[花邊] Harden:在生涯中我沒有任何遺憾

(In my career, I have no regrets. I'm happy where I am, and I'm excited.)
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[情報] Harden跟Morey關係決裂,仍只想去快艇“The relationship between James Harden and Daryl Morey is essentially severed, it’s essentially fractured throughout this process.” NBA Insider @ShamsCharania has the latest on James Harden. Shams Charania:「James Harden和Daryl Morey基本上是斷絕關係的情形,兩人從火箭至爆
[花邊] Harden:我們會試著解決問題快艇101-105不敵灰熊,遭遇五連敗。賽後,快艇球員James Harden接受了採訪。 “We're all in this together. It's not just one person. We're all trying to fi gure it out together. All got positive energy. Obviously it's tough losing gam es consecutively, but we're all in this thing together and we know the bigger爆
[情報] 鉛筆:這很可能是我生涯首次有這麼大空位Joel Embiid on playing with James Harden for the first time: "That was probably the most wide open I've ever been in my career." Joel Embiid談第一次與James Harden一起搭檔比賽: "這很可能是我職業生涯首次有這麼大的空位。"爆
[花邊] James Harden談今天的補灌:可能是生涯首次"It might've been the first one of my career, 13 years. I had to let it out. I wasn't that great when I looked at the highlight, but it felt great" James Harden talks about his putback dunk tonight and the energy at Barclays Center vs. the Knicks97
[花邊] 溫胖:哈登可開家公司 教導球員如何被交易"[James Harden] is undefeated in 4 trades in his career... He should open up a consultancy where he advises players on how to get traded because he’s untouchable.” —Brian Windhorst (via @ESPNNBA)60
[情報] Harden:感謝火箭把我送到籃網,這裡的Harden:感謝火箭把我送到籃網,這裡的隊友都十分優秀 虎撲01月16日訊 根據此前消息的報導,火箭通過四方交易將後衛James Harden送至籃網 。 今日,籃網後衛Harden接受了媒體記者的採訪。49
[外絮] PG:還有甚麼比4個南加孩子達成成就更好的故事嗎?Kawhi Leonard on James Harden joining the Clippers: "Once it went down, I was in bed at the time. Excited. He's one of the best players to step on an NBA floor. We've got a lot to figure out, and I'm happy for him. Ready to see him play in a Clipper jersey."32
[情報] Harden:我很期待和球隊訓練,能看比賽哈登:我很期待和球隊訓練,能看比賽錄像並且變得更好 虎撲01月19日訊 在剛剛結束的比賽中,籃網以125-123戰勝公鹿。賽後,籃網後衛James Harden 接受了採訪。 談到自己還沒來得及和球隊一起訓練時,Harden說:“說實話,我很期待和球隊訓練。很30
[花邊] 哈登談客場對戰火箭:我很興奮來源: 完整標題:哈登談對戰火箭 我很興奮,我在哪裡有一個很棒的生涯 虎撲03月02日訊 今天的比賽中,籃網124-113擊敗馬刺。 本場比賽,籃網後衛James Harden出戰44分鐘,23投12中得到30分14籃板15助攻2搶斷。 談到接下來對陣火箭,Harden說:“是的,我很興奮,回到休斯頓,我在那里有一個很棒21
[情報] Rasheed Wallace:Irving和Harden的後場Rasheed Wallace:Irving和Harden的後場組合可能不大行 虎撲11月26日訊 近日,前NBA球員Rasheed Wallace接受記者採訪,在採訪中他對籃網可能的後場組合—— Harden和Irving,做出了自己的判斷。 Wallace說:“我認為這個組合可能不是那麽有效。因為你看看這兩個球員,James