來之前

SEVEnMonth 01/06 05:21嘴綠:不然我長兩顆拳頭是要幹嘛的

turnpoint 01/06 05:25綠師傅不但有兩個拳頭,還有兩隻腳呢,苦命跟穆迪

turnpoint 01/06 05:25準備好了沒?

qkla 01/06 05:30嘴綠回來更慘,分裂的更直接

turnpoint 01/06 05:39講白了,這季老將組的重點就是要讓KT刷數據好續約

turnpoint 01/06 05:39,小將組的重點是要上場時間跟開火權,兩者是互斥

turnpoint 01/06 05:39的。去年嘴綠跟普爾,勇士球團跟球迷選擇了理虧但

turnpoint 01/06 05:39有功勳的嘴綠,今年看來也是類似的選擇。

jerrystarks 01/06 05:44聽說老闆肯花錢球星又都是自己養的,這2位算球星嗎?

ODFans 01/06 05:49開始了 這種用法小將一定不滿 大概想便宜簽小將

ODFans 01/06 05:51如果球隊戰績好 你還可以PUA小將說是你不夠好

ODFans 01/06 05:51但問題是現在戰績長這樣 小將不爽沒時間正常

wakayama 01/06 05:52跟風球迷要跳船要快

wuling1001 01/06 06:15雀食

semicoma 01/06 06:17Kuminga: "I feel moody."

semicoma 01/06 06:17記者: "Kuminga對Moody感同身受"

ken720331 01/06 06:19勇士四小將解散

hanslins 01/06 06:33這個時間點出聲非常正確,交易大概在十天後開始動

hanslins 01/06 06:33到二月八號,他們要走才有大約可能

lpsobig 01/06 06:52要幾篇

a516013 01/06 06:52打的好被冰沒話說 打得好也被冰誰受的了

cloki 01/06 06:58嘴綠回來感覺也像被老將當刀用...?

coyoteY 01/06 07:07勇湖一家親

karmel 01/06 07:09Moody還比苦命更慘...

birdruei 01/06 07:10穆迪JK走一走啦,看到Kerr 這樣糟蹋真的無言

karmel 01/06 07:11他們明明都是有能力可以吃更多時間

emptie 01/06 07:26綠師傅這季空檔三分很準

emptie 01/06 07:26不過年輕人有年輕人好用的地方

kl50365 01/06 07:26下一場會給他一定的上場時間,然後慢慢變少,最後繼

kl50365 01/06 07:27續DNP,你吵就給你一顆糖,KERR一貫的手段啦

harry070200001/06 07:30曾幾何時勇士變成新秀墳場了

www90173 01/06 07:32爽 都鬧起來

www90173 01/06 07:32功勳籃球就是噁心

ken720331 01/06 07:32等咖哩退休後看有沒有首輪給kerr養看看證明他會養

ken720331 01/06 07:32

ken720331 01/06 07:33對了薪資最大團的壓力還是在

dream128520101/06 07:34等綠師傅回來用拳頭教訓

iwinlottery 01/06 07:38怪聲 要解體了嗎

kauw 01/06 07:50綠巨人需要回來鎮壓了

answerx 01/06 07:52就一個爛隊一直發文是怎樣

n10617 01/06 07:55來了來了 誠實小將到時會一個一個被鐵拳拉正嗎?

Royalweger 01/06 07:57金州苦殺隊與木殺隊即將結成

linyi520 01/06 08:11勇士快解體了

dear0106 01/06 08:14拳怕少壯,真的要出手嘴綠只會被按在地上摩擦

how0216 01/06 08:23柯學家這調度都可以護航 屌喔

s114752 01/06 08:28智障柯爾

vul4c04u4 01/06 08:31這邊只會有柯殺隊吧 這啥爛調度

yueyi313 01/06 08:32苦命想賺錢,勇士那些投不進的射手拼命投又要頂薪

yueyi313 01/06 08:32才好笑咧!連出場時間都不給!笑死!放任老將亂投

yueyi313 01/06 08:32

alan5232000 01/06 08:36跟湖人一樣 教練開搞

convey1227 01/06 08:46戰績迷跑光光

godmoon 01/06 09:03說好的the speech 呢

gtq 01/06 09:07嘴綠表示:你們先發前我們就已經是冠軍了

skixhbyu 01/06 09:34嘴綠要回來這兩個時間可能又更少

NightElf 01/06 09:44當年選秀說好的神選 嘻嘻

jumilin927 01/06 09:47兩個留不住了

MafiaGraves 01/06 10:04選的很好啊 但養的爛 然後又不肯認錯交易

MafiaGraves 01/06 10:04然後就球員爛掉球隊賠掉 雙輸

pf775101 01/06 10:28勇士這節奏就是拆台前奏了

xiao07 01/06 10:58可悲勇 還是自盡吧 自家球迷都快看不下去

qvt 01/06 11:12嘴綠一拳一個

a22122212 01/06 11:54嘴綠:家裡沒大人了是不是

friends29 01/07 04:17綠師傅回來先一個人送一拳再說