[外絮] Kuzma回覆LBJ推特:非法招募!!!

看板NBA標題[外絮] Kuzma回覆LBJ推特:非法招募!!!作者
(Kawhi Leonard頭號粉絲)
時間推噓43 推:44 噓:1 →:19


As soon as the trade request was made public, a lot of people reacted to it, including LeBron James, who posted a cryptic message on Twitter. Of course, everybody knew this was about Kyrie and started replying to the King.

KI的交易申請一公開,就引起了很多人的反應,包括LBJ,他在推特上發布了一條神秘的消息。 當然,每個人都知道這是關於KI的,並開始回覆LBJ。

Former teammate Kyle Kuzma was among that group of people, and as soon as he saw the tweet, he called 'tampering' on LeBron. This was a light-hearted joke by Kuz, but it's hilarious when you remember that LeBron is called 'LeGM' by a lot of fans as he tends to build his own teams.


圖 Kuzma回覆LBJ推特:非法招募!!!
Jokes aside, it seems like the Lakers are the frontrunners to get Kyrie before the 2023 trade deadline strikes. The 17-time NBA champions have been looking to make some improvements on the roster and adding Kyrie to their squad will surelyboost their chances to compete in the Western Conference.


If they add Kyrie to the team, the Lakers will look really dangerous on paper, but we all know that on paper doesn't always translate to the court. It happenedwith Russell Westbrook last season and it could happen with Kyrie this one. Time will tell how this situation plays out, but the Lakers could be in for a treatif they manage to send a good package to Brooklyn before next Thursday.



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※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 02/05/2023 08:43:13

※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 02/05/2023 08:43:29

madeathmao 02/05 08:43咦,不是玩笑?

JustBecauseU02/05 08:44褲子:那我勒

hunt5566 02/05 08:44看似玩笑

laking 02/05 08:44相信洛城能治好他

f77928 02/05 08:44東南西北

mmchen 02/05 08:45誰知道私底下有沒有聯絡

aa29824306 02/05 08:45龜龜 KD 西門 同隊 畫面會很美

asn789451 02/05 08:46懂得都懂

flyintmtc 02/05 08:48誰看都知道LeGM,只有詹迷裝傻還在替詹開脫

Kerere 02/05 08:48與其補KI 湖人現在更缺褲子這樣的鋒線...

ABiao0220 02/05 08:49你以為那是玩笑嗎

NOKIA8888 02/05 08:49懂得都懂

GenesisXD 02/05 08:50LeGM

flyintmtc 02/05 08:50AD-龜-KI,哪個跟詹沒關?

jenchieh5 02/05 08:50KD:KD覺得不好笑

dereklin 02/05 08:51真的噁 詹迷還在無視組團天王

ntusimmon 02/05 08:51換KI的主要目的是把龜送走啊

ljk476820 02/05 08:53看到引戰ID在這取暖就放心了 嘖嘖

ljk476820 02/05 08:53果然物以類聚比較好

k798976869 02/05 08:54

rothanlin 02/05 08:54發個好友互嘴的貼文而已,也要被貼引戰標籤XDD

rothanlin 02/05 08:55預防針打很大欸

ste14563 02/05 08:56湖人要了

lexus3310 02/05 08:56褲子是認真的吧

flyintmtc 02/05 08:56沒辦法,有球星版不去,鳩佔鵲巢,就只能等某人離開

flyintmtc 02/05 08:57或退休才能回去了

laking 02/05 08:57以前KI在明星賽跟KD私聊的時候怎麼說

z3939889 02/05 08:58不組團不會贏球的咖

Hohenzollern02/05 08:59Kuzma真是老詹的損友XD

gametv 02/05 08:59LeGM是GOAT級的

e8e88 02/05 09:00褲子一生專督一人

Elfgj 02/05 09:01欸都不揪的哦

super009 02/05 09:02褲子真的都沒在怕姆斯的 從寫詩 推他防守到現在

aegis80728 02/05 09:02懂得都懂

Bilison 02/05 09:06東南西北詹黑大將軍褲子馬怎麼會缺席

MK47 02/05 09:10詩仙KuZ一生只監督你一人

pongbao 02/05 09:12又臭!

ko309491 02/05 09:12褲子真的很皮XDDDDD

YakultSlime 02/05 09:25笑死

zingy 02/05 09:26一輩子都在抱團的懦夫

ooxxman 02/05 09:26詩鬼褲子的一針見血

l2l 02/05 09:40多少真心話都以玩笑的方式說出來

kashnes 02/05 09:46玩笑?全世界只有姆迷才會這樣覺得吧

aru0926 02/05 09:59褲子跟喇叭是真的感情好吧

uam 02/05 10:14沒有招募褲子,褲子不爽

donkilu 02/05 10:15褲子馬是詹黑大將軍耶

uam 02/05 10:15真心的玩笑,真心話的玩笑,選一個

Childishan 02/05 10:19笑死 bron 不是只發一個眼睛

Childishan 02/05 10:19嗎XDD

Zacoe 02/05 10:24褲子就是老是這麼誠實才會被賣掉

softwords 02/05 10:26都圍巾巴的?

Artist 02/05 10:46Kuz真的是從小虧LBJ到大 一生只監督..

KyleKuzma 02/05 10:50我知道你們不知道的。非法招募!!!

taboothorn 02/05 10:52I'm 38!!

choyourmilk 02/05 10:55好笑?這不是事實嗎

BL4CK 02/05 11:23大詩人肯定不是開玩笑

nkfcc 02/05 11:26湖人如果拉不出三方交易的話應該是落後者吧?

csyhri 02/05 11:51褲子真的有夠麻吉

stocktonty 02/05 11:55又不會被罰 顆顆

gangrel 02/05 11:57褲子真男人

RedDaSu 02/05 13:22就是因為是事實,所以才是笑話

mambarko 02/05 17:24又想抱腿進季後賽不意外

leibalung 02/05 20:41交易你是合法交易

Jasonnnnn 02/06 16:08