[花邊] Ty Lue:James Harden今天帶病上場
Ty Lue said James Harden was really sick today but played through illness.
Ty Lue說Harden今天真的生病了,但他還是帶病上場
Ty Lue: “We just gotta win games until we get No. 2 back.”
Ty Lue:我們只需要繼續贏得比賽,撐到可愛回歸
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[外絮] Ty Lue:小牛打得很好 有很棒的比賽計劃與執行力Ty Lue: "Tip hats to Dallas played a hell of a series... had a good game plan, stuck to it, executed." Tip o' the hat to JKidd. Ty Lue:「該致敬達拉斯打出了非常棒的系列戰...他們有好的比賽計畫,維持住比賽計畫99
[情報] Ty Lue 談附加賽: 我們準備好了消息來源: Ty Lue on the play-in: "We're ready. It is what it is, three games in four days." Ty Lue 接受訪問時談到接下來面對灰狼隊的附加賽93
[情報] Ty Lue 透露Kawhi這個球季想要打更多比賽消息來源: Ty Lue says Kawhi Leonard is playing in a back-to-back because Kawhi said he's feeling good. He said Kawhi wanted to play in more games this season. 快艇隊總教練 Ty Lue 談到啟用 Kawhi Leonard 打背靠背比賽是因為他表示自己感覺良好66
[情報] Marcus Morris 談Ty Lue: 傾聽球員的聲音消息來源: Marcus Morris on Ty Lue's success in elimination games: "He's always calm, always has a chill demeanor. ... He listens to the players and he allows us to be us."49
[情報] Lue:哈登在練習後還會留下來加練擋拆記者問Lue做了什麼讓Harden開賽後打得如此主動有侵略性 Lue表示Harden只是想展現自己還是大家期待的那個James Harden 另外也透露Harden在練習後還會留下來跟Zubac 以及Theis加練擋拆 Asked Ty Lue what he did to get James Harden open the game aggressively, Lue said Harden wanted to show that he can be the James Harden that people expect49
[外絮] PG:還有甚麼比4個南加孩子達成成就更好的故事嗎?Kawhi Leonard on James Harden joining the Clippers: "Once it went down, I was in bed at the time. Excited. He's one of the best players to step on an NBA floor. We've got a lot to figure out, and I'm happy for him. Ready to see him play in a Clipper jersey."43
[外絮] Kerr:我原本想叫暫停的但因為場上太混亂了所以我叫不了暫停Steve Kerr says he wanted to call a timeout in the final six to eight seconds but it was an absolute scramble and chaos on the court so it was too difficult to call timeout. He said he was proud of Gary Payton taking the shot confidently when he got the ball there.37
[情報] Tyronn Lue:我需要82場消息來源:(網址或出處) 內容: T Lue, no context: “I’m gonna need 82 games @NotoriousOHM”30
[情報] Ty Lue:Zu與Theis都喜歡和Harden一起打球Ty Lue on James Harden: "Zu loves playing with him, Theis loves playing with him. He makes their job easier." Ty Lue談到James Harden:「Zu喜歡和他(Harden)打球,Theis喜歡和他打球。Harden讓他 們的工作輕鬆很多。」25
[花邊] Ty Lue:快艇的能量來自上一次的大敗Ty Lue said the Clippers were motivated by that loss to Boston last month in LA. Lue said there was a chance PG might not play due to the groin issue but PG insisted on playing. The Clippers wanted to see where they stand in what Lue called a measuring stick game.
[花邊] DDR生涯對戰LBJ:14勝46敗21
[外絮] Brett Siegel乳摸整理19
[花邊] LH-Wade:湖人不是爭冠隊,快拉上Bronny30
[花邊] 馬祖拉遭罰3萬5 稱:我是說聖誕快樂35
Re: [情報] 富堡與國王討論了Fox的未來;馬刺準備追86
[情報] 富堡與國王討論了Fox的未來;馬刺準備追