[情報] Mo Bamba預計明天復出

看板NBA標題[情報] Mo Bamba預計明天復出作者
時間推噓15 推:15 噓:0 →:3

Another Mo Bamba update:

Team source tells @TheAthletic that Mo Bamba is expected to be available to play for the first time this season with the LA Clippers tomorrow vs Utah Jazz.

Bamba played with the San Diego Clippers Thursday.

Mo Bamba預期明天對陣爵士的比賽可以本季初登場。



I got hoooes, callin…


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owlrex 11/17 09:37鬍子的失誤又要上升了

SeanLi1013 11/17 09:42不期不待 沒有傷害

yoyonigo 11/17 09:43應該沒人會太期待這隻了吧 (

laputaca 11/17 09:58我看成曼巴==

madeathmao 11/17 10:01復出了也只是溫板凳吧

hws606 11/17 10:39完全不知道他在快艇

kkl522608 11/17 10:42Mo加油啊

K0RVER 11/17 10:52魔班霸

Max9777 11/17 10:53班霸肯定行

O10lOl01O 11/17 10:59快艇中鋒除了Zu 再來就是吞哥去扛 能不期待?

chenliu0716 11/17 11:18魔班霸

ELV420 11/17 12:00bamba in

jason911152 11/17 12:28終於==

indexc 11/17 12:43靠 莫斑巴

gnl1n 11/17 13:10I got hooooooooo

flicker36 11/17 13:10他還在?

shingi 11/17 13:332k之王

hcl00 11/17 14:10動作緩慢沒球商但有頂級機體和投籃